Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:12 AM

Chapter 1357: Inexplicably nervous

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Ye Chen knew that his joke was too big this time, and Su Wanyi not only took it seriously, but even blamed herself a little.

He hurriedly said: "My wife, I am teasing you. You did drink too much yesterday, but it is not as exaggerated as I said."

The reason why Ye Chen said so, Su Wanyi would still be more convinced, if he denied it completely, Su Wanyi would definitely think he was lying again.

"Husband, is what you said is true? You are not lying to me, are you?" Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen in disbelief and said.

"What did I lie to you? You did drank too much yesterday, but you greeted my fans in my live broadcast room." Ye Chenbai said with a glance at Su Wanyi.

"Ah, that's too embarrassing. It didn't affect you? By the way, when did you start the live broadcast, why don't I know?" Su Wanyi asked Ye Chen.

"Actually, it was the third live broadcast yesterday, and the main reason was your inspiration." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"My inspiration for you?" Su Wanyi asked a question mark at the moment.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, she felt even more confused.

"Do you remember what you told me about reading novels?" Ye Chen didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

Su Wanyi recalled, suddenly as if thinking of something, she couldn't help but nodded.

"Then why do you remember the live broadcast?" Su Wanyi continued to ask.

At this moment, Su Wanyi's cell phone rang, and she glanced at Song Li's call.

"President Su, it is nine o'clock, and there is still an hour left before the press conference. Where are you now? I will pick you up." Song Li said.

"No, no, Xiao Song, you are busy with you, I'd better drive by myself." Su Wanyi also hurriedly refused.

"It's okay Mr. Su, you don't have to be polite with me, I'm all ready here, and I have time to pick you up." Song Li continued.

"Xiao Song, you'd better be there to entertain you, I'm leaving now, see you at the company in a while." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Hearing Su Wanyi's refusal again, Song Li had to say: "Well, then we'll see you in the company later."

After hanging up the phone, Su Wanyi let out a sigh. The reason why she didn't ask Song Li to pick her up was mainly due to two reasons.

One is that he didn't let Song Li know that she and Ye Chen lived together.

Second, Ye Chen would also go with her in a while, so there was no need to trouble Song Li to run this trip.

Ye Chen stood aside and saw Su Wanyi's nervous expression, and he couldn't help but feel amused.

"Husband, haven't answered why I suddenly thought of broadcasting?" Su Wanyi turned her head to look at Ye Chen and asked.

She felt that sometimes Ye Chen's ideas were very crazy, such as being a takeaway, and now he is also a live broadcaster.

Of course, Su Wanyi didn't mind what Ye Chen did, but she felt a little curious in her heart.

"Okay, wife, let's talk about this later. If you don't leave, Secretary Song can come and pick you up in a while, and then she will know that we are living together." Ye Chen deliberately frightened Su Wanyi and smiled. Said.

Upon hearing this, Su Wanyi hurried into the house to change her clothes. She looked at Ye Chen and said, "You also change clothes quickly, let's go quickly."

Ye Chen nodded and went to change clothes.

It might be the reason Su Wanyi was so scared that she quickly changed her clothes without even having time to put on makeup.

Two people walked out together and got into the sports car

Ye Chen drove towards Star Media, while Su Wanyi was sitting in the car wearing makeup.

At first, Ye Chen opened very quickly, but when he saw the girl next to him was putting on makeup, he couldn't help slowing down.

Feeling the speed of the car slowing down, Su Wanyi said with some dissatisfaction: "Husband, you drive faster, or we'll be late."

"Wife, you are putting on makeup here, how dare I drive fast." Ye Chen said with a glance at Su Wanyi.

This is indeed the case. If Ye Chen's speed is too fast, Su Wanyi will not be able to put on makeup at all if she sits on it.

Hearing Ye Chen's words like this, Su Wanyi didn't speak anymore, instead putting on makeup intently.

After all, I need to meet reporter friends. She definitely can't meet people without her face, she must give everyone a good image.

Although Ye Chen's speed was not fast, he drove to Star Media Company in less than half an hour.

The time was just right, and Su Wanyi just finished putting on her makeup.

She looked at herself in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's go, wife." Ye Chen said when he got out of the car.

Su Wanyi also followed.

The clothes she wore today are more formal, which is very suitable for occasions like press conferences.

Su Wanyi walked towards the door of the company like a domineering female president, and Ye Chen followed behind him like a little brother carrying a bag for him.

Two people walked into the company, Song Li was already there waiting.

Of course, she was not just waiting for Su Wanyi, but to welcome the reporters.

Song Li was both happy and surprised when she saw Ye Chen behind Su Wanyi.

She greeted with a smile: "Good for Mr. Su, good for Mr. Ye."

I thought I would never see Ye Chen again. Before, she was a little lost in her heart, but now she can't help but feel very happy when she sees the man who makes her think about it.

Song Li didn't expect Ye Chen would come too, and seeing Su Wanyi and Ye Chen coming together, she instantly understood something.

At this moment, her mood suddenly fell to the bottom, but she didn't show it, because she didn't want to trouble Ye Chen.

"Xiao Song, thanks for your hard work." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Ye Chen didn't speak, just nodded.

Song Li shook her head and said, "This is what I should do."

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi walked towards the office, while Song Li was still standing at the door waiting for the reporters to come. Still standing at the door.

"Husband, why am I suddenly a little nervous?" Su Wanyi walked into the office and said suddenly.

In fact, she had held a press conference before, and she was able to face it calmly, but she didn't know why she was a little nervous this time.

"Stupid girl. Isn't this trivial matter a piece of cake for you? Why are you so nervous? Besides, I've been by your side all the time." Ye Chen smiled and comforted.

"Yeah, I don't know why, maybe it was a good thing to hold a press conference before, but this time it was to expose Yu Yang, and I was also a little bit contradictory in my heart." Su Wanyi said what was in her heart.

Ye Chen knew that the reason Su Wanyi had such a reaction was mainly because she was a kind woman.

Although Yu Yang did that kind of shameful thing and even hurt Su Wanyi, she still couldn't bear to expose Yu Yang's ugly face in public.

"Wife, you have to remember that being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself. Yu Yang did such an embarrassing thing. You are just stating the facts. There is no embarrassment." Ye Chen said with a serious expression.

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