Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:44:16 PM

Chapter 1321: 1321

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"Sister Pomegranate, you think he is really pitiful, let's buy her." The woman in the pink skirt said with a distressed look.

"Yeah, Qiuxiang, I also think he is really miserable. He is the only one left at home now, and there is no one left." The woman in the orange dress wiped her tears with a handkerchief and said.

Just when Tang Bohu looked smug, suddenly, crying came from a distance.

They all looked there and saw a man pushing a cart with five people lying on it.

While pushing, the man cried and cried, "God, what did I do wrong? Why did my family leave me overnight, leaving me alone in this world?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Qiuxiang and Sister Pomegranate, and said, "The two girls will do well. Buy me. I am willing to be a cow and a horse for the mansion."

"Qiuxiang, do you think that person is worse off?" Sister Pomegranate cried more and more severely.

Tang Bohu didn't expect that he would kill Cheng Yaojin halfway, and hit him just now when he was proud that he was about to succeed. Such a person would appear.

However, all of this was in Ye Chen's expectation.

Just when Sister Pomegranate took out Yinliang and wanted to buy the man, Tang Bohu suddenly wailed: "Xiaoqiang, you are my only relatives, why are you so cruel that you want to leave me? I really don't want to live anymore."

He said while picking up a cockroach and cried to him.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to pretend he was miserable. He didn't expect this guy to have such a strong comprehension ability and outstanding acting skills. If it were placed now, he would definitely be an actor.

Sister Pomegranate changed her mind after hearing this, and he decided to buy Tang Bohu.

How could that man agree? He suddenly smashed his head with a wooden stick, and said, "You are not qualified to be worse than me."

The man's face was full of blood, which shocked Qiuxiang and Pomegranate sister.

Tang Bohu really didn't have the courage of a man, he decided to give up, and then went back to discuss with Ye Chen.

Just as he turned and left, the man suddenly fell to the ground and lost his breath.

"When you come back, he is dead, we decide it is you." Sister Shili beckoned to Tang Bohu and said.

Tang Bohu's expression became a bit agitated when he heard that, but he couldn't show it, otherwise he would be exposed.

In this way, Tang Bohu was taken into Washington.

As the saying goes, the master leads the door and the practice is personal. Ye Chen has already helped him take the first step. Then it will be Tang Bohu's own. He can't help much.

Having completed the takeaway order, he doesn't need to stand here anymore.

Ye Chen found an alley with no people, and a black hole appeared in front of him.

He walked inside, and when he reappeared, he had already returned to the world he lived in.

Although he had eaten a lot in Tang Bohu's world, Ye Chen still felt very hungry now.

He bought himself a fried chicken and a few cans of beer. Beer and fried chicken are really delicious on earth.

As for the rewards of the system, he is not very concerned now. The most important thing is to fill his stomach with money.

Ye Chen didn't eat outside, but drove back. He wanted to share the delicious food with Su Wanyi.

"Husband, you are back." Su Wanyi saw Ye Cheng walking in and hurriedly greeted her.

She looked embarrassed and said, "It's all because I ate too much, so you have to go out to buy food."

"You eat more happily than I eat." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Wan Yi, guess what delicious food I bought for you?" Ye Chen pretended to be mysterious.

When Ye Chen walked in, Su Wanyi had already smelled the strong fragrance.

Unconsciously, the saliva would flow out. Obviously I'm already full, really can't resist the temptation.

Su Wanyi shook her head, saying that she didn't know.

Ye Chen opened the lunch box, the scent became more intense, and it was released instantly, and Su Wanyi's stomach gurgled again.

"Fried chicken turned out to be fried chicken, husband, do you know, I haven't eaten this kind of food for a long time." Su Wanyi said with a little excitement.

"I know you are a greedy cat." Ye Chen said with a smile, scraping Su Wanyi's Qiong nose.

The two of them were eating fried chicken and drinking beer like this. It had to be said that Su Wanyi, a girl who didn't eat, had a surprising amount of appetite.

After eating and drinking, Ye Chen and Su Wanyi patted their stomachs with satisfaction, lying on the sofa unable to move.

Suddenly, Ye Chen's cell phone rang, he glanced at it and didn't answer the phone immediately, but got up and walked out.

Su Wanyi felt puzzled about Ye Chen's move. This was the first time Ye Chen took her to answer the phone.

Could it be that the other party is a woman? Ye Chen has a new love again? She was thinking wildly.

In fact, Ye Chen also knew that Su Wanyi would think this way. Any woman would do it, but Ye Chen still couldn't tell Su Wanyi that he wanted to give him a big surprise.

After Ye Chen answered the phone, he said to Su Wanyi: "My wife, I'll go out. You will wait for me obediently at home."

Su Wanyi just nodded and said nothing. And he looked at Ye Chen with concern, and said, "Husband, have you drunk? Don't drive."

Ye Chen is a law-abiding citizen, how could he know the law and break the law?

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll take a taxi."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he changed his clothes and shoes and walked out of the house.

When the door closed, Su Wanyi's tears flowed down.

She felt that Ye Chen had really changed. She didn't care about other women beside Ye Chen, she just wanted Ye Chen to be honest with her.

Su Wanyici had never opposed those women before, and she would still not object to this.

But she didn't understand, why did Ye Chen hide him?

Ye Chen went out to take a taxi and drove towards Star Entertainment. He didn't expect Yu Yang's efficiency to be so high.

But it's no wonder that 10 billion is not a small number. Even for big bosses like Yu Yang, this number is also extremely tempting.

Ye Chen got out of the car and walked straight to the door of the building.

This time, the security guard did not stop him at all, but reverently shouted: "Boss Ye, you are here."

He has made up his mind to perform well in front of Ye Chen and let Ye Chen change his attitude towards him, so that this job can be kept.

Ye Chen nodded slightly at him. Then walked inside.

Song Li was already waiting at the door. She smiled and looked at Ye Chen, and said, "Boss Ye, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

In fact, Ye Chen didn't expect that he thought that these things would only be done tomorrow, or even longer.

This is really beyond his expectation.

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