Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:01 AM

Chapter 1365: Dingy leave

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After all, Shi Hui still has to rely on Zhu Qiang, she definitely can't provoke him.

"My dear, what are you doing with such a big fire? Then let's get in touch after you are busy, and my sisters and I will hitchhike away." Shi Hui said with a smile on his face.

Just when she was about to leave, she saw Ye Chen and Su Wanyi actually walk in.

She looked at the back of the man and woman with a surprised expression.

"My dear, isn't this restaurant covered by us? Why are other customers coming in now?" Shi Hui asked with a puzzled look.

Originally, Zhu Qiang was very angry when he was kicked out.

When the brainless woman asked again, Zhu Qiang was so angry that his lungs would explode.

"What are you asking, what's the matter with you here?" Zhu Qiang said angrily.

After all, with so many people, he must be embarrassed to tell the truth about the matter.

"This elder sister, that's because Mr. Ye spent 10 million to pack the restaurant." Liu Yuting said with a smug smile.

Hearing the words of the waitress, Shi Hui instantly understood the reason.

No wonder Zhu Qiang was so angry because he was kicked out by others.

She had already seen Ye Chen just now. The man in front of her looked much handsomer than Zhu Qiang, and he was so rich. Why did she hang on this tree?

"Oh, so you have today." Shi Hui said with a mocking look at Zhu Qiang who was angry.

In fact, what Shi Hui told her friends before was a lie.

You must know that Zhu Qiang always beat and scolded him at every turn, and didn't hurt her at all.

It was after she begged for a long time that Zhu Qiang agreed to package the restaurant for her birthday.

Shi Hui usually dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, but now she finally caught the opportunity and even had a new idea.

"Smelly bitch, you dare to laugh at me and see if I won't kill you." Zhu Qiang raised his hand as he said.

Seeing this, Shi Hui didn't dodge, but closed her eyes tightly, as if confessing her fate.

Except for Shi Hui, all the girls present were shocked to Huarong.

Seeing that slap was about to slap Shi Hui's pretty face.

Suddenly a big hand held Zhu Qiang's hand tightly.

A triumphant smile appeared on Shi Hui's face, but it was only for a moment that no one else noticed it.

Of course, there is no need to think of someone to stop Zhu Qiang. No one else is Ye Chen.

Ye Chen knows Zhu Qiang's character very well. He just got angry and must find it from others to vent his dissatisfaction.

As a man, Ye Chen hated hitting women most, and looked down on such people even more.

"Zhu Qiang, if you have this ability, you will use women to vent your anger, which is really despised." Ye Chen said in a cold voice.

"Smelly boy, why are you in charge of everything, you are still in charge of my housework?" Zhu Qiang shouted angrily.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, let him kill me. I have suffered all the torture and humiliation with him." Shi Huilihua said in tears, crying.

Not only the men, but even Su Wanyi and Liu Yuting looked distressed.

The sisters of Shi Hui's eyes widened in surprise. Didn't they say that Zhu Qiang was obedient to Shi Hui? How could they be like this?

"Smelly bitch, what are you talking about here? Believe it or not, I slap you to death." Zhu Qiang threatened angrily.

At this moment, Ye Chen still held his hand tightly, but he still had this tone.

"You hit and hit, you kill me if you have one. Don't just talk about it here." Shi Hui did not show any weakness.

"Xiaohui, for such a man, we don't have the same knowledge as him." One of Shi Hui's best friends said.

If it were put in the past, Shi Hui would definitely listen to this best friend.

But now, she just wanted to attract Ye Chen's attention.

"Xiaoya, don't care about me, I will see him today, dare you to kill me?" Shi Hui said again.

Her words completely angered Zhu Qiang, and he stretched out his other hand to fan Shi Hui's face again.

Fortunately, Ye Chen responded promptly and quickly grabbed Zhu Qiang's other hand.

"Master Pig, I can't really follow you, don't you know how good you are, do you?" Ye Chen said in a cold voice at the moment.

He let go of Zhu Qiang's hand and at the same time slapped him severely.

When everyone saw Ye Chen's actions, their eyes widened in surprise.

The other party is Zhu Qiang, his grandfather is a big man who can make the magic city tremble with a stomping.

It must be very miserable to provoke such a person.

Shi Hui did not expect that Ye Chen would actually beat Zhu Qiang for her.

She even thought that Ye Chen really liked her, and her heart was pounding, and there was an expression of excitement on her face.

"Boy, you dare to hit me, do you know who I am?" Zhu Qiang clutched that red face, glared at Ye Chen, and shouted.

"Aren't you Zhu Qiang? Your grandfather is Zhu Yong, and he is one of the best in the magic capital." Ye Chen said calmly.

"Boy, since you know it, why dare to do it to me so arrogantly." Zhu Qiang asked with a puzzled look.

"I'm teaching you this unfilial son for Mr. Zhu." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"My grandfather is reluctant to beat me, and if I tell him that you bullied me, I guess you won't see the sun tomorrow..." Zhu Qiang said with an arrogant expression.

"I don't think it is necessary. Elder Zhu has always been very fair. If he knew what you did, it should be you who ended up miserably?" Ye Chen shook his head and said.

Ye Chen already had an idea in his heart. He knew that Zhu Qiang was under discipline, otherwise he would never be so arrogant outside.

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Zhu Qiang remained silent.

Ye Chen was very right. It was true that Grandpa loved him, but he also hated his behavior outside.

If you know the truth, you will definitely not spare him.

Zhu Qiang is not stupid, how could he tell grandpa the truth? He had already thought about it, and when he returned, he cried to his grandfather that Ye Chen had bullied him.

"Okay, brat, let's wait and see." Zhu Qiang suffocated his stomach and walked toward his sports car angrily.

He got into the car and quickly disappeared from people's sight. He wanted to go home quickly to complain to Ye Chen.

He had even seen how Grandpa sent someone to clean up Ye Chen after he knew about it, and he seemed to have seen Ye Chen being beaten to his knees and begging for mercy.

Seeing Zhu Qiang leaving, Shi Hui's sisters were also relieved.

If it weren't for Ye Chen's help, Shi Hui would definitely be beaten terribly, and they wouldn't be able to help much.

"Mr., thank you for saving my best friend." One of the girls looked at Ye Chen and said with gratitude.

"Miss, don't be so polite, this is what I should do." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

Shi Hui felt jealous when she could see it. How could she bear her girlfriend talking to Ye Chen?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!