Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:27 AM

Chapter 1394: Awesome rewards

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"Come here, drag the doctor Zhang away, and never enter the hospital for half a step from now on." Han Wudi said.

At this time, the two people who came over dragged Doctor Zhang away and threw them out of the general's mansion.

"Your Majesty, I was wrong, please give me a chance." Doctor Zhang said begging for mercy.

But Emperor Wu of Han didn't care about him at all, and just asked the guards to drag him away.

Mr. Zhang didn't expect that he would lose the position just by betting with someone today, and he would be too late to regret it.

"Your Majesty, General Wei is okay now, so I will leave first." Ye Chen said while looking at Emperor Wu of Han.

"Ye Chen, don't leave if I will make you a noble officer." Han Wudi hurriedly said.

Judging from these two things, he knew that Ye Chen was definitely an expert, like this kind of person is desirable but not desirable. If he could stay by his side for his own use, it would definitely help him a lot.

When everyone saw that Emperor Wu of Han had such a high regard for Ye Chen, they couldn't help but feel a little envious.

We must know that the people who are valued by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty will have countless glory and wealth in the future. This is the dream of many people and the goal of everyone's struggle.

"Your Majesty's goodwill, status, and money are things outside of my body. I am not interested in these at all. I am a person who is free and accustomed to a life that is not suitable for an official." Ye Chen waved his hand and refused.

Emperor Wu of Han originally thought Ye Chen would be very happy.

Ye Chen was very young, and if he accepted Emperor Wu's good intentions, he would have a bright future.

But he didn't expect that he refused so swiftly and neatly, which surprised everyone present.

"This Ye Chen is really too rampant, dare to refuse the kindness of the sage."

"I don't know how to promote it. I guess I'll be beheaded in a while."

"Hey, this is called a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. If you are less frivolous, you have to pay a price."

Everyone felt that Ye Chen's rejection of Emperor Wu's kindness in front of everyone would definitely anger Emperor Wu of Han to be decapitated.

Moreover, those who were envious and jealous of Ye Chen were also waiting for Emperor Wu of Han to order this arrogant person to be dragged out and killed.

But something that everyone hadn't expected happened, Ye Chen was not asked to be cut, but left happily.

Emperor Wu of Han just sighed and said, "Well, since you have decided to go, then I won't force it."

"Thank your Majesty for your fulfillment." Ye Chen said as he looked at Emperor Wu of Han.

"Ye Chen doesn't know if we can still meet again." Han Wudi suddenly asked

"Your Majesty, if you like, you can order takeaway at any time." Ye Chen said with a smile.

In fact, Emperor Wu of Han didn't understand what Ye Chen meant, only that he was an expert.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he turned and left, and walked out of the room.

Emperor Wu of the Han reluctantly looked at Ye Chen's leaving back, there were ten million people in his heart who were reluctant to let Ye Chen leave, but there was no way.

In this way, Ye Chen disappeared from the sight of everyone, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and those people were also shocked after seeing it.

At this time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty could confirm that Ye Chen was not only an expert, but also an immortal.

The reason why he was able to meet Ye Chen was probably to help Wei Qing heal his injuries, so that he would not lose his beloved general and stabilize his situation.

Ye Chen came back through the wormhole, and he appeared in the bathroom now.

Fortunately, there was no one in the bathroom just now, otherwise people would have to be scared to death.

He not only completed the tasks given by the system, but also saved Wei Qing's life.

"I don't know what the reward is this time?" Ye Chen thought to himself.

Suddenly, a system reminder sounded in my mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the takeaway order and getting the system rewards for dispatching troops and dispatching tokens."

Ye Chen took a closer look at the system's description: "This token is equivalent to an ancient soldier talisman. You can dispatch 50 troops when the host is in danger. The time is half an hour, and it can only be used once a month."

After reading the description of the system, Ye Chen understood that this was equivalent to having 50 invisible bodyguards around him. Although he had a good chance of using it, the reward was really awesome.

Ye Chen walked out of the bathroom and sat down beside Su Wanyi.

Wang Xiaocong looked at Ye Chen with a surprised expression and asked, "Brother Chen, where did you go just now?"

"Toilet." Ye Chen replied.

"But I didn't see you inside." Wang Xiaocong expressed the doubt in his heart.

"That's right, I went to the bathroom, did you drink too much?" Ye Chen retorted with a smile.

Su Wanyi didn't have any questions about Ye Chen going to the bathroom, and she also felt that Wang Xiaocong might only ask this question after drinking too much.

"Oh, that might be my problem," Wang Xiaocong said in a low voice.

Ye Chen looked at the puzzled expression on Wang Xiaocong's face, thinking that this guy also followed him to the bathroom just now, but Ye Chen had already walked into the wormhole, of course it was impossible for him to see it.

"Husband, I have to go to the company tomorrow morning. You can stay here with Young Master Wang, and I will leave first." Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and said with a smile.

She was very reasonable and did not ask Ye Chen to accompany her to leave.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Wang Xiaocong couldn't help but admire Su Wanyi very much. You must know that the women around him are very clingy. If you encounter a situation like this, you will definitely clamor for him to accompany him.

"Wife, how can I rest assured if you go home alone, it just happens that I am also a little sleepy." Ye Chen said with an excuse.

Su Wanyi winked at Ye Chen, meaning to tell him that she really didn't use it, and she could go back by herself.

However, Ye Chen simply ignored his stubbornness.

"Master Wang, it just so happens that I have to go back to school, if I'm late, I won't be able to go back." Ren Xue said.

Seeing that there was no one to accompany him, Wang Xiaocong also stood up very wittily.

Su Wanyi and Ren Xue walked in front, Ye Chen and Wang Xiaocong walked behind, and the two were chatting.

Just when a few people were about to walk out of the bar, a group of people suddenly came out but blocked their way.

"Xiaoxue, I finally saw you again, so you can have a drink with me." A bald man said with a smile while looking at Ren Xue.

"Brother Bald, I'm sorry, another day." Ren Xue said with a smile.

"Smelly woman, don't shame your face, my elder brother wants to invite you to drink, but you dare to refuse, are you shameless?" A man with colorful hair looked at Ren Xue and said.

As he said, he raised his hand and came towards Ren Xuefan.

Ren Xue was so frightened that Huarong turned pale when she saw this.

"Little Liu, how can you treat beautiful women like this." The bald man stopped his movements.

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