Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:52 AM

Chapter 1373: Crazy rewards

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But at this moment, suddenly an emperor account appeared: "I'm sorry, brother, I'm late, I'll give a reward to brother."

There are more than a dozen carnival floating screens directly between the words.

At this time, another voice sounded: "Fuck, brother must support the live broadcast!"

Then more than a dozen carnivals floated out.

At this time everyone is looking silly, what is the situation?

I was the most handsome, who was still smug just now, and suddenly became confused.

I saw Ye Chen's live broadcast room floated constantly.

At this time, someone finally recognized the rewarder.

"Oh my God, isn't this Wang Xiaocong? How could he give the takeaway boy a reward?"

"That's not right, Wang Xiaocong seems to be Big Brother Ye Chen just now."

Could it be that the takeaway brother and Wang Xiaocong know each other?

"Oh my God, the other big brother who just rewarded seems to be the big star Lin Xiaogeng."

At this moment, in Ye Chen's live broadcast room, the Carnival couldn't stop at all, and the screen kept floating.

At this moment. I was the most handsome and stupid. Although he also had many big brothers in the live broadcast room, compared with Ye Chen, the gap was simply too big.

In the blink of an eye, his blood bar was quickly crushed, leaving only a trace of blood.

Entering the countdown, although his voice was almost hoarse, his older brothers finally gave up.

Because Ye Chen's strength here is too strong, he has rewarded more than 200 Carnivals in the blink of an eye, one Carnival 5000.

Two hundred is ten million, which is crazy!

My most handsome eldest brother never dreamed that he would win steadily, and unexpectedly such a situation would happen suddenly, which also made him stupid.

It is live broadcast now, and netizens from all over the country can see it.

At the moment, my most handsome brother's face is already green with anger.

Netizens are also talking about it.

"My handsomest brother is dead this time."

"Yeah, I didn't expect to lose to a new little anchor."

"Is there any way, who makes the family strong?"

"It is estimated that the heart of the big brother must have been critically hit, and I feel sorry for the big brother."

When I saw it, I thought to myself that pk is not over yet, he still has a chance, he privately trusted a few people who have a good relationship with him.

"Big buddies, as long as you work harder, I will definitely be able to beat this kid."

Those people really believed it when they saw it, because I was the most handsome and other pk had never failed, so it can be said to be a live broadcast brother.

And the relationship is very good at ordinary times. Everyone is taking pictures of each other. If you can help, you can help.

These people simply think this way, without considering that the other party has a lot of support from big bosses.

At my most handsome request, these people rewarded him again, and his horizontal bars slowly rose.

Seeing everyone so powerful, a smug smile appeared on my most handsome face.

"Boy, do you know what it means to get fat first, not fat, and then fat down?" My most handsome and arrogant said.

Ye Chen simply ignored me as the most handsome. He even thought that the opponent was like an idiot. The game was not at the end, and it was not always clear who would win and who would win.

What's more, the big guys around him haven't made any moves yet.

At this moment, the bars of the two people are flat.

I was the most handsome who wanted to see a surprised expression on Ye Chen's face, but what disappointed him was that Ye Chen's expression was indifferent.

Upon seeing this, netizens began to discuss again.

"As expected, I am the most handsome, it was really too overwhelming just now."

"Yeah, originally I thought I was the most handsome would lose."

"There are really two brushes. It seems that victory will eventually belong to my most handsome."

Because of the hard work of the eldest brothers I know the most handsome, who kept buying gifts for him, he turned out to be a bit taller than Ye Chen.

Just when I was most handsome and proud, fans were waiting for his victory, suddenly the screen was swiped again, and suddenly 300 carnivals appeared.

It was just a moment when I was the most handsome and completely lost. There was no chance of a comeback at all.

I was the most handsome, who was still immersed in joy just now. I was so shocked that my jaw dropped. He didn't expect this to be his worst live pk.

It can be said that it is the black history of the live broadcast career. He has never lost, but he lost to a little-known anchor.

How could this make him stand.

"Ah, I lost the most handsome."

"It's impossible, I can't believe it."

"Did I miss something when I took a sip of water just now?"

Netizens never thought that I was the most handsome, who was still in the advantage just now, but I lost completely in the blink of an eye.

"Dare to bully my elder brother, it's really looking for death."

"Big Brother is guarded by us, I see who would dare to make trouble."

"Challenging Big Brother is to find it boring."

At the same time, three people's messages appeared on the screen. Netizens all took a breath when they saw it. These three people are the hottest celebrities at the moment.

It seems that this courier brother is really unfathomable, and PK with such a person is tantamount to humiliating himself.

After Ye Chen saw it, he shook his head helplessly. He sent a message via WeChat group: "Being low-key."




Soon the three people responded quickly.

"I lost, I actually lost." At the moment, my handsomest hadn't been relieved, he murmured to himself.

You know that this is the first time since the live broadcast that Ye Chen has lost his undefeated record.

I am the most handsome and even regret it a little, and even my intestines have already regretted it. He feels that he is really a demented person, why should he provoke this.

These days, he suddenly discovered that there was an anchor who called me a takeaway brother, and the number of fans was soaring, fearing that it would affect the status of his first brother.

Today, I wanted to teach this little anchor through live pk, but I didn't expect that not only did he not teach him, but he also lost his face.

This is really shooting himself in the foot.

Seeing my handsomest being there, Ye Chen said: "You lose, hurry up and accept the punishment."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, netizens also left messages.

"Since you have lost, hurry up and accept the punishment."

"Hurry up and kneel and sing to conquer."

"Haha I'm still waiting, I'm ready to start recording the screen."

My most handsome face was flustered when I saw it. If I knew that the loser was myself, I wouldn't decide this way of punishment if I killed him.

After all, he still has to mix in this circle. If he really did so without being ridiculed, he would feel embarrassed if he had lost to a new little anchor.

If you do it, you might as well dig a hole and get in. It's really shameless to see people.

Suddenly he had an idea in his mind, that is, a private message to Ye Chen, let him let him go.

"Brother, please spare your eldest brother this time, please."

The most handsome I think is very good, but he was rejected by Ye Chen.

I saw Ye Chen replied two words to him, and my handsomest saw that after a mouthful of old blood was sprayed out, his plan was completely frustrated. This was how he provoked Ye Chen to end.

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