Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:02 AM

Chapter 1364: Air bag

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"Manager, I will pay ten times the price of this restaurant." Ye Chen said calmly.

When he said this, he felt very relaxed.

Ten times of 1 million is 10 million, which means that Ye Chen will use 10 million to cover this restaurant.

The young man in front of him is simply generous.

"Sir, I heard it right?" The manager asked with a surprised expression.

"Yeah, I just want to spend these wallets on the entire restaurant. You heard me right." Ye Chen nodded and said.

Hearing that, Zhu Qiang was also full of shock. His Zhu family was indeed rich, but he would certainly not take ten million to book a restaurant.

If this matter is known to Grandpa, he must be blamed.

"Boy, who wouldn't speak big words? The key is can you really come up with the money?" Zhu Qiang looked at Ye Chen with a skeptical expression.

"Since I have said that I will definitely do it, you can rest assured about this." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Smelly boy, don't do it, or you will regret it." Zhu Qiang warned.

"I think I should tell you this sentence." Ye Chen said with a cold expression.

Just now, he has clearly understood Zhu Qiang's family background through the system. This Young Master Zhu's family is indeed rich, but it is still far worse than him.

Moreover, Mr. Zhu has always been relatively frugal. If he were to let him know, his grandson Zhu Qiang would have spent 1 million to package the entire restaurant, just to celebrate his girlfriend’s birthday, he must be served by family law.

Ye Chen took out a black card from his arms and handed it to the manager and said, "I have already taken care of the entire restaurant. Please blast this young master pig head out for me. I don't want other people to affect my appetite. ."

The manager looked at the black card, and his hands trembled.

He had seen this black card several years ago, and the owner of that black card was very powerful, and the Zhu family couldn't compare with him.

Now I saw Ye Chen take out the black card again. I understand more how terrifying the identity of the young man in front of me is.

The manager is not stupid. For Zhu Qiang and Ye Chen, he naturally knows to choose the latter.

"Master Zhu, now this restaurant has been booked by this gentleman, please leave with your friends as soon as possible." The manager looked at Zhu Qiang and said politely.

"What manager, I heard you right? You are going to blow me away." Zhu Qiang looked at the manager in disbelief.

Su Wanyi also looked surprised when she saw the black card in Ye Chen's hand.

She didn't expect that Ye Chen was really hiding, even she was deceived.

Liu Yuting also looked at Ye Chen in surprise, but she had already thought that Ye Chen's strength should not be underestimated.

"Sorry, Master Zhu, now this gentleman has booked the venue, and his request is not to be disturbed by others, so he can only ask you to leave.

"Of course, I will also compensate you for the loss." The manager said apologetically.

"Bah, I just look down on your compensation." Zhu Qiang said nonchalantly.

"Regardless of whether you care about compensation or not, you still have to leave this restaurant." The manager said again.

"Manager, I think you are too shameful for me, since you treat me like this, I must go to my grandfather to sue you." Zhu Qiang threatened coldly.

Hearing that, the manager is really a little scared.

In fact, this Zhu Qiang is just a playboy, but his grandfather is different, he is one of the best in the magic city.

If you provoke him, maybe not only will you lose the position, but you won't be able to get involved in the magic city at all.

Seeing the hesitant expression on the manager's face, Ye Chen said with a smile: "Manager, don't be frightened by him. Even if I take the courage of this young master, he won't dare to go to Mr. Zhu to sue you."

Indeed, as Ye Chen said, Zhu Qiang didn't dare to let his grandfather know that he spent 1 million packages on the restaurant for his girlfriend's birthday.

"Master Zhu, am I right?" Ye Chen asked with a smile looking at Zhu Qiang with a pale face.

Zhu Qiang didn't answer, but said viciously: "Okay, kid, you're cruel, we're never finished with this matter."

Although he dared not tell his grandpa about his money, he could tell the story of Ye Chen bullying him.

From childhood to adulthood, grandpa has always loved him the most. She can't let her feel wronged at all, and he will definitely vent his anger for him.

"Okay, I'll wait for you. I hope I don't wait too long." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Zhu Qiang thought that Ye Chen would tremble all over after hearing those words.

But he didn't expect this man to be able to laugh.

Zhu Qiang did not speak, but dialed a phone number with his mobile phone.

After the call is connected. A woman's voice came from inside: "My dear, where are you? Why don't you come in, but suddenly call me?"

This woman is Zhu Qiang's girlfriend Shi Hui.

"Hurry up and bring your sisters out for me." Zhu Qiang said angrily.

He has now vented all the anger in his heart on this poor woman.

"My dear, we haven't had enough fun yet. You come in, let's go later? What's more, haven't you already booked this restaurant?" Shi Hui said spoiledly.

"Smelly bitch, don't you understand human words? I want you to get out of those sisters now." Zhu Qiang said angrily.

"Okay, don't be angry, we will get out after a while." Shi Hui said softly.

Shi Hui is a smart woman, she still depends on Zhu Qiang after all, it is impossible to fall out with this man, so she has to coax like this.

Although I was angry, I had to swallow it.

In less than five minutes, Shi Hui rushed out with five or six girls.

"My dear, why are you making such a big fire?" Shi Hui said with a smile while touching Zhu Qiang's face with her hand.

What everyone didn't expect was that Zhu Qiang pushed Shi Hui's hand away.

"You and your sisters, let's take a ride, I still have something to do, so I won't send you off." Zhu Qiang said blankly.

Just now those sisters of Shi Hui saw that Zhu Qiang had spent a lot of money to cover the dining room in order to celebrate her birthday. They were also envious.

But now Zhu Qiang turned out to be like a different person, and his attitude towards Shi Hui was very cold, and he even felt a little disgusted.

"My dear, the sisters still envied me just now, saying that I found a boyfriend who loves me and loves me, now you let us go back by ourselves, isn't this slap me in the face?" Shi Hui whispered to Zhu Qiang .

"It's light to hit you on the face, I want to hit you still, bitch, don't be jerky with me here." Zhu Qiangqiang shouted.

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