Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:43:46 PM

Chapter 1339: 1339

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After hearing Li Yao's words, Yang Mimi's face became ugly.

She clenched her fan fist and said, "Li Yao, you are simply a beast. I won't be with you."

"Mimi, you can't be with me or not. Since you're toasting and not eating fine wine, you can't blame me." Li Yao said while pulling Yang Mimi with his hand.

Yang Mimi was shocked when she saw it. She didn't expect Li Yao to make such a move in the hall.

At this moment, Li Yao was really mad. He was able to be gentle in pursuit of Yang Mimi before. Seeing that he hadn't pursued for so long, his patience was exhausted.

He thought that since Yang Mimi didn't know good or bad, he could only come hard.

"Li Yao, let me go." Yang Mimi said, staring at the man in front of her.

She is a girl after all, no matter how hard she struggles, she can't get rid of it.

"Let go." Ye Chen said these two words from his mouth with a cold voice.

Hearing this, Li Yao threatened: "Smelly boy, you are just an actor hired by this girl. I advise you not to be nosy and trouble yourself."

These words did not scare Ye Chen away. Seeing Li Yao still not letting go, he stretched out his hand and squeezed Li Yao's wrist fiercely.

"Didn't I hear you let go?" Ye Chen said in a colder voice.

Feeling the pain from his wrist, Li Yao involuntarily released the hand holding Yang Mimi.

After being released, Yang Mimi rubbed her red wrist and looked at Li Yao with disgust.

Ye Chen did not let go, but still increased his strength.

"Ahhhhh, I warn you to let me go quickly, otherwise I will let you die without a place to bury you." Li Yao has already suffered from this pain, but his mouth is still stubborn.

"Okay, let's see who of us will die first." Ye Chen said with a sneer.

Originally, Li Yao thought that Ye Chen would let go when he was threatened, but he didn't expect to increase his strength.

"Smelly boy, do you know who I am? I am the son of the Li family. If my grandfather knows that you are bullying me, he will surely kill you." Li Yao threatened again.

"Young Master Li, I really admire you too much, it's already like this, and the mouth is still so hard. It's useless to speak ruthlessly. The strength is important." Ye Chen looked at Li Yao and said with a smile.

"I advise you, let me go quickly." Li Yao said still not convinced.

Yang Mimi stood aside and saw that Li Yao's face became pale due to pain, with big beads of sweat flowing on his forehead, grinning.

She was afraid that something would really happen, and hurriedly pushed Ye Chen and said, "Brother Chen, forget it, let's not be familiar with this kind of people."

She knew Ye Chen very well, knowing that anyone who angered Ye Chen would not end well.

After all, Li Yao belongs to the Li family, and there is no need to offend the Li family because of this.

She also didn't want Ye Chen to fall into a dangerous situation for herself.

"Did you see, kid, Mimi is so sensible, I advise you to be smart." Li Yao said.

As he talked, he sucked in cold air from the pain.

Ye Chen didn't want this kind of person to dirty his hand, and let go of the hand holding Li Yao.

Just now Li Yao felt that his bones were about to be crushed, and immediately felt no more pain when he was released.

"Prince Li, Mimi is my woman. If you dare to provoke her, I will make you unable to take care of yourself." Ye Chen threatened.

How could Li Yao listen to Ye Chen's words, he still remained unchanging, but he did not say anything, just stared at Ye Chen fiercely.

"Brother Chen, let's go in together." Yang Mimi said, holding Ye Chen's arm.

The two walked inside, but Li Yao still followed behind unwillingly.

Seeing the man following, Yang Mimi felt very depressed, but she didn't say anything.

When he arrived at the event, Ye Chen sat in a seat. He was going to leave, but when he saw Li Yao followed in, he was worried about Yang Mimi.

There was nothing to do, so it's better to stay with her here, and send the girl back when the activity is over, and he will be considered to have completed the task.

When Li Yao followed, he also found a seat to sit down, with a triumphant smile on his face.

Seeing Yang Mimi walking over, the agent got up and walked in front of Yang Mimi and told her about the process.

At first, it was pretty good, but suddenly Yang Mimi said, "I don't want to remove this link."

"Miss Yang, he sponsored this event, and it was his request, but he spent money." The agent reminded.

"It's a big deal, return the money to him." Yang Mimi said with no anger.

"How can it be so easy, if the money can be resolved, it would be fine? This is a breach of contract." The agent frowned and said.

"Why don't you communicate with me in advance to ask for my opinion?" Yang Mimi asked.

"I called you, but you have the patience to listen to me, you just said that you are impatient, how dare I say it." The agent said with aggrieved expression.

"Then can I participate in this event?" Yang Mimi said.

She feels disgusting thinking about it, how can she accept it.

"Not only do we need to return the money for breach of contract, but it also spreads that others will think that you are playing a big name, which has an impact on your official career. You have to think clearly." The agent reminded kindly.

Yang Mimi knew that there were so many reporters at the scene. If she left the scene, those reporters would definitely report indiscriminately.

At that time, people who are unreasonable will definitely think that she is playing big cards, so no one will dare to invite her again in the future.

This loss is indeed heavy, and the impact on her in the future is also huge.

But she was reluctant to accept it. This is really a dilemma.

Ye Chen saw that Yang Mimi's expression was a little ugly, so he hurriedly got up and came to her and asked, "Mimi, what's wrong, what happened? Why do I think your complexion is not good?"

Yang Mimi smiled and said, "Brother Chen, I'm fine, don't worry, it may be that I was a little frightened outside the door. I will be fine for a while."

She casually made up a lie and said, she also saw the anger in Ye Chen's eyes just now.

Maybe it would really hurt Li Yao, and she couldn't cause Ye Chen trouble anymore.

If Ye Chen knew about the activities sponsored by Li Yao and made unreasonable demands, he would definitely not be spared.

If he was killed or injured, the Li family would definitely not spare him.

Ye Chen obviously didn't believe it very much. He looked at Yang Mimi and said, "Mimi, you must tell me what you have, and I can help you solve it."

At this time, the agent noticed the man next to him, he looked at Ye Chen and Yang Mimi, with a look of doubt on his face.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!