Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:44:06 PM

Chapter 1327: 1327

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I saw a very enchanting woman, walking in with a decently dressed but stout man.

And the owner of that voice is the enchanting woman.

"Xue Qi, I didn't expect to run into you here." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either." Xue Qi said with a smile also.

"Dear, do you know? This is the good girlfriend who I told you about studying with me before." Xue Qi introduced to the man next to her.

He remembered that Xue Qi once mentioned it to him, it seems that this is Su Wanyi in front of him.

"Miss Su, hello, my name is Chen Haitao, I am glad to see you here." Chen Haitao stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

Su Wanyi also extended her hand out of politeness.

It was a very ordinary greeting, but Xue Qi felt jealous when she saw it.

The past reverberated in my mind. Xue Qi and Su Wanyi were indeed very good best friends.

It's just that something happened suddenly, and the relationship between the two of them is no longer so good.

Both of them had very good academic performance during their study abroad, but there was a big gap between the two after returning home.

Su Wanyi founded the company with the support of her parents, and Xue Qi can only work as an ordinary employee in a foreign-funded enterprise.

Xue Qi harbored a grudge because of this incident, and she felt that fate was so unfair to her.

Xue Qi's family was also very rich before, and she was also spoiled since childhood.

But after she returned to China from studying abroad, something suddenly happened in her family, and her father died in a car accident.

Her aunt took the company as her own and drove her and her mother out of the house. From then on, the mother and daughter depended on each other.

Xue Qi has also been reduced from a rich lady to a poor child.

It is also the rich lady, why is the fate of her and Su Wanyi so different?

It is because of this incident that she has a heart for Su Wanyi.

Now seeing her boyfriend being so enthusiastic about Su Wanyi again, she once again recalled the sad past.

"Mr. Chen, hello." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Chen Haitao does have a good impression of Su Wanyi. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xue Qi relies on makeup, and she does not look pretty, but Su Wanyi is born.

Xue Qi became dim in front of Su Wanyi.

"Wan Yi, who is the man next to you, you haven't introduced us yet." Xue Qi pointed to Ye Chen and said.

"This is my fiance Ye Chen." Su Wanyi said, holding Ye Chen's arm.

When she said this, her face was filled with a happy smile.

"Oh, it turned out to be your fiance, he looks so handsome." Xue Qi said with a smile.

When she first saw Ye Chen, she was taken aback for a while, thinking that there should be such a handsome man in this world.

I heard that Su Wanyi found a boyfriend who was delivering food, whose name seemed to be Ye Chen.

It seems that Xue Qi's opportunity to wait has arrived, and now we can forget the new hatred and the old hatred together.

"Wanyi, my fiance is the general manager of a foreign company. What does your fiance do?" Xue Qi asked with a smile.

Xue Qi thinks that Su Wanyi must be embarrassed to say it, after all, the position gap between the two men is too big.

"Ye Chen, he is delivering food." Su Wanyi said without concealment.

Sure enough, like the rumors, the person Su Wanyi liked turned out to be a takeaway.

It's really ridiculous that the dignified business woman found a takeaway.

"Wan Yi, you are so good, how did you find a food delivery company? Does this reduce your status a bit?" Xue Qi said falsely.

"I think it's good to deliver food, and I don't care what Ye Chen's identity is, as long as we two truly love each other." Su Wanyi still said with a smile on her face.

"Wanyi, don't mind. I think about it for you. I know you are just looking at Ye Chen's handsome appearance, but you can't eat it as a meal. Men still need to be honest." Xue Qiyi Said with regret.

Then she continued: "Wan Yi, as a wealthy daughter, Ye Chen can only earn how much in a month, how can he be able to support you and meet all your needs."

"I have the ability and ability, and I don't need a man to raise it." Su Wanyi retorted.

Ye Chen knew from the very beginning that this Xue Qi was deliberately looking for faults, she was not at ease at all, but just took the opportunity to taunt Su Wanyi.

"Xiaoqi, how can you say that? Where is the difference between high and low at work, you just look at people with colored glasses." Chen Haitao suddenly said.

Although he said so on the surface, he had contempt for Ye Chen in his heart, and even thought that Ye Chen was eating soft rice.

How does a food delivery guy compare to me? What qualifications does he have to be a beautiful woman? A good man like me has such a good woman around him.

At this moment, Chen Haitao's heart is somewhat unbalanced.

Su Wanyi is quite satisfied with what Chen Haitao just said.

"My dear, I'm not looking at people with colored glasses, I'm just worried about my good friend Wanyi." Xue Qi said with a grieved expression.

"Xiaoqi, you don't need to worry about me, I have a very happy life." Su Wanyi said with a displeased expression on her face.

Originally, she felt happier when she saw a companion who had studied abroad, but Xue Qi actually said that to her fiancé Ye Chen. How could Su Wanyi tolerate this?

In an instant, her affection for Xue Qi disappeared without a trace.

"Well, Wanyi, you just feel happy, after all, only you know if the shoes fit." Xue Qi sighed and said.

The scene was a bit awkward at the moment, Ye Chen didn't speak from beginning to end.

He suddenly said: "Wan Yi, aren't we going to choose a wedding ring?"

"Wan Yi, it turns out that you are also here to choose a wedding ring. It just so happens that Hai Tao and I are also." Xue Qi said with a smile.

Next, she had to taunt Su Wanyi and let her know how shame it was to find a fiance who had no money and no skills.

"Wanyi, which one do you like, let's pick it together, just in time to consult each other." Xue Qi said, slung Su Wanyi's arm, as if the two were really best friends.

"I haven't read it yet." Su Wanyi said lightly.

"It's just two ladies, you can see if there is any style you like." The waitress said with a smile.

"Thank you for taking out your latest style." Xue Qi said, looking at the waitress.

"Miss, this year's latest style is in this counter. I wonder if there is anything you like?" the waitress said with a smile.

The prices here are all ranging from hundreds of thousands to several million.

"Wan Yi, is there anything you like here?" Xue Qi asked with a smile.

"I think this one looks pretty." Su Wanyi pointed to the ring in the middle of the counter.

"Excuse me, please show me this ring." Su Wanyi looked at the waitress and said.

"Miss, let me try it on for you." The waitress took out the sparkling diamond ring and put it on Su Wanyi's slender finger.

I have to say that this ring is really very beautiful, and it shines under the light.

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