Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:44:14 PM

Chapter 1322: 1322

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Under Song Li's leadership, Ye Chen came to Yu Yang's office.

Seeing Ye Chen coming in, Yu Yang, who was sitting in the boss chair, quickly got up and said with a smile: "Boss Ye, you are here."

This time, instead of letting Ye Chen sit on the sofa, he let him sit on the boss chair. After signing the contract, this place belonged to Ye Chen.

He is no longer the boss of this company.

Ye Chen was not polite, but sat on that chair.

He smiled and looked at Yu Yang and said, "Boss Yu, your work efficiency is really high."

"Boss Ye has been rewarded, I'm just afraid of making you wait too long." Yu Yang said with a smile.

How could Ye Chen not know that Yu Yang wanted to get the money quickly?

After the two signed the agreement, they shook hands with each other.

"Boss Yu, I will call your account tomorrow for the money." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Yu Yang didn't expect it to be so fast, and hurriedly said, "Boss Ye, don't worry about money. Do I still not understand your character?"

Ye Chen didn't speak, just nodded.

Yu Yang said suddenly, "Boss Ye, you give me one day and I will pack my things."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, you will take care of it slowly." Ye Chen said very generously.

What's more, the money hasn't been paid to other people's accounts. If he can drive them away, it's not appropriate, right?

After completing these procedures, Ye Chen decided to go home quickly. He was afraid that Su Wanyi would be thinking wildly.

"Boss Ye, I think you didn't drive when you came just now. Why don't I take you back." Song Li ran out and said.

Ye Chen looked at his watch, and now that it is not easy to take a taxi at this time, it is better to let Song Li drive him.

"Well, then there will be Secretary Lao Song." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Boss Ye, wait for me here, I'll pick up the car." After Song Li finished speaking, she left.

Ye Chen stood at the door waiting for her. After a while, he saw a red Mercedes Benz approaching. He knew that it was Song Li's car.

He walked towards the red car. Sitting in the position of the co-pilot.

"Boss Ye. Where are you going now?" Song Li looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"Go home, you can drive me to Washington DC," Ye Chen replied.

Along the way, the atmosphere in the car was not awkward.

Although Ye Chen and Song Li have not seen each other several times, she thinks this girl is very cheerful.

"Boss Ye, do you have a girlfriend?" Song Li asked very bluntly.

"Yes, we are all getting married." Ye Chen said without concealment, he didn't want to engage in office romances.

A disappointed expression appeared on Song Li's face, and she did not speak.

I don't know why, since I saw Ye Chen in the morning, all she had in mind was Ye Chen.

Song Li is not a woman who admires vanity, but the temperament exuding from this man is deeply attracted to her.

"By the way, Xiao Song, how long have you been in this company?" Ye Chen asked, changing the subject.

"Since I graduated from university, I have been working in this company. It should have been two or three years, right?" Song Li said with a smile.

Although Ye Chen said that he already had a girlfriend and was about to get married, she was not married after all, so Song Li felt that she still had hope.

As soon as she thought that she would be able to see Ye Chen in the company every day, she couldn't help but feel a little excited as she said that she would get the moon first when she was near the water.

"Oh, it seems that I have to ask you more for advice in the future." Ye Chen said modestly.

"Boss Ye, don't say that. This is what I should do." Song Li was a little embarrassed.

Unconsciously, the two people chatted, the car was already. Came to the Washington villa.

Originally, Ye Chen didn't intend to let Song Li drive in the car, but the girl insisted on not, and had to send him to the door.

The security guard at the door saw Ye Chen sitting inside and let him go.

Of course he saw Song Li driving, and he couldn't help sighing: "It's nice to be rich, surrounded by beautiful women."

The car stopped at the door of the villa, Ye Chen got out of the car, and Song Li also got out.

"Xiao Song, thank you so much today, and sent me a special trip." Ye Chen said with a grateful expression.

"Boss Ye, don't you let me in for a glass of water? Do you want to visit your mansion?" Ye Chen glanced at Ye Chen and said with a smile.

"This is not very convenient. My girlfriend is at home, I'm afraid she will misunderstand." Ye Chen refused very bluntly.

The more Ye Chen refused Song Li, the more Song Li would be attracted to him. She felt that Ye Chen was a very upright and dedicated man.

"Oh, that's it, Boss Ye, I'm sorry." Song Li said with a smile without showing any disagreement on her face.

The scene of the two chatting was seen by Su Wanyi in the room, but she did not hear the content of their chat clearly.

"This woman is indeed somewhat attractive, and she is younger than her, no wonder Ye Chen likes it." Su Wanyi thought in her heart.

"It's okay, isn't it strange to those who don't know?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Boss Ye, I'll leave, see you tomorrow." After Song Li finished speaking, she returned to the car.

Ye Chen waved his hand at her and said, "Xiao Song, pay attention to safety on the road."

Watching Song Li's sports car leave, Ye Chen opened the door and walked in.

At this moment, Su Wanyi had returned to the living room and watched TV pretendingly, without any expression on her face.

In the scene just now, she was upset and kept thinking about it.

"My dear, I'm back, do you miss me?" Ye Chen said as he hugged Su Wanyi.

"Husband, what did you do?" Su Wanyi asked.

"I just went out, just to chat with my friends." Ye Chen made up a lie and said.

The reason Su Wanyi asked this was just to give Ye Chen another chance. She didn't expect that Ye Chen would still not tell her the truth.

"Oh, that's it." Su Wanyi said disappointedly.

"Wanyi, how do we make arrangements for the evening?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's okay." Su Wanyi said listlessly.

"Why don't I go shopping with you? We haven't been shopping for a long time." Ye Chen suggested.

"Okay." Su Wanyi nodded.

Because they drank beer, the two of them still didn't drive, but went out to take a taxi.

The taxi stopped at the gate of Jinjie, and Ye Chen took Su Wanyi's hand and walked down.

"Wan Yi, let's go see the diamond ring." Ye Chen said with a smile.

He felt that since he asked for marriage, the diamond ring was definitely indispensable.

Ye Chen is a man after all, and he doesn't know the styles that Su Wanyi likes very much.

He felt that it was better for Su Wanyi to pick this kind of thing by herself.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!