Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:11 AM

Chapter 1358: I have evidence

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Hearing Ye Chen's words like this, Su Wanyi felt a little comforted.

She smiled and nodded and said, "Husband, you are right. If you stay in the ocean, there will be more victims."

"Okay, wife, time is almost up, let's not let the reporters wait too long." Ye Chen patted Su Wanyi on the shoulder and said.

Two people walked towards the venue.

At this moment, the venue was full of reporters.

Seeing Su Wanyi and Ye Chen, Song Li walked towards the stage and said with a smile: "Hello everyone, now I have Mr. Su from the Star Media Company come to the stage."

The audience immediately burst into applause.

Upon hearing this, Su Wanyi stepped onto the stage, beckoned to the reporters and smiled and said: "I am very glad that you can participate in this press conference in your busy schedule. I am grateful to everyone for coming."

Just when Su Wanyi wanted to continue speaking, a reporter suddenly asked, "Mr. Su, what is your purpose for holding this press conference?"

The reporter's actions were very impolite, but Su Wanyi was not angry and still had a smile on her face.

"I have told you before that if there is progress in solving this matter, I will let you know as soon as possible." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Hearing this, there was a sound of discussion in the audience, and the venue became a little lively.

"President Su, it seems that he is really well-deserved."

"Who doesn't know, Su Wanyi is a strong woman in the business world."

"She is really amazing, I really admire her."

The audience all praised Su Wanyi, and there was no intention to stop.

"Please be quiet, everyone, and listen to our President Su continue to talk." Song Li hurriedly stepped onto the stage to control the situation.

In an instant, the venue became quiet, and everyone stopped talking.

Su Wanyi smiled and said: "Thank you very much for your recognition of me, and also for your concern for Star Media. I know that everyone is very concerned about the cancellation of the two artists, and I want to know the reasons."

"The reason why I am holding a press conference today is to tell you the truth of the matter, and I hope that through your report, people in the entertainment industry will stop guessing."

Ye Chen felt that Su Wanyi was really amazing. She had a nervous expression just now, but as soon as she entered the venue, she immediately seemed to have changed.

Hearing this, the meeting place became quieter, and everyone held their breath and waited for Su Wanyi to tell the truth.

"Actually, everyone was speculating that it was because of a change of boss that the two artists suddenly terminated the contract. Now I tell everyone that it is true." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Song Li didn't expect Su Wanyi to say this, and she was a little worried in her heart. If she said this to Su Wanyi, it would prove her inability to manage the company well.

This is in response to speculation that the two artists would rather pay a huge amount of liquidated damages and leave because they were worried that they would not develop after changing their bosses.

If she had known that Su Wanyi was to tell everyone this, then she must have taken a risk to persuade Su Wanyi.

Now that Su Wanyi has said that, there is no way to recover it, Song Li can only do it in a hurry.

However, the expression on Ye Chen's face remained unchanged, and he did not feel that Su Wanyi's statement was a bit wrong.

Sure enough, the voice fell and the venue became lively again.

"It seems that President Su is really not suitable for entertainment companies."

"That's right, as the saying goes, there are specialties in the art industry, and it's like a mountain in every other row."

"Yes, if you have achievements in one field, it does not mean that you have achievements in all fields."

"Hey, as the saying goes, good birds choose wood and live there. No one wants to work in a place where there is no development."

Song Li became even more anxious when she heard the comments from the reporters, especially what the reporter said at the end.

Su Wanyi was not affected in any way, but was very happy in her heart. She wanted this effect.

It is important to know that the more severely criticized by those reporters without knowing the truth, the more they will be able to highlight the shamelessness of foreign origin and the image of her victim.

After all, the world sympathizes with those victims.

"Please continue to listen and finish talking." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

The reporters just thought that Su Wanyi's words had already been said, and everything came to the ground, but they didn't expect to have something to say later, which inevitably aroused the curiosity of everyone present.

Su Wanyi didn't go on, but waited for the discussion to disappear and the venue was a little quieter before speaking slowly.

"I just said that half of it was indeed because of the change of bosses that caused the two artists to terminate the contract, but the other half is that this incident was instigated by Yu Yang from beginning to end, and even the liquidated damages were incurred by him."

At this moment, the reporters looked at Su Wanyi with surprised expressions. She meant to say that the whole thing was manipulated by Yu Yang, the boss of the original Star Media.

This is an act of digging a wall, and it is a disgraceful thing in all walks of life.

Song Li was also surprised. She didn't expect Yu Yang to do such a thing.

After the venue was quiet for a while, a reporter suddenly said, "Mr. Su, you can't just push everything to others in order to shirk responsibility, and the two previous artists also said that they didn't want to work in this company. "

His words also aroused dissatisfaction from other reporters. They even felt that Su Wanyi was really an irresponsible boss, and the goodwill he had for her disappeared instantly.

The reporters here are very concerned about this matter, and all the previous interviews with the two artists on the entertainment channel have also been read, which is not what Su Wanyi said.

Everyone thinks that Su Wanyi just made up the following lie because she just said something and wanted to make up.

But Song Li didn't think so. She remembered that Yu Yang had done similar things before.

According to Su Wanyi, it is not impossible.

But even if she believed it was useless, the reporters wanted evidence

Su Wanyi did not speak any more, but looked at the reporters with a smile on her face.

"Well, even if it's like Mr. Su said, then you have evidence to prove it." Another female reporter asked.

Of course, a small number of these people believe that Su Wanyi said, but they also hope that she can produce evidence.

After all, if there is evidence, everything will be easy.

But everyone also felt that in such a short period of time, it was impossible for Su Wanyi to find any evidence at all. You must know that Yu Yang was better than a monkey if he really did such a thing, how could it be possible for others to grab his handle.

Everyone was waiting for Su Wanyi's answer, but she only smiled and said nothing.

At this moment, Ye Chen walked onto the stage and said with a smile: "I have evidence."

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