Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:43:53 PM

Chapter 1335: 1335

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"Yes, just a few days ago I bought this Star Media Company as an engagement gift for my fiancée." Ye Chen said calmly.

Of course Yang Mimi knew that the fiancee in Ye Chen's mouth was Su Wanyi.

"Brother Chen, why are you so eccentric? You even bought a company as a gift to Sister Wanyi. Sister Wanyi is not the president without a company."

Before Ye Chen could speak, she continued: "You said I work so hard every day, why don't you buy my brokerage company and let me be the boss? Isn't it right?"

When Yang Mimi spoke, his tone was a little aggrieved, and the people who listened to it were very serious.

"Okay, no problem, if you do this for me, I will buy your brokerage company and give it to you, how about?" Ye Chen said seriously with an expression.

"Forget it, forget it. We are not relatives and you are not me, why should I ask you to spend so much money on me? I can't repay this favor." Yang Mi Mi said Waved his hand and said.

"You call me Brother Chen, this matter is nothing to me, just treat it as a gift from my brother to my sister." Ye Chen explained.

"Well, I won't be kidding you anymore, let's get back to business, I don't think this matter is easy." Yang Mimi changed the subject and said.

She and Ye Chen are not boyfriend and girlfriend, so how embarrassed to accept such an expensive gift.

"Yeah, I also feel very strange, why did the two bosses suddenly terminate the contract for no reason." Ye Chen said the question in his heart.

After Yang Mimi heard it, he agreed. After all, the artist needs to pay a penalty for terminating the contract for no reason. That's not a small sum.

"Brother Chen, their liquidated damages are not a small sum." Yang Mimi said what was in her heart.

"Mimi, you are right, this is the blame." Ye Chen nodded and said.

"Brother Chen, you mean you want me to find out who is behind this, right?" Yang Mimi asked.

"My family's Mimi is really famous for ice and snow, I know what I mean before I say it." Ye Chen praised.

"Brother Chen, don't come here, I don't have that snow and ice of yours smart, otherwise you wouldn't look down on me, right?" Yang Mimi said with a white look at Ye Chen.

"Because you are so kind, I think Gao can't afford it." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Brother Chen, if you don't bully people like this, why do you always make people happy?" Yang Mimi said with a grieved expression.

"How can I bully you? I'm complimenting you. Why can't you hear me?" Ye Chen said helplessly.

"I don't know you yet, Brother Chen, take me for fun, if you are like this, I can just..."

Before Yang Mimi had finished speaking, her cell phone rang again, and she glanced at the call from her agent.

"What are you urging for? I'm on the road. I'll pass right away." Yang Mimi said with no anger.

The broker on the opposite side didn't dare to say anything, and dared to hung up the phone.

He knew that if he angered the eldest lady, he would definitely pick him up, and he could only clean up the mess himself.

"Mimi, if you have something to do, hurry up, I'll wait for your call." Ye Chen said.

According to the frequency of the agent's calls, he knew that Yang Mimi must have an event to participate in.

"Well, leave it to me about Chen Ge's investigation." Yang Mi nodded and said.

After she finished speaking, she got up and walked out of the cafe.

"Mimi, wait for me." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

Hearing the shouting behind her, Yang Mimi looked back and asked with a puzzled expression: "Brother Chen, is there anything else?"

"The matter is gone, the main thing is how do you go? It's not easy to take a taxi here. I'll take you off." Ye Chen replied.

"Okay, I can't ask for it." Yang Mimi said with a smile.

She wanted Ye Chen to give her too, but she was embarrassed to open her mouth.

Ye Chen and Yang Mimi walked out of the cafe together, got in the car and drove towards the event site.

On the other side, as soon as Su Wanyi got off the car, she was blocked by reporters at the door and unable to enter the company.

Upon seeing this, Song Li hurried out.

"President Su, or let's leave here first, I don't think these reporters are fuel-efficient." Song Li said.

"No, Xiao Song, we still have to face what we should face. What's the use of avoiding?" Su Wanyi waved her hand and said.

Seeing Su Wanyi walking by, Song Li couldn't help but feel a little worried for her.

In such a situation, the reporter will definitely be speechless to ask Su Wanyi.

You know, Su Wanyi is just a girl in her twenties. How could she have seen such a scene?

She couldn't help but pray silently for Su Wanyi in her heart.

However, Song Li didn't even know that Su Wanyi was the president of a company.

She has never seen any big storms, and dealing with these reporters is nothing short of a treat.

Seeing Su Wanyi approaching, reporters swarmed her around.

Su Wanyi didn't panic when she saw this, she smiled and waved to the reporter.

A reporter suddenly asked: "Hello, are you the boss of Star Media?"

At this time, Song Li ran over and blocked Su Wanyi and said to the reporter: "Hello everyone, this is the boss of our company, Su Wanyi, President Su, please give in."

How could these reporters let go of such a good reporting opportunity, they became even crazier when the boss came, and they all wanted to interview Su Wanyi.

Seeing the crazy behavior of the reporters, Song Li became a little scared, and her expression became tense.

But Su Wanyi really didn't have anything. She smiled and looked at the reporters and said, "Don't worry, let's go to the reception room inside to talk. You have been standing for such a long time. I guess you must be tired and thirsty."

Song Li felt a little surprised at Su Wanyi's actions.

In such a situation, people would usually be found to blast the reporters away, but Su Wanyi even let them into the company. Is this just a mess?

Song Li even felt that Su Wanyi was too young to be the boss of this company.

If there is no future for development in this company. She also intends to leave.

The reporters were also very happy when they heard this. Indeed, as Su Wanyi said, they have been waiting at the door for so long, and now they are tired and thirsty.

In this way, Su Wanyi brought the reporters into the company.

She looked at Song Li behind her and said, "Xiao Song treats these reporter friends well."

After all, she is still working here, she must listen to the boss of Su Wanyi.

Song Li greeted the reporters sitting in the conference room. Then made a cup of tea for each of them.

Su Wanyi sat in the main seat and looked at the reporters present with a smile on her face and said, "Don't worry, you have any questions you have to ask one by one."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!