Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:12 AM

Chapter 1356: Kidding

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Just when Chen was about to speak, fans left messages.

"Brother, hurry up and accompany your wife."

"Brother, go and accompany your sister, and you will broadcast it to us when you come back."

"Yes, otherwise, be careful that your wife makes you kneel durian."

"After all, there are beautiful women as the company, so I guess you can't go on talking, as it is said that being in Cao Ying's heart is in Han."

Ye Chen didn't expect these fans in the live broadcast room to be so considerate.

He thought it was already so long before, but Su Wanyi suddenly appeared again but was a little bit sorry for the fans.

If you want to continue talking, it's a compensation to the fans, but I didn't expect that everyone would persuade him not to talk, and accompany Su Wanyi well.

In fact, Ye Chen was also a little worried when he saw Su Wanyi's state just now.

Even if he continued to talk, he couldn't concentrate on it, he would still think of Su Wanyi.

Originally, he wanted to tell his fans that today's live broadcast is here, but he was afraid that others would think he was playing a big deal.

It's alright now, so all the problems have been solved.

"Thank you, I will definitely show you a more exciting plot tomorrow." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Then he exited the live broadcast room and returned to the room with his mobile phone, and saw that Su Wanyi was already asleep in bed.

This time Ye Chen could be sure that she really fell asleep. After all, she would definitely feel uncomfortable after drinking so much wine, so Ye Chen basically didn't close her eyes that night, and was afraid that Su Wanyi would be uncomfortable or suddenly vomit.

Fortunately, Su Wanyi slept relatively peacefully this night.

Ye Chen glanced at the time. It was seven o'clock in the morning, and he slowly got out of bed, for fear of awakening Su Wanyi.

He went to the kitchen, cooked Su Wanyi millet porridge, and then cooked some eggs.

Ye Chen knew that Su Wanyi drank so much red wine yesterday, and now his appetite must be uncomfortable. If he eats too oily, it will aggravate his discomfort. Now he can only eat some light ones to relieve the symptoms.

Su Wanyi opened her eyes and found that Ye Chen was no longer by her side. She rubbed her aching head and got up from the bed.

After washing up, he came to the living room and found that Ye Chen was not here either.

She came to the kitchen door and saw Ye Chen's busy figure.

After a while, Ye Chen walked out of the kitchen, carrying the cooked porridge and the cooked eggs.

He was startled when he saw Su Wanyi standing at the door: "My wife, you don't bring such a scary thing, and there is no sound standing at the door."

"Cut, scare you to death." Su Wanyi pretended to be angry and said.

After saying this, he followed Ye Chen to the restaurant and frowned when he saw the porridge and eggs on the table: "Husband, shall we eat this for breakfast?"

Su Wanyi didn't like to drink porridge since she was a child, and she couldn't help but feel a headache when she saw the pot of millet porridge that Ye Chen was boiling.

"Yes, just eat this, or else?" Ye Chen asked while looking at Su Wanyi.

She didn't wait for Su Wanyi to answer, but saw her face ugly. Su Wanyi frowned and kept rubbing her temples. She felt the headache was like being blown up.

"Is it a headache? I told you not to drink so much red wine, just keep it, it's useless to persuade you." Ye Chen said helplessly.

Then he came to Su Wanyi and gently rubbed Su Wanyi's temple with his hand.

I don't know why it is the same with the hands, but Ye Chen is very useful after kneading, Su Wanyi feels that the headache has been relieved a lot.

Ye Chen helped Su Wanyi to sit on the seat again, served her a bowl of porridge, peeled an egg and handed it to her, saying, "Eat, millet nourishes the stomach, and the eggs are very nutritious. You drank it yesterday. The appetite for so much wine must be uncomfortable."

Su Wanyi was like a fragment, she couldn't remember why she drank so much alcohol.

"I'm drinking?" Su Wanyi asked blankly.

Ye Chen knew that Su Wanyi would ask, after all, she drank too much yesterday and kept robbing her.

"Yes, my wife, you are more than drinking and you have drunk too much." Ye Chen curled his lips and said, with a helpless expression on his face.

Upon hearing this, Su Wanyi's face flushed, and it is estimated that something embarrassing must have been done yesterday.

"Then after I drank too much yesterday, did I do anything?" Su Wanyi lowered her head and dared not look directly into Ye Chen's eyes.

Ye Chen thought that he had a chance. He wanted to tease Su Wanyi, with a serious expression and said: "You were making noise after drinking yesterday. You cried and laughed, and you ran out to sing. How did I drag you? I can't even pull it back."

Then he continued: "You quarreled all the owners who live here."

What Ye Chen said was true, as if it were true.

After Su Wanyi heard it, her eyes widened in surprise.

She did not expect to behave in such an ugly manner. As a strong business woman, she has always asked herself to be a perfect woman, but she did not expect such a thing to happen.

At this moment, because Su Wanyi felt embarrassed, her pretty face turned red to the root of her ears.

Ye Chen looked at the girl in front of him, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, because he thought Su Wanyi was a smart woman.

Only when he smiles, the flaw will be revealed.

"Ah, it's really embarrassing. It's the first time I grew up like this. My parents taught me to be a lady since I was a child, but what I did yesterday really lost their face." Su Wanyi choked with sobs.

Ye Chen didn't expect that this girl would cry because of this incident. It seemed that the joke was really big.

If he knew that Su Wanyi reacted like this, he would definitely not make a lie to tease her.

At this moment, Su Wanyi was crying with pear blossoms and rain, which made people feel distressed.

"Well, I was joking with you, there is no such thing as what I just said." Ye Chen said, stroking Su Wanyi's hair.

"Husband, you don't want to comfort me here. I must have been particularly embarrassed yesterday. I'm really sorry. I didn't expect that I caused you such a big trouble when I first came to live." Su Wanyi said apologetically.

Before Ye Chen could speak, she continued: "Otherwise, I'd better move back to live in, and save you trouble."

Ye Chen didn't expect that Su Wanyi would say this, and even thought of moving away. Now his intestines are regrettable, and he can't wait to smoke a few big mouths.

Why did you want to tease Su Wanyi, that's not bad, now this girl has the idea of ​​moving back again.

This time, Su Wanyi was finally able to pull it over and live there. If she really wanted to move back, she would definitely have no chance.

Ye Chen thought in his heart that he must think of a way to dispel Su Wanyi's idea, otherwise this girl has always done what he said, no matter who it is, no one can stop it.

This time Ye Chen's joke was really big.

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