Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:49 AM

Chapter 1376: Fierce material

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After hanging up Su Wanyi's phone, Ye Chen dialed another phone number.

After a lot of noises, the other party answered, and an impatient voice came from inside.

"I'm looking for death, what kind of phone I made at night, disturbed my young master's dream."

"Master Wang, I really didn't think of why I went to bed so early today." Ye Chen said with a smile without an angry expression on his face.

When the other party heard the words, he made a clever voice. How could this voice be so familiar? Wang Xiaocong glanced at the phone number, wishing to slap himself with a big mouth.

He hurriedly said: "Brother, I'm sorry, the younger brother just picked up in a daze without looking at his phone number. Don't take what I said before."

"It's okay, Master Wang, is it bothering you to be so late?" Ye Chen said lightly.

"How come, how can my eldest brother call me an interruption? Whenever I call, I should be called." Wang Xiaocong hurriedly changed his words.

His father was very jealous of Ye Chen, let alone him. If Ye Chen was upset because of him, he probably wouldn't be able to spare him if he knew about it.

Therefore, Wang Xiaocong could only calm his mood, and the anger in his heart just woken up by the phone was ablaze, thinking that someone with no eyesight called Lao Tzu.

But when he heard Ye Chen's voice, he was so frightened that he was in cold sweat, and the anger in his heart was also extinguished, and he hated why he didn't read the phone number clearly before speaking.

Wang Xiaocong was very nervous at the moment, he was afraid that Ye Chen would be angry because of it.

In fact, Ye Chen didn't care. Firstly, it was really inappropriate to call others so late, and secondly, he needed to ask Wang Xiaocong for help.

"Master Wang, I'm very curious about why you went to bed so early today, you didn't even party outside." Ye Chen said the question in his heart.

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Wang Xiaocong's hanging heart was also let go, and it seemed that Ye Chen was not angry.

"Don't mention Brother Chen, I played all night last night, and today I played too much, and I fell asleep watching your live broadcast." Wang Xiaocong replied.

After saying this, he felt something was wrong and hurriedly said: "I fell asleep after watching Brother Chen's live broadcast."

Ye Chen wanted to co-work with me to tell a story on the live broadcast, and even told you, could it be that my story is a lullaby.

"Well, it seems that you are tired enough to play." Ye Chen said.

Although Wang Xiaocong just said something was wrong, Ye Chen was not lifeless, after all, not everyone likes to listen to novels.

Turnip and cabbage have their own loves, and others don't like them. You can't force others.

"Brother Chen, what you said is really wonderful. When will it be broadcast live? I must push everything to listen on time." Wang Xiaocong said with a smile.

"Okay, when I live broadcast, I will definitely notify you. By the way, I will call you and there is something to do." Ye Chen said.

"Brother Chen, what's the matter?" Wang Xiaocong asked.

"I want you to check someone for me." Ye Chen replied.

"Are you talking about the live pk with you just now, whose name is my most handsome anchor?" Wang Xiaocong asked.

"Okay, the kid has grown a lot, and he knows what your Brother Chen thinks." Ye Chen praised.

He didn't expect Wang Xiaocong to know what was in his mind.

"Of course, even if Brother Chen didn't call me and asked me to check this person, I would check it. He even dared to challenge my Brother Chen to me because he didn't want to be confused." Wang Xiaocong said viciously.

Then he continued: "Brother Chen, don't worry, I've called someone to check, and I promise you are satisfied."

"Yes, after the matter is settled, I will invite you to dinner." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"There is no reason for Brother Chen to invite dinner, I will invite dinner when I come back," Wang Xiaocong said.

Hearing this, Ye Chen didn't argue with him anymore, he felt that it was the same for everyone to ask for a meal.

Under the education of his old man, Wang Xiaocong, this kid, has really grown a lot, and it makes people happy to talk and do things.

"Well, then I will trouble you." Ye Chen said politely.

"Brother Chen, tomorrow you will wait for a good show." Wang Xiaocong said with a smirk.

Ye Chen knew that with Wang Xiaocong's ability, he would surely be able to dig out a lot of black material about that anchor.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen also lay on the bed and fell asleep.

The next day, the sun was shining into the room warmly, Ye Chen stretched out from the bed, and glanced at the time it was nine o'clock.

I really didn't expect him to sleep for so long this time, maybe because he was too tired recently.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and Ye Chen glanced at it turned out to be Wang Xiaocong's phone.

"Master Wang, is it okay for you to call me so early?" Ye Chen asked.

"Brother Chen, the person I was looking for dug up a lot of the anchor's black material. You can go online for a while, and it will open your eyes." Wang Xiaocong smirked.

"Great, give you a thumbs up." Ye Chen joked with a smile.

"Okay, I won't tell you. I will ask my friends to post it online now. You can check it out later." Wang Xiaocong hung up after speaking.

Ye Chen took out his cell phone and looked at it. Weibo, headlines, etc. were all about the most handsome gangsters about the anchor.

Someone broke out that he had plastic surgery, spent money to buy traffic, and tricked young girls into getting married but living with an old woman for a long time.

In short, all the news on the Internet is about my most handsome, and of course these news are all negative.

After seeing these contents, Ye Chen couldn't help but admire Wang Xiaocong from his heart, and only he could do this.

You must know that I am the most handsome person who is afraid of others digging up these things, so I will hide these things very well and will not be easily discovered by others, but now these black materials have been exploded.

I guess my handsomest never dreamed that one day all the secrets he wanted to bury would be dug out.

These materials are very fierce. Taking out one of them is a huge blow to my most handsome. What's more, all these materials are exploded at the same time, which is simply a serious injury.

Ye Chen could imagine that when I was the most handsome after seeing these, I would definitely be fainted, because once these materials were exposed, his live broadcast career would have ended, and it would be even more difficult to make a comeback.

At this moment, I am the most handsome and comfortable lying on the bed. Although I was defeated by Ye Chen, he made a lot of gains yesterday.

He was lying in bed thinking about how to live broadcast the fans at night, let everyone buy gifts for him, to satisfy his desires.

At this time, the ringing of the phone interrupted his thoughts.

After answering the call, a man's anxious voice came from inside: "You can go online and have a look."

Listening to the voice of the other party, I am the most handsome knowing that something must be happening. He turned on the phone and looked at the whole person as the other party said and was instantly silly.

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