Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:48 AM

Chapter 1377: Account blocked

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If I didn't receive a call from the assistant, I would be the most handsome and still thinking of my dreams.

He was completely dumbfounded when he saw the black material about himself on the Internet. How could these things be dug up like this.

He knew that what he had to do now was to clarify on the Internet, so he hurriedly opened the live broadcast room.

As soon as he opened the live broadcast, he found that the live broadcast room had exploded before he even said anything.

"I didn't expect the anchor to be such a person. He looked really ugly before the plastic surgery. It also meant that it was disgusting to call me the most handsome."

"Actually, I think it's okay to have plastic surgery. After all, many celebrities now have plastic surgery, mainly to seduce young girls. This is a bit intolerable."

"And he is obviously married, and he still lives with an old woman. I think he was taken care of by someone."

"When I think about this kind of person, I feel like nauseous, hypocritical, morally corrupt, and utterly conscienceless."

Originally, I was the most handsome and wanted to clarify. Seeing so many netizens bombarding him, I knew it was useless to explain, so I should disappear from everyone's sight as soon as possible.

Maybe after a while, people will forget these things.

The most handsome thing I think is really good. Other anchors have encountered this kind of thing, but it didn't take long to solve it, as if those things didn't happen. Of course, the number of fans will definitely decrease.

But for my most handsome, he has the confidence to increase fans, as long as he often broadcasts his fans.

But something happened that he didn't expect, that is, his account was blocked and a statement was issued on the platform.

"Permanently ban my most handsome account and cancel its live broadcast room completely."

This sudden bad news scared me the most handsome stared in place for a long time.

He didn't expect that it would turn out to be such a result in the end. Several anchors had been exposed before but nothing happened. Why did he end up so miserably.

It’s okay for me to think this way, the most handsome, mainly because he provokes people who shouldn’t be.

What's more, there is Wang Xiaocong next to Ye Chen. It takes minutes to deal with which anchor he wants to deal with, and he can beat this anchor to the hell.

I was the most handsome and was titled, which means that he can't make money through live broadcast, and even the money that fans previously rewarded has been squandered. The platform will definitely not settle him.

Thinking about it, I really regretted it. I didn't expect that it was just a live broadcast connection pk that caused such a big trouble for himself, and he understood Ye Chen's horror more clearly.

He dialed the assistant's phone again. After the call was connected, the other party said impatiently, "What can you do if you call me?"

"I want you to help me figure out how to solve this matter, please." My handsomest pleaded.

On weekdays, he has a very bad attitude towards assistants. Now that there is a big event, he wants to ask the assistant to help.

"I'm sorry, I can't help, you just ask for blessings." The assistant said in a cold voice.

"If you don't help me, then don't even think about getting your salary this month." My handsomest threatened.

"It's okay, just treat it as a charity. I guess you will have to live on this money in the future." The assistant said with a mocking look.

Before my most handsome could speak, he hung up the phone.

The assistant really doesn't bother to talk to this guy anymore, if he doesn't get in touch with this kind of person anymore, it will affect him.

And the assistant didn't want to do the most handsome with me. He had already discovered that there was a problem with this person's character, and now he just caught an opportunity.

I was the most handsome when I was hung up, and I was going crazy. He didn't expect that his account would be blocked.

This was nothing more than cutting off his money. Suddenly he dialed a call as if thinking of something.

However, no one answered the call for a long time. I was the most handsome and still did not give up. He continued to call that number.

After a long time, the phone was connected, and an old woman's voice came from inside: "Why are you still calling me?"

"My dear, I now need you to use money to help me settle this matter, do you see the black material that broke out on the Internet? Now only you can save me." My handsomest pleaded.

"Now you think of me, why didn't you think about my feelings when you were with those young girls?" said the old woman with an unhappy expression on her face.

The most handsome woman I talked to was the old woman who kept him.

But this woman is not a fool. The reason why she chose to give me the most handsome money is that she fell in love with his handsome face. I didn’t expect this man to deceive him, and what made her even more unbearable was that this man was actually there. There are other women out there.

Not only that, but also seduce those young women, this kind of man is really hateful.

"My dear, I'm sorry I was wrong, but my love for you is true." I was the most handsome talking words that even felt disgusting to me.

The reason why he was with this old woman was because he was in love with her money, and he would have left without this.

"Okay, don't call me anymore." The old woman hung up the phone after she finished speaking.

This is the second time that my most handsome guy has been hung up. Without the support of the rich woman, it seems that he would not have a chance to make a comeback this time.

Ye Chen looked at the news on the Internet, and nodded in satisfaction with the netizens' comments on my most handsome.

He dialed Wang Xiaocong's phone.

Wang Xiaocong, who was playing games with his girlfriend, saw Ye Chen's phone call hurriedly connected.

"Brother Chen, what can I do for you?" Wang Xiaocong asked with a smile.

"Master Wang did a good job. Do you have time? I want to find you to come out and sit down." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Brother Chen has to find time even if he doesn't have time to find me." Wang Xiaocong said hurriedly.

Then he glanced at his girlfriend next to him, with a smile on his face.

"Well, let's go to the music bar to have a drink at night." Ye Chen said.

Wang Xiaocong was surprised when he heard Ye Chen's words: "Brother Chen, don't you like to drink? How come you remember to go to that place."

"Occasionally." Ye Chen replied with a smile.

In fact, he did not go there purely for drinking, but for other purposes.

"Yeah, but it's true. You just know that you are earning money, and you should relax. What time shall we meet in the evening?" Wang Xiaocong asked.

"It's nine o'clock in the evening, you find a better music bar, and then send me the location." Ye Chen said.

"Haole, I promise you will be satisfied." Wang Xiaocong nodded and said.

After Wang Xiaocong put down the phone, he found that his girlfriend next to him was looking at him with an unhappy expression.

"Didn't you say that you took me to a candlelight dinner at night? It's been a long time since the two of us have dinner together." The woman said with no anger.

"Baby, we can have dinner anytime, but it really won't work tonight." Wang Xiaocong said with a smile.

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