Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:45 AM

Chapter 1379: Loved by fans

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Ye Chen saw this live broadcast and felt a little surprised when he heard my most handsome confession.

"Master Wang, you guys are fine, it's really amazing to make this guy apologize publicly." Ye Chen praised.

"What? Brother Chen, I didn't do anything. I thought you did it." Wang Xiaocong said.

"I don't have any. I don't have the time to pay attention to this kind of person. I just want you to teach him a lesson." Ye Chen retorted.

Originally, he wanted Wang Xiaocong to dig up some black material about my most handsome and teach this guy a lesson, but he didn't expect that Master Wang really didn't leave a way for people to survive, and he was simply beaten to death with a stick.

But even so, judging by my most handsome character, it is impossible to make such a move, he will definitely be dying.

"Neither did I. I just did what you told him to let him know how badly you offended you, and don't want to get involved in this circle in the future." Wang Xiaocong said with a smile.

Then he continued: "Those who dare to provoke my Chen brother will end up like this."

It seems that no one has used the means to make me the most handsome to do this, it was his own conscience that discovered it.

Forget it, it was someone else's business after all, and it had nothing to do with Ye Chen.

He just took a few glances, then quit my most handsome live broadcast room and started his novel live broadcast.

"The handsome little brother is here again."

"Brother, do you know that there are a lot of black material about that anchor on the Internet? I was really enjoying watching it."

"It is estimated that he is really over now, and the account has been blocked, and the live broadcast career is over."

"Hahaha, it's really a big block of people's hearts. This is called retribution for evil."

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Ye Chen knew that these fans were all jealous and upright people.

"Well, I think people are watching, after all, paper can't keep fire." Ye Chen said lightly.

He did not comment too much on this because he felt it was unnecessary.

Everyone chooses his own path, whether for good or bad, he is responsible for his choice.

Others can only serve as bystanders, and cannot judge them. Even if I am the handsomest doing those ugly things, Ye Chen doesn't want to comment on him too much.

Because he knew that I was the most handsome and punished.

"Yeah, brother, so we can't do bad things. We may be discovered someday, hahaha."

Looking at this comment, Ye Chen thinks this fan is really too cute.

"Yes, well, I will continue to tell you novels." Ye Chen changed the subject.

He knew that if he kept talking about my most handsome anchor, it would probably be endless.

"Hurry up, hurry up. I didn't sleep well last night, so I kept thinking about the next episode."

"Me too, but I was so scared that I couldn't sleep."

"This novel is so exciting, I dare not go home alone at night."

Looking at the comments of these fans, Ye Chen also smiled, feeling that his effect had been achieved.

Novels like this kind of tomb robbing should give people an immersive feeling, so that they can be regarded as successful.

The feedback from these fans just confirmed this point.

"Since everyone is looking forward to it, then I will continue to explain to you, you have to listen carefully." Ye Chen said with a smile.

When he started to talk about the novel, no fans commented in the live broadcast room for an instant. At this moment, all the netizens in front of the screen were listening attentively.

The more they listened, the more fascinated they became, as if they were in the plot of the novel.

Unknowingly, Ye Chen had been speaking for almost three hours, and he felt a little dry and dry, so he drank saliva to moisturize his throat.

"Little brother, take a break, I feel your voice is hoarse."

"Although I haven't heard enough, but I feel sorry for the anchor again."

"Be sure to drink plenty of water to protect your throat."

Ye Chen looked at the comments of the fans and couldn't help but feel warm. These people not only support him but also care about his body very much.

"Thank you very much, I will definitely protect my voice so that I can tell you more exciting novel plots."

At this time, Ye Chen's cell phone rang, and he glanced at it turned out to be Su Wanyi's call.

Looking at the time, it was four o'clock in the afternoon. He had been speaking for nearly three hours, and the time passed quickly enough.

"Well, let's stop here today, we will see you tomorrow." Ye Chen said with a smile at the screen.

After exiting the live broadcast, he connected to the phone, thinking why Su Wanyi called him so early? Could it be that this girl can't go at night.

"Wife, what's the matter?" Ye Chen asked.

"Husband, I'm done, when will you come to pick me up?" Su Wanyi asked with a smile.

Hearing that, Ye Chen's expression was a little surprised. He originally thought that Su Wanyi couldn't get out of the work, but he didn't expect this girl to finish her work.

"If you are all done, then I will pick you up now." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Well, I'll be waiting for you at the company." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

After Ye Chen hung up the phone, he drove to Su Wanyi's company quickly.

When he got downstairs in the company, Ye Chen called Su Wanyi.

"My wife, I'm here, come down." Ye Chen said.

"Okay, wait for me, I will go down here." Su Wanyi said.

She hurriedly took her bag and walked downstairs.

Su Wanyi didn't even wait for the elevator, but went straight up the stairs. It was obvious how urgent she was to see Ye Chen.

Generally, there is nothing, Ye Chen rarely goes to the company to find Su Wanyi, and just waits below.

Ye Chen waited for a while and saw Su Wanyi walking towards this side.

After she got in the car, Ye Chen felt Su Wanyi panting.

"Wife, what's the matter with you, why are you in this state?" Ye Chen asked with a puzzled expression.

Looking at Su Wanyi in front of him, Ye Chen thought in his heart that taking the elevator would not be like this, and the distance was not far, why this girl would be so tired like this.

"It's not because I want to see you earlier, but they didn't even take the elevator, so they went straight up the stairs." Su Wanyi said with a blank look at Ye Chen.

Hearing that, Ye Chen was moved in her heart. She didn't expect Su Wanyi, who had always been arrogant, to make such a move.

"So distressed, let me rub your feet for you." Ye Chen said with a distressed look.

Speaking that Ye Chen was about to grab Su Wanyi's jade feet, he felt that it must be very hard for Su Wanyi to walk so many steps in high heels.

He wanted to massage her to relieve the pain in her footsteps.

"Husband, what are you doing, this is downstairs in the company, so it's not good for others to see it." Su Wanyi hurriedly refused.

She thought in her heart that it would be inappropriate for employees to see it.

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