Published at 27th of April 2021 12:46:49 PM

Chapter 140: 140

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The next day, Yu Jia came to the hospital, and she felt something was wrong.

Many people pointed to her.

"The princess is really sick, and I fantasize about others harassing her every day."

"I really thought I was so attractive. This kind of person is also qualified to be a nurse."

"I also saw that video. It was too much to hit the child."

Yu Jia was pushing the medicine cart to give a patient an infusion, but the patient said: "I don't want your infusion, I'm afraid you will harass me."

Yu Jia felt more and more wrong.

At this time, a nurse came over: "Yu Jia, the head nurse is looking for you."

When I arrived at the nurse's station, I saw the head nurse saying with a cold face: "Yu Jia, what happened yesterday, how can you do this kind of thing?"

Yu Jia was taken aback for a moment: "What did I do?"

The head nurse threw the phone to Yu Jia: "Look at it for yourself."

When Yu Jia saw the video, she was stunned.

I saw this video taken out of context, saying that Princess Yu Jia was ill and framed and beat the child.

The comments below are not to be read.

Yu Jia looked aggrieved when she saw the video: "Head nurse, that's not the case."

The head nurse said with a cold face: "Don't go to work, go home and reflect on it."

Yu Jia originally thought it was over, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

Although wronged, Yu Jia went home according to the arrangement of the head nurse.

Yu Jia deliberately put on a mask for fear that others would recognize her.

But when she returned to the community, she was still recognized.

"Isn't this Yu Jia? That's the girl in the video."

"How can such a good old man give birth to such a daughter?"

"That's right, hitting a child and saying that she was harassed."

"It's so narcissistic. The child is playing in the water. When she touches her, she beats the child."

"I heard that she is still a doctor, how can such a person be a doctor."


When Yu Jia returned home, she started to cry.

Mother returned home and said angrily at Yu Jia: "You said you, how can you do this kind of thing, I don't have the face to go out now."

"Mom, things are not like this."

"Okay, don't explain it to me. The video was made clearly, and even your appearance was taken. So where do you go?"


At this time, Yu Jia's boyfriend called.

"Yu Jia, let's break up."

Yu Jia was stunned. Her boyfriend had been with him for three years, and they were about to get married.

"A Guang, don't even you believe me?"

Wei Huanguang said: "Even if Xiaojia believes in you, what do others think of me, I don't want to be pointed out when we get married in the future."

Hanging up the phone, Yu Jia collapsed.

She was wronged and helpless.

This incident clearly shows that she is the victim, but now, all the criticisms are directed at her.


Ye Chen was driving and suddenly received a call from Tang Lu.

As soon as the phone was connected, Ye Chen stopped crying Tang Lu.

"Ye Chen, sister Yu Jia committed suicide."

"What?" Ye Chen frowned.

Ye Chen drove to the hospital quickly.

Fortunately, the rescue was timely, and Yu Jia woke up.

Tang Lu grabbed Yu Jia's hand: "Sister Yu Jia, why are you so stupid?"

Yu Jia cried and said, "Lulu, no one believes me, they all say I am a bad woman, and my boyfriend broke up with me."

Ye Chen's eyes flashed with cold light.

Originally, if Sheng Caiyun had let it go, he didn't plan to pursue it.

After all, the other party is a child.

But this woman is so vicious, using the power of the Internet.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Xiaojia, don't worry, I will definitely give you justice."

Then Ye Chen turned and left, and directly dialed the number of Huadu Law Firm.

"Hello, is this Huadu Law Firm? Contact me Mr. Zhao."

In Zhao Qidong's office, he frowned when he looked at the share transfer contract.

"Who is this Ye Chen? He unexpectedly bought 30% of our shares in one breath."

Vice President Yang Min shook his head: "Mr. Zhao, we have checked that the other party uses legal means and every procedure is very formal."

"Is the name Ye Chen familiar? By the way, I've heard President Ma say it."

Zhao Qidong quickly dialed Ma's phone.

"Brother Ma, let me ask you someone, Ye Chen, do you know?"

"Ye Chen?" Ma stunned after hearing the name.

"Of course I know, what's the matter?" Marco asked.

Zhao Qidong said: "The shares of our law firm were suddenly acquired by a mysterious young man. The other party's name is Ye Chen. I remember hearing him mention him."

Brother Ma nodded: "Ye Chen is not an ordinary person, so I won't introduce you too much. He is the owner of No.1 Villa in Washington, and he has a palace courtyard in Kyoto. Now you know he has How horrible it is."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Qidong took a breath.

Zhao Qidong, the director of No.1 Washington Villa, Wangfu Courtyard, felt his scalp exploded.

This is so awesome background to be able to own such a house.

At this moment, the secretary ran in: "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Ye just called to find you."

Zhao Qidong was about to contact Ye Chen, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to call.

He quickly took the inside line: "Hello, this is Zhao Qidong from Huadu Law Firm, and hello, Mr. Ye."

"Hello, Mr. Zhao, I want to trouble you with one thing."

"What's the matter?" Knowing the horror of Ye Chen's identity, Ye Chen told him to do things, not only was he not disgusted, but very happy.

Being able to make a big figure like Ye Chen owe him favor, this is something that is hard to find even with a lantern.

Have you watched the recent online video about nurse beating? That nurse is my friend, and I am also a party to the incident. My friend was framed. I hope you will help me fight this lawsuit and return Yu Jia's innocence, so that Sheng Caiyun will be punished. "

Zhao Qidong nodded: "Mr. Ye, don't worry, I will investigate this matter personally, and I will definitely give Miss Yu an innocence. As for Sheng Caiyun, since he has offended Mr. Ye, he doesn't need to be in the lawyers circle."

Ye Chen hung up the phone, let's look at Zhao Qidong's ability to do things.

However, Ye Chen was not idle either. He directly hacked Sheng Caiyun's cell phone and computer with hacking methods.

Ye Chen has gained a lot. In the past few years, Sheng Caiyun has done a lot of wicked things in order to make money.

Ye Chen found a lot of evidence in Sheng Caiyun's computer.

In recent years, she has given false testimony to help clients make false accounts, and even once helped a rich second generation who killed someone to escape legal sanctions by replacing them.

With these evidences, it was enough to send Sheng Caiyun to prison.

In the afternoon, Zhao Qidong replied.

"Mr. Ye's matter has been investigated clearly. Sheng Caiyun bought the official account of a big coffee and posted the video. We have found the confession of the classmate who went to the hot spring with Sheng Caiyun's son at that time. Proved in front of the classmates that they harassed Ms. Yu Bing."

Ye Chen nodded: "Mr. Zhao, I'll send you some more evidence in the past, you can watch the operation."

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