Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:18 AM

Chapter 1402: Dream thing

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Su Wanyi was Ye Chen's favorite, and the idea she hit was tantamount to looking for death.

Since he can't kill the bald head, then give him a severe punishment so that he can never harm other girls in the future.

The bald man looked at Ye Chen with horror, wondering how he would be dealt with.

Ye Chen lifted his foot and kicked his vital part.


Suddenly the screams of the bald man came from the warehouse.

Ye Chen knew it was more painful to him than killing a bald man.

"This is a warning to you. If you dare to provoke me, you won't be merciless next time." Ye Chen said in a cold voice.

The bald-headed man was so painful that he couldn't speak, he thought to himself that it was more uncomfortable than killing him.

Ye Chen squatted in front of his bald head who was rolling on the floor in pain, and touched his pocket with his hand.

When the bald head saw Ye Chen's movements, his expression was distorted. He didn't know what Ye Chen was going to do.

But because of the pain, he couldn't speak again.

Seeing Ye Chen fetched the phone from his pocket, he stood up, and his bald head was relieved.

Ye Chen called the 120 emergency call, he didn't want to kill anyone.

"Hello, one of my people is injured and needs first aid. Come quickly, the address is..." Ye Chen said to the phone.

The bald man couldn't help being a little moved when he saw Ye Chen call to save himself.

He saw Ye Chen's cruelty, and he had no idea of ​​revenge at all.

The bald man is not stupid, he knows that people like Ye Chen should be less provoked.

"If you want to get revenge from me, please stay with me at any time." Ye Chen said while putting the phone beside his bald head.

The reason why he didn't use his cell phone to call was because he didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't dare even if you take the courage of me. Thank you for calling to save me. We are not acquainted with each other. We will say if it is useful to me in the future, we must do it." With a bald face. Said gratefully.

"Good for yourself." Ye Chen turned and left after speaking.

He walked out of the warehouse to the sports car and got in, quickly started the car and drove out of here.

Ye Chen knew that the ambulance was coming soon, and he didn't want to be seen.

After a while, the ambulance came and took the bald head away. Fortunately, the bald head was out of danger by calling in time, but in the future, he would no longer be able to do those damaging things.

At this moment, Ye Chen also returned home, he gently opened the door and crept in, for fear of awakening Su Wanyi.

But he found that the light in the bedroom was still on, and Su Wanyi didn't sleep at all.

"Husband, you are back." Su Wanyi hurried out when she heard the voice outside.

"Wife, why are you still asleep? Don't you have to arrive at the company early tomorrow?" Ye Chen asked.

"How can I sleep if you haven't come back?" Su Wanyi asked while looking at Ye Chen.

"Well now I'm back, let's sleep." Ye Chen walked towards Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi was already sleepy, just clenching her teeth, and now seeing Ye Chen come back, the sleepiness came instantly.

In this way, he fell asleep deeply in Ye Chen's arms.

The next day, before Ye Chen woke up, Su Wanyi had already left the house.

Of course, before leaving, he made a loving breakfast for Ye Chen and told him to eat breakfast.

Ye Chen checked his watch after getting up. It was half past eight, and he quickly rushed into the bathroom to wash, and he was about to leave the house after he got dressed.

Suddenly I saw a note left by Su Wanyi, which read: "My husband, the sandwich is ready, you make another cup of coffee, you must have breakfast."

Ye Chen couldn't help but feel warm when he looked at the beautiful line of small print.

Where did he have time to make coffee, grab a sandwich and ran towards the door.

Ye Chen got into the car and drove while eating sandwiches. The reason why he was so anxious was because he had asked Wang Hao to sign a contract with the company early in the morning.

He is a very punctual person, he doesn't like others to be late, and he doesn't allow himself to be late.

The sports car galloped all the way, and Ye Chen dialed a phone number.

The other party looked very excited when he saw it, and hurriedly picked it up.

"Song Li, you quickly prepare a contract for me, and I will be at the company in about twenty minutes." Ye Chen said.

"Okay, President Ye, I see." Song Li said with a smile.

She didn't expect that Ye Chen would actually call her personally, even if it was about work.

"Well, see you later." Ye Chen hung up after finishing talking.

After Song Li finished talking with Ye Chen, her whole person became more energetic, and her work became more energetic.

One night, Wang Hao and Zhang Ying were both immersed in joy. They never dreamed that they would actually meet a noble person.

This is really keeping the clouds open and seeing the moonlight!

At first, the two people were worried about the operation fee. After all, it was not a small sum. Wang Hao is a college graduate, and Zhang Ying is younger than him and still in school. How could the two of them have so much income?

Ye Chen not only gave him a card last night, but also asked him to go to the Star Media Company early in the morning.

Wang Hao had been waiting at the door of the company a long time ago. He felt like this kind of thing not only can't be late, but also must be early to make a good impression on the other party.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and after he connected, he said, "Mr. Ye, I'm already at the door of the company."

"Okay, wait for me a while, and I'll be there soon." Ye Chen said.

Standing at the door of the company, Wang Hao looked into the distance, and a cool sports car caught his eye.

In no time, the sports car had come to him and stopped.

A young man came down from it, and Wang Hao immediately recognized that the man was Ye Chen who gave him the bank card yesterday.

"Hello, Mr. Ye." Wang Hao said hello politely.

"Wang Hao, wait a long time." Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"No, Mr. Ye." Wang Hao said.

Then he continued to ask: "Mr. Ye, is there anything you asked me to come here?"

"Go, let's go into the company and say." Ye Chen walked towards the company's gate after speaking.

Wang Hao followed him, and the two walked in tandem.

Along the way, the staff who saw Ye Chen shouted: "Mr. Ye, good morning."

Wang Hao can guess from everyone's attitude towards Ye Chen that this young man is the management of this company.

But what made him dream that Ye Chen turned out to be the boss of this company.

Ye Chen led him out of the elevator, went straight to an office door, and walked in.

"Please sit down." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Wang Hao looked at Ye Chen in front of him, and just about to speak, Ye Chen said straightforwardly: "Wang Hao, I want to train you to become a singer, don't you know if you want to?"

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Wang Hao was a little startled.

He didn't think that Ye Chen actually wanted him to come for this purpose.

This is what he dreams of.

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