Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:21 AM

Chapter 1348: First live broadcast

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The reason why Ye Chen did this and didn't continue talking with Su Wanyi was because he knew he couldn't talk more about this topic now.

After all, he couldn't tell the truth anyway, that would make Su Wanyi even more cranky.

Ye Chen knew that because of the artist's termination of the contract, she must feel tired, and she should have a good night's sleep.

Su Wanyi did not continue to ask, but listened to Ye Chen's words very cleverly. Although she was a little angry in her heart, she fell asleep soon after lying on the bed.

Because he hadn't finished talking with Yang Mimi, Ye Chen dialed Yang Mimi's phone again.

"Brother Chen, why don't you hang up the phone without saying anything? It's really sad." Yang Mimi said aggrievedly.

"Well, Mimi, let me apologize to you." Ye Chen said helplessly.

Yang Mimi didn't answer Ye Chen's words, but asked, "Did sister Wanyi called you, so you hung up my call in such a hurry."

"Yes, I forgot to call Wanyi when I got home, which made her worry all the time." Ye Chen said honestly.

"Oh, did she ask you, who is she calling?" Yang Mimi asked, turning her eyes.

She just wanted to let Su Wanyi know that she and Ye Chen were still in contact, and let her know of her existence.

"You think I'm stupid, how can I tell Wanyi about this kind of thing, she will be sad, and I don't want to upset her." Ye Chen said in an annoyed manner.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Yang Mimi became a little unhappy: "Brother Chen, you are really too partial, why are you not afraid of my sadness?"

"Mimi, I told you I just treat you as my younger sister. If you do this again, then we won't contact you anymore. You won't need your help for people checking, and I will find someone else." Ye Chen was obviously a little angry.

One Su Wanyi is enough to give him a headache, and adding another Yang Mimi, Ye Chen really felt a bit of a headache.

Yang Mimi is not stupid. She knew that Ye Chen was angered, and she was afraid that she would not contact her in the future as Ye Chen said.

"Brother Chen, they just made a joke with you, are you so stingy?" Yang Mimi said spoiledly.

"Mimi, don't tease Brother Chen, I really have a headache now." Ye Chen rubbed his aching head and said.

For some reason, after hearing Su Wanyi's unpleasant tone, Ye Chen also felt headache and distress.

His heart was contradictory, and he wanted to tell Su Wanyi the truth, but he was afraid that Su Wanyi would be even more sad after listening.

Ye Chen felt that he didn't do anything to apologize to Su Wanyi, so why did he hide in hiding? Maybe he cared too much.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, I have found out who the messenger behind the scenes is." Yang Mimi said with a serious expression.

"Who is it?" Ye Chen asked hurriedly.

"Guess it." Yang Mimi said without answering.

Since Yang Mimi asked him to guess, it must be among the people he knew.

The person who can instruct these artists to terminate the contract is definitely the person who can benefit them, and this person has also been in the entertainment circle.

In addition, this person has to be very rich. You must know that these artists are all monkeys and monkeys, and it is impossible to cancel the contract out of their own pockets. It must be the liquidated damages paid by the people behind them.

"If you want me to guess, that person is Yu Yang, right?" Ye Chen asked.

Based on the above conditions, the only person he could think of was Yu Yang, and he had already read Yu Yang's mind when talking to Yu Yang about the acquisition.

That guy wanted to use the money to reopen an entertainment media company.

"Brother Chen, awesome, you are so good at your knowledge, yes, Yu Yang." Yang Mimi said with admiration on the opposite side.

She felt that Ye Chen was really amazing, capable of literary and martial arts, and that such things could be guessed.

At this moment, Yang Mimi's love for Ye Chen was even deeper, and she even regretted why she didn't meet Ye Chen in front of Su Wanyi.

Then the two must be together, and she wouldn't be so unrequited.

"This guy is really unkind, and he took my money to dig me. I must give him a good look." Ye Chen said in a cold voice.

"Brother Chen, you don’t know something. Yu Yang is notoriously unkind in the circle. He has done things like this several times before, but after all, the strength is there, and other companies also take advantage of it. He can't help it." Yang Mimi said.

"Mimi, since Yu Yang provokes me this time, it's not so easy." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Yang Mimi knew that Ye Chen was a person who did what he said, but he was also a little curious about how Ye Chen would do it if he wasn't enough.

"Brother Chen, what is your plan?" Yang Mimi asked.

"Confidentiality, you will know when you come back." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Yang Mimi did not continue to question.

"Brother Chen, I won't talk to you anymore, I have to get up early tomorrow." Yang Mimi said with a yawn.

"Go to bed quickly and invite you to dinner." Ye Chen hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Probably because of going to bed in the afternoon, Ye Chen didn't even feel sleepy after calling Yang Mimi.

Since he doesn't want to sleep, find something to do. He has been thinking about live broadcasting these days.

Moreover, inspired by Su Wanyi, he also has a direction, so let's conduct the first live broadcast of the novel today.

This is on the video platform. No one has tried it yet. To be the first person to eat crabs.

The main Ye Chen didn't point him to make money, it was purely his own challenge.

He got into the bathroom, took a shower, changed into pajamas, and then opened the fighting fish platform.

Ye Chen had an account before, and he didn't bother to register again, so he decided to use that account.

Ye Chen logged in to the account, opened the live broadcast, and talked about the notes of the tomb in the live broadcast room.

Of course, the number of people in the live broadcast room is still very small, only a few people.

However, when everyone entered the live broadcast room and saw Ye Chen's account, they instantly became interested.

"This local tyrant brother has also come to live broadcast."

"I want to know if this brother is going to bring the goods live again."

"Yeah, I'm waiting too."

In fact, you can't blame everyone for saying this, because the current live broadcast platform is basically for selling goods, and the netizens who enter the live broadcast room also think that Ye Chen is selling goods.

Everyone ignored the comments of those people, but talked about the content of the novel in their minds without interference.

"Hey, there is no merchandise, it seems to be reading a novel."

"Yes, I have never heard of this novel."

Ye Chen glanced at the content in the comment area, with a slight smile on his face, he thought that if he had heard of this novel, it would be weird. There is no such little book as "Tomb Raiders Notes" in this world.

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