Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:15 AM

Chapter 1354: celebrate

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Ye Chen walked out carrying the steak and asked when he saw Su Wanyi with a gloomy face in the living room. "Wife, who provokes you."

"Who else? Isn't it the two artists?" Su Wanyi said in an angry tone.

"Look at you. As for being angry with these two irrelevant people?" Ye Chen said as he walked towards the restaurant with his steak.

Su Wanyi smelled the scent of steak and walked over.

She looked at Ye Chen and said, "You don't know, I just turned on the TV and took a look at the entertainment channel. It happened to be the interview with those two artists."

"Ah, there will be such things." Ye Chen said thoughtfully.

"Isn't it? Guess what they said?" Su Wanyi continued to ask.

"It must be the responsibility that has been placed on me, it is impossible to mention it for a while." Ye Chen thought for a moment and said.

"Yes, they are full of nonsense, they are clearly telling lies, and no one has exposed them yet." Su Wanyi flushed with anger.

"Hey, why should you take it seriously? It's just that it was designed by Yu Yang. It's okay. Since he does this, we don't have to show mercy at the press conference tomorrow." Ye Chen comforted Su Wanyi and said.

Yes, when Su Wanyi knew that Yu Yang was behind the scenes, she didn't want to hold a press conference at all.

But after hearing what Ye Chen said, she decided to hold it.

Now that she saw that entertainment show, she strengthened his determination, and she must expose Yu Yang's ugly face tomorrow, so that everyone can once again know and recognize this polite hypocrite.

"Okay, okay, you can help me serve the food quickly. Let's eat it quickly, or the food will be cold." Ye Chen took Su Wanyi's hand and walked towards the kitchen.

The two brought out all the dishes and put them on the table.

Seeing Ye Chen's dishes, Su Wanyi knew it was a Western meal.

Just when Su Wanyi was about to start, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Wife, wait a moment."

Su Wanyi stopped her hand movement and waited patiently for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen first came to the wine cellar and took a bottle of Romani Conti, then took the candle holder and put it on the table to light the candle on it.

"Is my wife satisfied with this western food?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"Okay, husband, you are still romantic enough, red wine and candle holder." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"That is. Today is to celebrate your moving in and live with me. How dare I neglect." Ye Chen explained.

He was about to open the red wine, but Su Wanyi stopped him. Just now, Su Wanyi did not see the name of the bottle of red wine clearly.

When Ye Chen held it in her hand, she had already seen the bottle of red wine and knew that it was very expensive. Wouldn't it be a waste to open it for two people now?

Ye Chen didn't understand why Su Wanyi prevented him from drinking red wine, and asked, "Wife, is there any problem?"

"No, I just think it's too extravagant for us to drink such expensive red wine?" Su Wanyi said what was in her mind.

"Why? This red wine is not wasted at all for you to drink, no matter how expensive it is, I won't feel distressed." Ye Chen said seriously with an expression.

"I think it's better to forget it, let's change a bottle." Su Wanyi persuaded.

"No, I will drink this bottle." Ye Chen said coquettishly like a child.

Perhaps due to the proliferation of motherhood, Su Wanyi had to agree to Ye Chen's request.

Seeing Ye Chen opening the red wine, Su Wanyi couldn't help but feel a little pain.

Although she has money, she won't be as wasteful as Ye Chen. She feels that this kind of expensive red wine should be drunk on very big occasions.

But Ye Chen opened the wine casually, which shows that Ye Chen really can't pass it.

In a romantic atmosphere, Ye Chen and Su Wanyi enjoyed this delicious Western meal.

Ye Chen picked up the wine glass, smiled and looked at Su Wanyi and said, "Welcome my mistress and move to live with me. My dream has finally come true."

"Husband, as for it? Are you so happy when I moved here?" Su Wanyi asked with a smile.

"Of course, you know how long I haven't seen you, how much do I miss you? I want to call you, but I'm afraid to disturb you."

Probably because of drinking, Ye Chen said what he had accumulated in his heart for a long time.

Su Wanyi also looked guilty when she heard that, she didn't expect Ye Chen to keep her thoughts in her heart all the time.

"Well, let's not talk about the past, only the present and the future." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Well, we only talk about the present and the future." Su Wanyi also said with a smile while holding up a glass of wine at night.

The two cups collided and made a crisp sound.

The two enjoyed the aroma of red wine and the delicacy of western food.

Before I knew it, I was a little drunk.

Su Wanyi was already incapable of wine, her eyes were a little blurred, and Ye Chen was two shadows.

Ye Chen has a thousand cups of not drunk skills, but he doesn't have much.

"Husband, why do I feel a little dizzy?" Su Wanyi frowned, looking at Ye Chen and asked.

"Wife, drink less, I think you are drunk now." Ye Chen persuaded.

"Who said that? I can still drink. You can give me another bottle without any problem." Su Wanyi retorted.

Ye Chen knew that Su Wanyi was drinking crazy, and he really regretted why he didn't let this girl drink.

The original intention was that the two people had a good celebration, but did not expect to be self-defeating and get this girl drunk.

"Okay, okay, let's stop drinking, let's hurry up and eat some food." Ye Chen wanted to grab the red wine glass in Su Wanyi's hand.

But how could Su Wanyi do it? She held the red wine glass tightly in one hand, then picked up the red wine bottle in the other hand and poured some.

Ye Chen knew that she couldn't control this girl, but it wasn't a solution now, he wanted to help Su Wanyi up.

It may be because of drinking that the strength of this girl is so strong, but Ye Chen can't pull her up no matter how much she pulls.

When Ye Chen looked helpless, Su Wanyi took the opportunity to pour the wine in the red wine glass again.

"Husband, this wine is so delicious, I want to drink it." Su Wanyi said coquettishly.

"Well, if you want to drink it, let's drink it tomorrow." Ye Chen reluctantly persuaded.

He knew that this was not a solution at all, he had to help Su Wanyi into the room.

"Go, my husband will take you to get better red wine." Ye Chen said with a smile.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Su Wanyi really believed it, and she quickly got up and followed Ye Chen.

But halfway through, she realized that this direction was not a wine cellar at all.

"Husband, where are you taking me? Are you lying to me?" Su Wanyi asked in a daze.

Ye Chen didn't answer, and while she was hesitant, he picked her up and walked towards the bedroom.

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