Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:09 AM

Chapter 1359: The truth is revealed

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Ye Chen walked to the stage with a smile on his face and said, "I have evidence here."

Seeing the young people coming onto the stage, there was an instant sound of discussion in the venue.

"Who is this young man and what does it have to do with Su Wanyi."

"What did he do? This company has nothing to do with him."

"Where is the evidence? Why didn't I see it?"

Hearing what the reporters said, Ye Chen said with a smile: "First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Su Wanyi’s fiance, and my name is Ye Chen, and this company was given to Su Wanyi as an engagement gift. ."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes widened in surprise, and their mouths were so big that they could even fit an egg.

The information they intercepted from what Ye Chen said was that the young man standing on the stage was very arrogant.

Su Wanyi's pretty face turned red when she heard Ye Chen say this. She never dreamed that Ye Chen would open up the relationship between the two in such a public occasion in front of so many reporters.

As she could guess, the reporters would definitely write these things into their reports.

Ye Chen didn't discuss it with her beforehand, and Su Wanyi was really caught off guard.

Song Li's expression was dull when she heard it, she now knew that Ye Chen really loved Su Wanyi, otherwise she would not disclose the relationship between the two on this occasion.

Ye Chen's approach is no different from the official announcements of celebrities.

Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen with a blushing face, her heart pounding for some reason, as if there were seven or eight fawns bumping into each other.

After Ye Chen saw it, he stretched out his hand and held Su Wanyi's slender hand.

At this time, Su Wanyi's mood also eased a lot, but the bridge was still red, even a little red to the roots of her ears.

"Well, everyone here now knows who I am, do you have any questions?" Ye Chen said slowly.

When these reporters heard about Ye Chen's identity, where did they have any questions, they all gasped.

Ye Chen in front of him looked like he was in his twenties, but he had such a formidable strength, which was really rare.

Ye Chen knew that the reporters must have caught another hot news, but he was low-key and didn't want everyone to know about it.

"Of course, friends from the press, I hope you are only reporting about the artist's termination of the contract. Regarding my personal information and the relationship with Mr. Su, I hope you better not report it without my personal consent." Ye Chen said in a cold voice. Said.

If Ye Chen didn't say that those reporters would definitely regard this as a hot spot, but since the parties involved have said it, and then think about his terrifying identity, where would he dare to report, unless he doesn't want the job.

Now that Ye Chen had already spoken out, the reporters could only write about the artist's termination of the contract.

Everyone is very eager to wait for Ye Chen to come up with the evidence, and some people are already impatient.

"Mr. Ye, what exactly is the evidence you are talking about, can you show it to everyone?" A reporter wearing glasses asked Ye Chen on the stage.

Ye Chen slowly took out the phone and turned on the recording of the conversation with Yu Yang.

The content of the dialogue between Ye Chen and Yu Yang came inside.

"Boss Yu, what does the artist's termination have to do with you? You are not doing this, unless you have a guilty conscience."


"Boss Ye, I heard people say that you asked Yang Mimi to investigate who the messenger behind the scenes is, so I specifically called you and told you that the two artists heard that the company changed their bosses and called me once. He kept saying that he would follow me."

"I can't do this kind of corner digging, but I heard that they have already terminated the contract with your company, so I hired them to the new company. You should not mind Boss Ye."

"Boss Yu, you don’t need to be like this. I don’t like this kind of people who are in Cao Ying’s heart. Since they want to leave, I will not stop them. Some artists who want to come to my company are not Leave the two of them, so you can reminisce about the past."

After the reporters listened to this recording, they also understood the truth of the matter. As Su Wanyi said, Yu Yang actually digged into the wall and did such a shameless thing.

Discussions sounded again in the venue.

"Yu Yang is really too shameless. He did this kind of thing and didn't admit it."

"It's a scum in the entertainment industry."

"I've heard of him digging a corner before, but there is no evidence, but now the evidence is right in front of you to see how he denies it."

Ye Chen smiled at everyone and said, "I have not only the evidence of call recording, but also these two documents."

After speaking, he took out two documents from his bag and cast them on the big screen. Everyone was even more surprised to see these two documents.

Not only the reporters but also Su Wanyi's expressions were very surprised, because the two documents were nothing but the contract signed by Yang Miao and Li Yang to Yangxin Company.

Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen in disbelief, she didn't know when Ye Chen got such a confidential thing.

Ye Chen hadn't told Su Wanyi about this before.

You must know that what Ye Chen wanted to accomplish was something he couldn't do. Maybe Yu Yang didn't even dream of thinking about how the two documents would ran into Ye Chen's hands.

"This, this is the contract signed by the artist." One of the reporters said with a trembling voice.

At this moment, he looked at Ye Chen's expression even more admiration, knowing that this thing can't be obtained casually.

Of course it is difficult for them, but Ye Chen has a powerful system, for him this matter is simply a piece of cake.

"Yes, it's the contract between the two artists." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Song Li was also surprised when she saw it. As a secretary, she knew that this kind of file was locked in a safe, and it was impossible to get it out unless someone inside the company.

"Mr. Ye, how did you get these two documents?" Suddenly a reporter asked.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Well, keep it secret."

He couldn't tell the reporter, because the system helped him get it done.

Not only does no one believe it, but if it spreads out, it may cause a murder to himself.

Since Ye Chen said this, everyone speculated that it was possible that the two artists secretly took out the contract and handed it to Ye Chen.

After all, everyone knows that Yang Miao and Li Yang are Yu Yang's two most respected artists, and they have brought huge benefits to the company before. Maybe Ye Chen bought them with money.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!