Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:16 AM

Chapter 1353: Dishonest artist

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"Wife, why is your face a little unsightly?" Ye Chen asked with a worried look.

He just found out that Su Wanyi's face was not pretty, and he wondered if she was not feeling well.

"It's okay, I may be too tired from walking around, so I can rest for a while." Su Wanyi waved her hand and said.

She didn't tell Ye Chen what she thought, mainly because she was afraid that Ye Chen had thoughts in her heart.

"Well, then you can sleep for a while, and I will help you pack things up." Ye Chen said very intimately.

"No need, wait for me to get up and pack up later, you don't know where I put all these things." Su Wanyi said.

After all, a hundred people couldn't find it when one person put something, she didn't want to ask Ye Chen every time she was looking for something.

What's more, everyone's habits are different, and Su Wanyi has her own ideas.

"Well, then when you wake up, we will clean up together, and I will cook for you what you want to eat at night." Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi and asked.

"Whatever you do, I will eat what you do." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

It may be because of being full, now she is not hungry at all, so she doesn't know what she wants to eat.

In fact, cooking is very simple for Ye Chen, but he doesn't know what to eat. If he can handle it all by himself, just take a bite, but now that Su Wanyi is here, he has to do it carefully.

Su Wanyi got into the house after she finished speaking. She might be too tired. She fell asleep in bed.

Ye Chen didn't want to sleep, so he turned on the Douyu platform on his phone to continue the live broadcast.

When I came to the live broadcast room, I found that many netizens were waiting for him, and I saw Ye Chen coming.

The comment area became lively.

"My little brother is here finally. I didn't sleep well yesterday, and I kept thinking about the storyline behind."

"Yeah, I even dreamed of those."

"Brother, you can tell me what is going on behind, whether they are in danger."

Ye Chen just wanted to log in and have a look, but he didn't expect that there would be so many netizens waiting for him in the live broadcast room. Now these people have become his fans.

But after all, what he was telling was the story of the tomb robbery. At dawn, the atmosphere couldn't be reflected. This kind of atmosphere will only be effective when it is dark.

"I don't want to talk about it now, let's see at ten o'clock in the evening." Ye Chen once again refused the fans' request.

But everyone didn't have any dissatisfaction, but a look of expectation.

"Okay, little brother, you have to speak for words."

"Anchor, let's make a deal, see you in the live broadcast tonight."

"Haha, I have already set an alarm clock and waiting for you."

Ye Chen thinks these fans are really too cute, and he will dedicate the wonderful part to these netizens who are waiting for him in the evening.

He quit the live broadcast room and swiped the video again. Most of it was selling goods. Feeling boring, he put the phone down, rubbed his eyes, got up and stretched his waist.

Sitting for a long time can cause great damage to the waist, and it feels a bit dry to stare at the screen.

He walked to the window and looked at the green plants outside. After watching for a while, he felt much better.

Ye Chen walked toward the bedroom again and found that Su Wanyi was still asleep, and he couldn't bear to disturb her.

He knew that Su Wanyi rarely had this opportunity to sleep for such a long time, so let her sleep more.

Ye Chen decided to go to the supermarket to buy something, he closed the door gently, and drove to the supermarket.

After he parked the car, he walked into the supermarket. He strolled around and bought steaks, vegetables, salad dressings and many other things, because Ye Chen decided to make Western food tonight as a celebration of Su Wanyi's move in.

After buying these things, he drove towards home again.

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that the girl Su Wanyi was still asleep without waking up.

Ye Chen changed his clothes, took the ingredients into the kitchen, and checked that it was almost time to finish eating.

He took out the ingredients he bought from the supermarket from the bag and started to make it. He decided to make fried steak, rainbow salad, red goulash, chicken rolls, creamy mushroom soup, and Provence prawns.

Ye Chen decided to let Su Wanyi sleep more, and wake her up when it was almost done.

A scent floated out of the kitchen and entered the room.

Su Wanyi was awakened by the scent. She sniffed carefully with Qiong's nose, and she couldn't help feeling hungry.

She got up and got off the bed, walked out of the room to the door of the kitchen, and saw Ye Chen busy inside through the crack of the door.

Su Wanyi opened the door and walked in. She looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Husband, why don't you wake me up? How can you prepare dinner together."

"No, you can watch TV for a while." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

He felt that if Su Wanyi helped, it would definitely be more and more help, think about this girl should be just eating, of course she can still cook simpler meals, but not as good as Ye Chen.

"Husband, what are you doing?" Su Wanyi asked, looking at the ingredients on the table.

"Confidentiality, you'll know in a while, hurry up and wait outside, I'm not good at showing you where you are." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Before Su Wanyi could speak, Ye Chen had pushed her out of the kitchen, and then locked the kitchen door.

He doesn't want to be disturbed while cooking, so he will definitely not perform well.

Reluctantly, Su Wanyi could only turn on the TV and watch boredly. The entertainment channel happened to be broadcasting news about Yang Miao and Li Yang's termination of contract, and there were also interviews with two artists.

Moderator: "Today we are fortunate to invite two stars, Yang Miao and Li Yang. Everyone has been talking about the termination of the two of you. Now we want to ask the parties what happened?"

Yang Miao: "Actually, I don't think there is anything to discuss about this matter. My termination of the contract has nothing to do with anyone. It is entirely my own intention."

Li Yang: "I also worked very well with Sister Yang for many years, so I couldn't bear her so I left the company with her."

Moderator: "If the two artists said, why did you think of canceling the contract after Star Media changed the boss? Why didn't you think about it before?"

Yang Miao: "The host can really laugh. I leave the company and it doesn’t matter who the boss is. In fact, I am trying to prove my own strength. I know that many people say that I rely on the company to achieve such achievements. But I was not convinced. I was obviously relying on my own efforts, and I didn't understand why those people would say that to me."

The more Yang Miao said, the more excited her expression became, and even her eyes were a little red.

Li Yang comforted her and said, "Sister Yang, after so many years of hard work, we can all see that you are completely dependent on yourself, not on anyone."

Su Wanyi became more angry as she watched. She felt that these two artists were really disgusting, and turned off the TV with ugly expressions on her face.

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