Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:16 AM

Chapter 1404: Star Road Project

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After Ye Chen and Wang Hao signed the contract, they called Su Wanyi: "My wife, are you done with you?"

"Well, it's coming soon." Su Wanyi replied.

"I have signed the contract here, I will come to you now." Ye Chen said.

"Okay, but you may have to wait for me a while." Su Wanyi replied.

"It doesn't matter, let's meet and talk." Ye Chen hung up after finishing talking.

After Wang Hao walked out of the company, he hummed a little song all the way. He never dreamed of signing a contract with this famous entertainment company.

In fact, he thought he sang very well before, and he had found a few non-formal entertainment companies, but they all closed their doors.

Wang Hao even wanted to go to the bar to sing, but it was unsuccessful. He really had no other way but to sing and beg on the flyover.

Although people passing by pointed at him and laughed at him for being incompetent, Wang Hao didn't care, as long as he could save his girlfriend's life and let him do anything.

In fact, it was this point that moved Ye Chen.

Wang Hao ran towards the hospital on a shared bicycle and, after arriving in the ward, he looked at his girlfriend lying on the bed with excitement.

"Ahao, why are you back?" Zhang Ying asked while looking at her boyfriend standing at the door

"Xiaoying, I want to tell you good news." Wang Hao said with a smile.

"What good news?" Zhang Ying asked with a puzzled expression.

"I signed a contract with Star Media, and they want to train me to become a singer."

Then he continued: "Xiaoying, our good day is coming."

Zhang Ying's eyes widened in surprise when she heard it. Yesterday she heard Wang Hao said that she was going to Star Media early this morning, and she kept praying for her boyfriend.

I didn't expect my boyfriend to sign a contract with such a big media company. It is really a great thing.

"Xiaoying, you don't have to worry about your medical expenses anymore. After your illness is cured, we will prepare to get married and buy a house, and take the parents over to live together. What do you think?" Wang Hao asked excitedly.

The two hugged each other, looking out the window looking forward to a bright future.

This future was given by Ye Chen, and Wang Hao had already made up his mind to make some achievements, not only for himself, but also to repay Ye Chen's friendship.

"Secretary Song, come to the office." Ye Chen dialed Song Li's phone and said.

"Mr. Ye, I'll be there soon." Song Li said joyfully.

After a while, Song Li came to the door of the office. Since the door was open, she went straight in.

"Mr. Ye." Song Li yelled softly.

"Secretary Song, this is a contract signed between the company and the new artist. Keep it safe." Ye Chen handed the document to Song Li's hand and said.

"Does President Su know?" Song Li asked.

She feels that this is Su Wanyi's company after all, so she must be notified of such big things as signing artists.

Song Li is a very principled person. Even if she likes Ye Chen, she will not confuse work with personal relationships.

"Don't worry, I have finished talking to President Su about this matter." Ye Chen said with a smile.

After Song Li listened, her hanging heart was also let go.

"Okay, let's go ahead." Ye Chen turned and walked towards the door after speaking.

Originally Song Li thought that she would have time to be alone with Ye Chen, but she didn't expect Ye Chen to leave so soon.

"Mr. Ye, don't you stay longer?" Song Li asked while looking at Ye Chen's back.

"No, I have something else." Ye Chen said.

At this moment, he has walked out of the office.

Song Li reluctantly looked at Ye Chen's back, feeling very sad.

Ye Chen walked out of the company door, drove towards Su Wanyi's company, and dialed the phone downstairs.

"My wife, I'm here."

"Husband, you come up first, I'm not over here yet." Su Wan said helplessly.

After Ye Chen parked the car, he walked straight into the company and came to Su Wanyi's office.

At this time, the secretary walked towards the office and came back to get things according to Su Wanyi's instructions.

"Mr. Ye, President Su is still having a meeting in the conference room. Do you need anything if you sit here for a while?" Su Wanyi's secretary looked at Ye Chen who walked in and asked.

"Okay, I'll just wait for her here, don't worry about me if you are busy," Ye Chen said with a smile.

After the secretary left, Ye Chen sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs tilted, as comfortable as possible.

After all, this is his wife's territory, and of course he is more relaxed here.

Waiting for Su Wanyi's effort, Ye Chen was thinking about how to train Wang Hao. After all, Wang Hao has no reputation at all now, and it is not so easy to make him popular.

He must have a detailed plan, first let Wang Hao be known.

This alone is not easy.

But Ye Chen already had a plan in his mind.

Just as he was thinking about it, his cell phone ringing suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

After a glance, it turned out to be Wang Hao. This really means that Cao Cao is here.

Ye Chen was also more confused about why Wang Hao called him at this time. Didn't it all have been made clear just now, could it be that he was going to regret it.

But Ye Chen didn't worry at all. After all, Wang Hao couldn't afford the cost of breaking the contract, and presumably he wouldn't do it either.

After all, Ye Chen gave him an opportunity that so many people dream of, how could he easily give up.

Although Wang Hao sang well, it was not rare to sing better than him. He only got this chance after meeting Ye Chen.

It's like a good Maxima met Bole.

No matter what Wang Hao asked him for, Ye Chen pressed the connect button.

"Wang Hao, what's the matter?" Ye Chen asked.

"Mr. Ye, I do want to find you for something," said Wang Hao on the other side.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen said lightly.

"That's Mr. Ye, didn't you give me a bank card last night?" Wang Hao said.

"Well, is there any problem with the bank card?" Ye Chen asked with a puzzled expression.

He felt that there would be no problem with that bank card, and there was no password, Wang Hao could easily withdraw the money.

But when Wang Hao talked about the three words bank card, of course he was puzzled.

"Mr. Ye, don't get me wrong, there is no problem with the bank card. The main reason is that I want to return this card to you." Wang Hao said straightforwardly.

When he said this, Ye Chen didn't understand even more, and completely confused Ye Chen.

Hearing nothing from the other party, Wang Hao continued: "Mr. Ye, I think you have helped me more. Now I have a job and income. I can fully earn Xiaoying’s medical expenses, so I decided to This card will still be returned to you."

When Wang Hao told Zhang Ying that he signed a contract with Star Media, the two of them made a decision, which was to return the bank card to Ye Chen.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!