Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:08 AM

Chapter 1360: A chance to rehabilitate

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Ye Chen was not surprised at the expressions on everyone's faces.

After all, anyone can get this contract at will, unless some means and methods are used.

Although Ye Chen already had a record of the call with Yu Yang, it was enough to prove that it was Yu Yang who instructed Yang Miao and Li Yanghe to terminate the contract.

Whether the contract can be forged or not, these two things can prove even more that it is a real hammer.

Even if Yu Yang wants to deny it, there is no way. The call between him and Ye Chen has indicated that the two artists are going to his company and they have not stopped, and now they have signed the contract again.

"Well, everyone is clear about the termination of the two artists, I hope you can not exaggerate or cover up how you report." Ye Chen smiled faintly.

Although many people are also wondering how the two contracts were obtained, Ye Chen has just said that they are confidential, and everyone is embarrassed to ask more questions.

They knew that with Ye Chen's character, even if they continued to ask, it was of no avail, Ye Chen would definitely use the same method to prevaricate.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, how we will report."

"We will never tolerate this kind of digging."

"We must let such people be punished accordingly."

The reporters present expressed their opinions, and they were very angry when they heard the truth.

Yu Yang's behavior is really disgusting, and everyone doesn't even have any good feelings about Yang.

"Thank you very much, and I hope that through your reports, we can restore our innocence to Star Media, and block the mouths of those people, so that everyone is no longer guessing at will." Ye Chen smiled and said to the reporters in the audience.

Su Wanyi also smiled and said, "I really thank you all for listening to us telling the truth during your busy schedule. As a thank you we have specially prepared a rich lunch for you. Please enjoy it."

Then she glanced at Song Li and said, "Xiao Song, take these reporter friends to our banquet hall."

"Okay, do you have any questions? If not, please follow me to the banquet hall and enjoy the feast prepared by our company for everyone." Song Li said as she walked down the stage.

After these reporters heard the truth about the artist’s termination, wherever they were still in the mood to eat, they all wanted to write the manuscript quickly before others reported it.

Therefore, the reporters who accompanied Song Li to the banquet hall were very few, and everyone could say that they ran out of the company's door all the way.

At this moment, only Ye Chen and Su Wanyi were left in the venue.

"My wife, I have clarified with everyone now, you can rest assured." Ye Chen said first.

Su Wanyi did not speak, but stared at Ye Chen for a long time.

"Wife, is there something on my face, why do you look at people like this?" Ye Chen asked with a puzzled expression.

"Husband, tell me the truth, how did you get these two contracts?" Su Wanyi asked Ye Chen with good eyes.

She wanted to see from Ye Chen's expression whether Ye Chen would deceive her.

You must know that if the call recording alone is not very convincing, these two contracts are very critical.

Until one minute before entering the venue, Ye Chen did not advance the contract with her.

But it was taken out just now, which really shocked Su Wanyi.

She knows that all contracts are very confidential things, which are very important to every company, and it is impossible to get them casually.

"My wife, don't you ask? The process is not important, the result is the most important, isn't it?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"No, husband, I must know how this contract came about today, and husband, do you know that this is illegal for you, and if the police pursue it, you will be held legally responsible." Su Wanyi frowned and looked anxious. Said.

"Husband, do you know that, even if you can't prove Yu Yang's digging a wall, I don't want you to announce the contract. If it is reported, it will cause big trouble."

Hearing this, Ye Chen's heart warmed, he knew that Su Wanyi was worried about his safety.

"My wife, don't worry, I didn't steal these two contracts. Someone took the initiative to give them to me." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Someone took the initiative to give you?" Su Wan asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, do you believe it, it is Yang Miao and Li Yang, who are two artists. They feel very ashamed that the termination of the contract with the company has caused such a big trouble to the company, so they want to do something to make up for it." Ye Chen Said casually.

"My wife, you can rest assured that the reporters will not be able to report the contract matters. These people and the two artists who participated in the meeting know about this matter. As for Yu Yang, they will never know about it."

Ye Chen said this because he asked the system to erase part of the memory of reporters and participants, that is, the piece of the contract, so it is impossible for this news to leak out.

In other words, only Su Wanyi and Ye Chen knew about this contract now, and the others didn't know it at all.

It is impossible for Su Wanyi to tell outsiders, even more impossible for Ye Chen.

"Well, husband, you are not allowed to do such risky things in the future." Su Wanyi sighed and said.

Although she still didn't believe Ye Chen's words, she was the only way to get a contract.

Seeing the expression on Su Wanyi's face, Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief. He knew that this girl would not continue to ask this question.

"By the way, if my husband does what you said, would Yang Miao and Li Yang still have the idea to return to the company? Are you planning to accept them again?" Su Wanyi suddenly asked as if she had thought of something.

"Of course they have an idea. Otherwise, why would they take the risk and take out the contract and hand it over to me, but I don't plan to accept them again. After all, they have betrayed the company, and once again it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no second. Second time." Ye Chen said with a serious expression.

He thought to himself that Su Wanyi was really a silly girl, and those things he said were all lies, and there was no such thing as Yang Miao and Li Yang wanting to return to the company.

"Husband, I think that when people make mistakes, you can give them a chance to rehabilitate, not to mention that the two of them were the pillars of the company before." Su Wanyi persuaded.

"Okay, wife, I will reconsider it. It depends on their performance. After all, two people have betrayed Star Media, and now they betray the new company because of guilt. I think we should be more cautious." Ye Chen Looking at Su Wanyi and said.

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