Published at 27th of April 2021 12:46:51 PM

Chapter 138: 138

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Chen Wan stood up and said to the proud Sheng Caiyun: "President Sheng is really sorry, we can't sign a contract with you."

When Sheng Caiyun was still enjoying the thrill of stepping on people, she was stunned when she heard Chen Wan's words.

"Why? Mr. Chen, haven't we already discussed it just now?

Chen Wan said: "Yes, the talk was done just now, but haven't you signed the contract yet? A big man wants us to give this girl the business."

"What?" Sheng Caiyun was immediately silly.

She just humiliated the girl triumphantly, saying that the other party was too tender and not worthy to grab business with her.

But in the blink of an eye, the business has already been taken away.

The face was slapped too fast.

The others at the table also looked at Sheng Caiyun with weird looks, which made her feel even more humiliated.

"Mr. Chen, I am going to make this contract. I am willing to lower our fees and reduce it by 10% from the original base price."

After hearing Sheng Caiyun's words, everyone was shocked.

It seems that Sheng Caiyun really spelled 10%, which is not a decimal.

Sheng Caiyun looked at Chen Wan confidently. She believed she had made such a concession, and Chen Wan would definitely nod her head.

Chen Wan shook his head when he heard it: "I'm sorry, Ms. Sheng, the other party is a big man I can't afford to offend. Don't say you cut it by 10%. Even if you don't want money, I can't sign a contract with you."

Song Ziqi was a little dazed.

what's going on?

Big shot?

When have you met a big man?

And only a department manager of the company knows about coming here.

Suddenly a figure appeared in her mind.

Could it be that Didi brother.

Impossible, impossible.

Chen Wan said to Song Ziqi: "Miss Song, we can sign the contract immediately. Have you brought the contract?"

"Bring it, bring it." Song Ziqi came back to her senses.

Sheng Caiyun's face was sullen looking at her business being robbed of her anger.

She pointed to Song Ziqi and said coldly: "Smelly girl, dare to steal my old lady's business. In the lawyers circle, you don't have to mess around."

With that said, Sheng Caiyun stopped eating, and rushed to leave with a bag of energy.

Although offended Sheng Caiyun, Chen Wan didn't care.

Compared with Ye Chen, Sheng Caiyun is a fart.

Chen Wan respectfully said to Song Ziqi: "Miss Ziqi, would you like something to eat?"

Song Ziqi shook her head: "No more, let's sign the contract directly."

Sheng Caiyun returned to the car angrily and made a call: "Wu Sheng, what is Song Ziqi from your Huadu Law Firm?"

"What? No background, just a little girl who just graduated?" Sheng Caiyun was stunned.

Wu Sheng said: "Well, I heard that Mr. Li and the chairman of the Wantai Group have a good relationship. Maybe he said hello. This girl is lucky. Sister Caiyun, did that little girl offend you? I must look back. Teach her."

"Huh, it's better to fire her, I don't want to see her in the circle of lawyers."

"Don't worry, I will do it for you."

Sheng Caiyun let out a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone.

"Smelly girl, dare to embarrass me, you are dead."

At this time, Sheng Caiyun's phone rang again.

Seeing the call, Sheng Caiyun showed a smile on her face: "Is there anything wrong with my son?"

"Mom, I want to take a hot spring with my classmates. Are you free?"

"I'm free, I'm free, it just happens that my mother has nothing to do at night."

Ye Chen, drove the car, and came to Tomson Yipin.

What surprised Ye Chen was that besides Tang Lu, there was a girl beside her.

"This is?" Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

"This is my best friend, Yu Jia."

"Oh, hello." Ye Chen said hello politely.

"Hello, you are Tang Lu's boyfriend, really handsome." Yu Jia said with a smile.

"thank you."

"By the way, in the past few days, Xiao Lu's father has come to the hospital several times. You are really good, and you even abducted Xiao Lu."

Tang Lu said shyly: "Sister Yu, don't laugh at me. Thanks to Sister Yu for helping me block my dad these days, I want to invite Sister Yu to the hot springs today. Thank you."

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, I will treat you today."

Turning on the navigation, Ye Chen drove the car, and the three of them came to Jinlong Hot Spring Resort.

When getting off the bus, Tang Lu gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

Yu Jia was taken aback for a moment: "You are all lovers and you need money for a ride."

Tang Lu smiled and said, "Haha, my boyfriend has a hobby, he likes to experience life with didi."

Yu Jia shook her head: "I really envy you young people."

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting five-star praise, activating the first praise star (15), and rewarding Jinlong Hot Spring Resort. 】

Jinlong Hot Spring Resort is a high-end resort integrating entertainment, fitness, hot springs, and catering.

Every day, white-collar workers from surrounding cities and magic capitals come here to take a break in the hot springs.

The annual net income of the resort is more than one billion.

Ye Chen's industry is getting more and more, but fortunately, Lin Youyou helps him take care of it.

He feels that he is very happy. He has Lin Wanrou in his private life and Lin Youyou in company affairs. He can concentrate on his own dick.

Putting on the bathrobe, Ye Chen saw that Tang Lu and Yu Jia were already bathing in the hot spring.

After all, both are girls, Ye Chen is not as tired of Tang Lu as before.

He came to the pool next to him and sat in it.

A group of small fish in the pond swam over and began to peck at him.

It is said that this can peck off the bacteria on the body, Ye Chen felt itchy soaking in the hot spring, closing his eyes, this feeling was very comfortable.

But at this moment, a dispute came from my ears.

"Why are you kid like this? You even do such a dirty thing."

Ye Chen opened his eyes and looked at a pond not far away.

Yu Jiazheng grabbed a fourteen-five-year-old child and said, "I will endure you once. You are in the bottom and do things like that. How did your parents educate you?"

The boy struggled desperately: "You let go, you hurt me."

At this moment, a middle-aged woman rushed over and yelled angrily when she saw this scene: "You bitch, let go of my child."

Yu Jia said angrily: "This is your child, don't care about it, he is hidden in the water, and he keeps moving to me."

The boy took the opportunity to get rid of Yu Jia's hand and said aggrieved: "Mom, I didn't. I was swimming, and then I accidentally bumped into her. The woman said that I did something to her."

The woman frowned upon hearing this: "Miss, I ask you to apologize to my son immediately."

Yu Jia was speechless after hearing this: "Your son has done such a nasty thing. If you don't educate him, let me apologize. You have something wrong."

The woman is not someone else but the gold medal barrister Sheng Caiyun.

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