Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:58 AM

Chapter 1368: Rescue soldiers

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"Boss Ye, you are serious, we all start entertainment companies, so why bother to hurt our peace." Yu Yang said with a smile.

Ye Chen knew Yu Yang's personality, he couldn't give up, he must retaliate.

But he wouldn't be afraid of a despicable person like Yu Yang, if Yu Yang wanted to play tricks, he would accompany him to the end at any time.

"What Boss Yu said is quite true, but there are so many speculations in the circle that have already caused a serious impact on our company, so holding a press conference is a last resort." Ye Chen also said with a smile.

Since Yu Yang wanted to act with him, he would stay with him to the end.

"Okay, okay, we can also understand each other better through this matter, I think it's very good." Yu Yang said.

"Yes, if we have the opportunity in the future, we can work together." Ye Chen said.

"Then look forward to cooperating with Boss Ye, I won't bother Boss Ye." Yu Yang hung up the phone after speaking.

When he put down the phone, there was a sullen expression in his eyes, and he muttered to himself: "Ye Chen, since you are unkind, I will be blamed for unrighteousness. Let's go and see."

When Ye Chen and Yu Yang called, Su Wanyi's heart was already mentioned in her throat, she was really afraid that Yu Yang would know about the contract and Ye Chen's situation would be dangerous.

"Husband, what did Yu Yang say, did you mention the contract?" Su Wan asked nervously.

"My wife, don't worry, I said that only you and I know about the contract, and no one else will know about it." Ye Chen smiled and comforted.

Su Wanyi didn't understand why Ye Chen said this, although she was puzzled, she didn't ask much.

Because she saw the relaxed expression on Ye Chen's face, she knew that the contract hadn't leaked out.

"Then why did he call you suddenly?" Su Wanyi asked again.

"Of course it's because of our press conference." Ye Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Su Wanyi glanced at her mobile phone, and a piece of news about Yu Yang's digging a wall unexpectedly made headlines, and she ranked first on the hot search list.

Of course, there are also many comments from netizens below, and they are all insulting.

"This man is so shameless that he went to dig a corner."

"This will make the paper package too hot, and the things you have done will definitely be exposed."

"The two artists, Yang Miao and Li Yang, are also too much, they even helped him to lie to others."

"Yeah, we were all fooled by such people. It's really angry."

"Hey, fortunately, I still like the two of them so much. If you want to take off fans, you must take off fans."

Seeing these comments, Su Wanyi knew why Yu Yang called Ye Chen. It is estimated that Yu Yang's lungs would explode in the office now.

When this news came out, it had a great impact on Yu Yang himself, his company, and the two artists Yang Miao and Li Yang.

"Husband, it seems that Yu Yang is really over, and the two artists are also implicated. It is estimated that no one dares to use them. It's really a pity." Su Wanyi sighed.

"Wife, you are too kind, which means that you will kill yourself if you do many injustices." Ye Chen said blankly.

Then he continued: "Wife, that is someone else's business after all, so let's not worry about it here."

Su Wanyi nodded and continued to enjoy the delicious food.

While Ye Chen and Su Wanyi were having a happy meal, Yu Yang, Shi Hui, and Zhu Qiang were all unhappy, and they all had their own concerns.

Yu Yang was exposed to dig a corner. This incident had a very bad effect on him. Although he wanted to avenge Ye Chen, he had to settle this matter before again. It would be okay if it hadn't been exposed.

But now it has been exposed. He wanted to break his head and couldn't think of a solution. If he publicly apologized, he would admit that he had done this kind of thing. It would not work if he kept silent and pretended not to see it.

In short, no matter how he does it, it will not help.

Shi Hui was also very depressed at home. She originally thought that she had made some small progress with Ye Chen, but she didn't expect that this was all her own wishful thinking and sentimentality. Ye Chen didn't mean anything to her at all.

But how could Shi Hui let it go? She finally met Ye Chen and she wanted to pursue it to the end. After all, there is a saying that Jin Cheng can go to Jin Shi, she believes that as long as she keeps looking for opportunities, she will definitely be able to successful.

After Zhu Qiang returned home, he went straight to Mr. Zhu's room.

Seeing his grandson unhappy, Old Zhu looked worried and asked, "Aqiang, what happened?"

"Grandpa, don't mention it, a young man bullied me, and you see him swelling my face." Zhu Qiang said aggrieved.

At this time, Mr. Zhu noticed that Sun Tzu's right cheek was indeed slapped.

He looked at Zhu Qiang with a distressed look and said: "Who is so bold who dares to beat my grandson? It really has the courage of the bear heart and leopard."

Seeing the expression on his grandfather's face, Zhu Qiang's heart felt proud. He knew that his grandfather loved him the most, and it was impossible for him to be aggrieved at all.

And I knew that Grandpa would definitely breathe this out for him.

"Aqiang, tell me who is bullying you." Old Zhu looked at his grandson and asked angrily.

Seeing the angry expression on Grandpa's face, even Zhu Qiang was startled.

"I only know that his name is Ye Chen." Zhu Qiang said.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen?" Mr. Zhu frowned and muttered to himself.

"Grandpa, do you know this person?" Zhu Qiang asked.

"Well, this name sounds familiar." Old Zhu nodded and said.

"Grandpa, I know that they are still dining in that restaurant. Why don't you come with me and teach this stinky boy with some good lessons." Zhu Qiang said suddenly.

Old Zhu's expression was a bit hesitant and did not speak.

Seeing Grandpa’s appearance, Zhu Qiang hurriedly said: "Grandpa, if we don’t hurry up, he might leave. Then if we look for it again, it will be difficult to find. I really can’t swallow this breath now. I still feel heartbroken."

Zhu Qiang said with a painful expression on his face.

After seeing this, Mr. Zhu felt even more distressed, and hurriedly said, "Well, Aqiang, let's go now. Grandpa will bring a few capable men to teach this kid, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Zhu Qiang showed an expression of excitement on his face, and he couldn't wait.

Grandpa would surely be able to settle the man named Ye Chen, and he wanted to grab the top beauty from Ye Chen's hands.

Thinking of this, he felt that the depression in his heart was gone, and he turned to a happy face, as if he had encountered a great thing.

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