Published at 27th of April 2021 12:47:08 PM

Chapter 135: 135

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Ye Chen didn't show any weakness, and bought another 4 million pieces of clothing.

At this time, the middle-aged woman's husband felt a little distressed.

Although they have a little money in their family, they feel distressed if they throw it out almost ten million.

The middle-aged woman glared at her husband: "Why are you so embarrassed, do you want others to point to my nose and call me poor?"

After gritting her teeth, the woman finally bought more than two million clothes.

As a result, the two people almost sold out the bags, clothes and valuables of the Gucci store, but they were still evenly divided.

Ye Chen said helplessly: "Auntie, you are really rich. Let's draw a tie this time, and we will fight again next time."

The waiter took the sales slip and said, "Since we are a luxury product, we will not return or exchange it once it is sold. If there is no comment, please sign."

After listening to the waiter, the middle-aged woman frowned.

Originally, she wanted to come back and return all these bags and clothes, but this time she was cut off.

Seeing that Ye Chen did not hesitate to sign, the middle-aged woman also gritted her teeth and signed it directly.

Ye Chen smiled: "Thank you."

"Thank me for what?" The middle-aged woman was taken aback for a moment.

"Bought so many clothes in our store, I forgot to say, I am the majority shareholder of this store."


The middle-aged woman was very proud just now, and almost vomited blood after hearing Ye Chen's words.

No wonder this guy spends money without blinking, it turns out that this shop belongs to others.

But she spent real money.

Middle-aged women quit.

"You are deceiving consumers, and I want to complain."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Auntie, we don't have to buy or sell, you are all voluntary."

Just now two people are shopping together, attracting a lot of melon audiences.

Everyone said: "Yes, we will testify that she bought these things voluntarily."

The middle-aged woman's face was green: "Okay, count you cruel."

At this time, those onlookers almost laughed.

"This aunt and the young man pretended to be the owner of the shop for a long time."

"It's so funny, isn't it a fool to fight with the owner of the shop to be rich?"

"With so many clothes, I guess she won't have to buy clothes for the rest of her life."

Ye Chen smiled faintly and said to the waiter: "How about? The turnover is coming up."

"Mr. Ye, you are too good."

Ye Chen and Lin Youyou each chose a set of clothes to put on.

Handsome guy and pretty girl!

Seeing Ye Chen and Lin Youyou wearing Gucci outfits, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Oh my God, I suddenly discovered that Gucci is so dazzling."

"Yeah, I feel good too."

"Loved, loved."

Attracted by the two models Ye Chen and Lin Youyou, crowds who watched the excitement rushed into the store and started rushing to buy them.

Ye Chen and Lin Youyou left the Gucci store.

As for those clothes, Ye Chen eventually took all of them, but due to too much, the staff could only send them to himself and Lin Youyou.

Lin Youyou was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry to let you spend so much money."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "You are my woman, and I don't spend much money on you."

A happy smile appeared on Lin Youyou's face.

Ye Chen sent Lin Youyou home, and received a call from his old lady.

"Xiaochen, don't forget to go on a blind date with a girl at night. By the way, I am afraid that the other party is a green tea girl, so I deliberately said that you are just an ordinary white-collar worker. Don't show your stuff."

Ye Chen was speechless, and someone his mother's age even knew the green tea lady.

"Okay, I get it."

At 7:50 in the evening, Ye Chen parked the car at the entrance of the coffee shop, chose a location, and waited for the **** the blind date.

It's eight o'clock, and the girl hasn't arrived yet.

It was eight ten minutes after waiting for another ten minutes. Ye Chen became a little impatient and dialed the girl's mobile phone number.

"Hello, I am the boy who went on a blind date with you. I have arrived, where are you?"

"Oh, I'm working out, wait for me." The girl hung up the phone.

Bi Tingting stepped off the treadmill and wiped off her sweat.

"Cut, a little white-collar worker who works part-time has a lot of problems."

At this time, a girl next to Bi Tingting asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

"No, my second aunt told me a blind date, that is, a small employee, which costs 10,000 yuan a month. I didn't want to see him. I promised to meet him when he was handsome. After waiting for a while, he was still annoying. Up."

"How could our beautiful Bi be married to a small employee, she must be a tall, rich and handsome woman."

"Of course, my dream is to marry a rich family, famous cars, famous watches, famous bags, I must find a rich man." Bi Tingting made a struggling action.

At this time, Ye Chen had been waiting for half an hour.

He looked at his watch and frowned suddenly.

Originally, Ye Chen didn't want to have a blind date, but now he has been waiting for half an hour, and he is very sincere.

This time, Ye Chen did not call, but left the cafe directly.

When he arrived at the door, Ye Chen was stunned.

I saw that the place where he had just parked was full of people.

Many people take pictures with their mobile phones.

Ye Chen walked over and found a woman with an enchanting figure and delicate appearance leaning on his car, posing various POSS for everyone to take pictures.

She seems to like this kind of high-profile feeling.

"I rub, this woman is so beautiful, I really want to tease!"

"Just you? What kind of car do you think they drive? Lycan, have you seen Fast and Furious? That is a first-generation car. This is the second-generation car, which is more powerful than the first-generation, and it is worth hundreds of millions."

"The beauty of Xiangche is a perfect match. If you can pick up this woman, there will be no regrets in this life."

"Wake up, stop dreaming."

Julie was very happy to hear the discussion around her.

In fact, she was not the owner of this car at all. She stood here performing various ecstasy movements, in fact, just to wait for the owner of the car.

She just checked the value of the car and it turned out to be 120 million.

If she can sit in this luxury car and get the owner of the car, then her dream of marrying a wealthy family will not come true.

Ye Chen walked towards his Lycan.

When the beauty saw Ye Chen, she was also attracted by Ye Chen's appearance.

"What a handsome little brother, is he planning to tease me?"

"Tsk tusk, this delicate skin and tender meat is my dish."

If you can't transfer the rich second generation today, you won't lose money by fishing for a little fresh meat.

She winks like silk, staring at Ye Chen who comes by.


"Handsome guy, I admire your courage very much. After so long, you are the first boy who has the courage to come over and strike up a conversation with me."

Ye Chen was a little speechless.

I'm going to drive home, who said I'm going to strike up a conversation.

"Actually, this car belongs to me." Ye Chen pointed to the car behind Julie and said.

"It's yours?" Julie burst out laughing.

"Handsome man, if you make your sister happy, I can borrow you to drive this car for one day, yours? What's the joke."

Ye Chen took out the car key at this time and pressed it lightly.


The wings of the door are unfolded.

Julie was taken aback, turned around and looked at the opened car door, and then looked at Ye Chen and was stunned!

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