Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:44:09 PM

Chapter 1325: 1325

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Upon hearing this, Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi and asked, "Are you here?"

"Yes, unless you don't want to." Su Wanyi said.

Ye Chen was only thinking about presenting this company to Su Wanyi as an engagement gift, but did not intend to propose here.

What's more, now Ye Chen doesn't even propose a diamond ring in his hand?

Seeing Ye Chen's hesitation, Su Wanyi asked, "Ye Chen, don't you plan to propose to me?"

"Of course the proposal is required, but it's not here." Ye Chen said.

He has always felt that proposing to his beloved woman is a very serious matter, and of course he can't just leave it in a hasty way.

When Su Wanyi heard the words, she didn't say anything. She felt that Ye Chen could only be the object of the proposal. As for where and what form, she really didn't care.

But she knows that Ye Chen attaches great importance to this matter, which is enough to show how deep this man loves her.

Seeing that Su Wanyi didn't speak, Ye Chen thought she was angry again, and quickly explained: "Wanyi, I really want to propose to you in my dream, but I really owe you a bit too much here."

"Alright, alright, then I'll wait for your surprise, and see how moved you can make me." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Ye Chen let out a long sigh of relief, it seems that this girl is not angry with him.

"Husband, I don't know how to run an entertainment company?" Su Wanyi frowned.

"Silly girl, don't you still have me?" Ye Chen said with his arms around Su Wanyi.

"You, do you understand this?" Su Wanyi asked half-believingly.

"Of course, what do I know about your husband?" Ye Chen patted his chest and said.

He thought to himself, with Allen's copyright, why can't he run an entertainment company?

Before Su Wanyi could speak, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, if you have a husband, you don't have to worry about anything."

Although Su Wanyi still didn't believe it, after all, Ye Chen didn't have any big star singers by his side, not to mention that he had never been in contact with this circle.

Today is a happy day, Su Wanyi doesn't want to worry about herself.

"My husband is the most powerful, the world is omnipotent, what else can't you do?" Su Wanyi praised.

"My wife, although this company is yours, don't worry, I will help you manage it well and make it the most powerful entertainment company in the magic capital and even the whole country." Ye Chen said earnestly.

"Well, I believe you." Su Wanyi nodded and smiled.

On this side, Ye Chen and Su Wanyi are very sweet.

On the other hand, Song Li was so depressed in the office that she was crying. Originally, she thought she could see Ye Chen every day.

But he didn't expect that this entertainment company was bought by Ye Chen as an engagement gift for his fiancée.

From this point of view, there are not many opportunities for her to meet Ye Chen in the future, and may even never see each other again.

Just now Song Li also saw that Su Wanyi was indeed a bit more attractive than her, no wonder Ye Chen was fascinated by it.

But even so, Sun Li didn't want to give up. After all, there were not many top-quality men. Since she met her, she must catch it no matter what method she used.

"Ye Chen, you are mine." Song Li secretly swore in her heart.

In the office, Ye Chen saw a smile on Su Wanyi's face. He suddenly said, "Wanyi, why were you so unhappy yesterday? What happened?"

Originally, Ye Chen thought that when she took Su Wanyi to pick a wedding ring yesterday, this girl would definitely be happy, but she looked listless, and this was something Ye Chen couldn't understand.

Ye Chen felt that since the two were together, they should treat each other frankly. It was obvious that Su Wanyi lied to him yesterday.

Su Wanyi had already seen Song Li, she knew she must have misunderstood Ye Chen, and she didn't know how to tell Ye Chen.

"No, I forgot what happened yesterday." Su Wanyi said casually.

Seeing Su Wanyi's dodging eyes, Ye Chen said with a serious expression: "Wanyi, I hope we don't have anything to hide between us."

"Okay, okay, then I'll tell you. Yesterday, I saw the woman just now chatting with you outside the villa." Su Wanyi didn't dare to look at Ye Chen and said.

"Then you think I have an ambiguous relationship with Song Li, right, so you are jealous and angry?" Ye Chen said what Su Wanyi was thinking.

Su Wanyi nodded and said that Ye Chen was right, she was jealous, and she also complained about why Ye Chen had to keep it from her.

"Husband, do you think I'm very careful? Be angry with me." Su Wanyi asked cautiously.

"Silly girl, how could I be angry with you? You were jealous when you saw me and Song Li yesterday. This is enough to prove that you care about me? I'm too happy to be too late." Ye Chen stroked Su Wanyi's hair Said with a smile.

Ye Chen knew that only a person who cared about being jealous would be angry, otherwise he would not feel anything.

"See how much I care about you? You still think that work is more important than you?" Su Wanyi said.

Ye Chen agreed with the first half of Su Wanyi's sentence, but he felt that it was the case in the second half. Every time Su Wanyi ignored him because of his work.

"Now you understand the relationship between me and Song Li? She will be your secretary from now on, and I will not have any intersection with her." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Actually, I think Secretary Song is pretty good too. Why don't you accept her too, I have no objection." Su Wanyi said with a smirk.

"You can stop me, it's enough for me to have you, not to mention that there are other little ancestors beside me." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

He also felt that he had provoke so many women when he was young and frivolous.

If he were to change to the present, he would definitely not do that. He only needs to be accompanied by Su Wanyi by his side.

As the saying goes, I am willing to have one person's heart, and the white head is not separated.

"Husband, do you know? There are many women around a man, which proves that he is very attractive and capable." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"There is also the aspect of handsome looks." Ye Chen said with a smug expression.

Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen up and down, nodded, proudly said: "Well, my husband is indeed very handsome, even those movie stars can't match it."

Ye Chen is indeed very handsome, and most of the women around him are deeply attracted by his handsome appearance.

After being in contact with him for a long time, those women were also attracted by his charisma and stayed by his side desperately, without any status.

Generally, the more women around a man, the more troubles there will be, but Ye Chen doesn't have these problems. The women around him never get jealous or cause trouble to him.

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