Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:44:25 PM

Chapter 1315: 1315

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After seeing the card in Ye Chen's hand, the woman with golden silk glasses showed a shocked expression on her face.

Then she smiled and said, "Sir, I just heard that you are looking for our boss. I don't know what's the matter?"

"I want to talk to him about cooperation." Ye Chen said with a smile.

When the security guard heard it, he snorted coldly: "You, a takeaway brother, really aren't afraid to blow the bull."

Song Li waved her hand to the security guard and said, "Leave it to me to deal with it. Go ahead and do your job."

The security guards were also a little surprised. When did Secretary Song turn out to be so good, when they encountered this situation before, they let them blast people away directly.

"It's Secretary Song." The security guard turned and left after speaking.

Song Li let Ye Chen in with a smile: "Sir, I will take you to see my boss."

Yu Yang is sitting in the boss chair, thinking about beautiful things. His entertainment company has generated a lot of income for him.

Moreover, the artists under his company are very popular, singing and acting are not a problem. It is only with these artists that he can have the position he is today.

Therefore, even though Yu Yang is the boss of the company, he is also polite to these artists, even as an ancestor.

Dangdang, there was a knock on the door outside, and this untimely sound interrupted his dream.

"Who is it?" Yu Yang said in an angry tone.

"Boss Yu, it's me, Secretary Song." Song Li said softly.

"Oh, Secretary Song, come in." A foreign voice came from inside.

Song Li opened the door and walked in, while Ye Chen followed.

"Secretary Song, I still want to find you, you just came." Yu Yang pulled Song Li to the side and said with a smile.

"Boss Yu, wait a minute, I brought a person and he said he wanted to see you." Song Li said with a smile.

At this time, Yu Yang noticed the man behind Song Li.

He looked up and down Ye Chen, his face was displeased and said: "Secretary Song, how do you do things, we are an entertainment company, not a catering company, why did you bring this takeaway boy to me?"

"Boss Yu, it's like this. She is not an ordinary takeaway. She has a bank card that shows her identity." Song Li whispered in Yang's ear.

Her voice is very small, only the two of them can know.

Ye Chen stood there, not caring what Song Li and Yu Yang were talking about.

Suddenly, a surprised expression appeared on Yu Yang's face: "What you said is true. Didn't you read it wrong?"

"It's true. I took a closer look at the card just now and it is indeed true." Song Li whispered.

It seems that Ye Chen's background is not small, and Yu Yang hurriedly walked to Ye Chen and said, "Dare to ask Mr. Honored name."

"Ye Chen." Ye Chen replied lightly.

"Oh, Mr. Ye, please sit down and listen to Secretary Song saying that you want to discuss business with me." Yu Yang said with a smile on his face.

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "Forget it, boss Yu, I still won't sit down. Where is your place where people like us can come? It's really harder to see you than to climb to the sky."

Yu Yang is not stupid, he can hear that this is Ye Chen's mocking of him, if Ye Chen is an ordinary takeaway boy, he will immediately ask the security to throw the man in front of him.

But after listening to Song Li's description, he knew that the person in front of him was very difficult, and he must have a strong background behind him.

"Mr. Ye, I have heard about what happened just now. I'm really sorry. Don't blame the security guards. The main thing is that they are responsible. Someone did pranks before." Yu Yang said apologetically.

"Don't worry, boss, I'm not the kind of stingy person, well, my time is also very precious, let's make a long story short." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, I think so, I don't know who is Mr. Ye to talk about cooperation with others?" Yu Yang said straightforwardly.

He really couldn't think of anything, he couldn't think of anything Ye Chen could talk to him, unless it was running errands for others.

"What do you think of Boss Yu?" Ye Chen asked instead without answering.

"Mr. Ye, I asked you because I didn't know." Yu Yang said with a smile.

"There is no one else, I want to discuss business with you." Ye Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Yu Yang looked surprised. If Ye Chen runs errands for others, he still thinks it is possible, but the man in front of him said he wanted to talk.

"Mr. Ye, what business do you want to discuss with me?" Yu Yang asked.

Although he doesn't believe it, he can't neglect it. After all, the person who has that kind of bank card can't afford it.

"I want to buy your company, I don't know what Boss Yu thinks?" Ye Chen said straightforwardly.

"Buy my company, what are you kidding me?" Yu Yang said with his eyes widened.

"I didn't make a joke with you, what I said is true." Ye Chen said calmly.

"You kid, it's really not a small tone, you want to buy my company, can you buy it?" Yu Yang said with a sneer.

"We just started talking, how do you know that I can't afford it?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Do you know how much my company is worth? Your tone is not small." Yu Yang said mockingly.

Ye Chen stretched out a finger and smiled at him.

"What are you kidding about, how can it be possible to buy my company for 1 million?" Yu Yang said in an annoyed manner.

Ye Chen shook his head, with a smile on his face.

"I'm talking about 10 billion."

Ye Chen knew the price, and no one would refuse.

Hearing this sentence, Yu Yang widened his eyes in surprise, and asked: "What? You say it again. I heard it right."

Ye Chen was not surprised at Yu Yang's expression at the moment.

He had looked for professionals before and learned about the market value of Yu Yang, an entertainment company.

The man told him that the price was no more than 10 billion.

"Boss Yu, are you hard to hear? I have just said very clearly, I will use 10 billion to buy your company." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, let's sit down and talk slowly. You drink some water first." Yu Yang said with a polite expression. At this moment, his attitude towards Ye Chen is a 360-degree turn.

Ye Chen received the water that Tai Yang handed over. Then sat on the sofa.

"Mr. Ye, I want to dare to ask you a question." Yu Yang looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"Boss Yu said it's okay." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, do I think your clothes are really for food delivery?" Yu Yang asked with a puzzled look.

"What do you think?" Ye Chen didn't answer, but asked instead.

"I feel that Mr. Ye's food delivery is nothing more than a hobby. Which company's big boss should be your true identity?" Yu Yang expressed his thoughts.

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