Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:15 AM

Chapter 1405: Old man's mind

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"No, it's impossible to get back the things I gave. The money is useful for me, but it's just a number for me." Ye Chen's words were arrogant and domineering.

Although he said this, he still felt that Wang Hao's character was very good and he was not insatiable.

Ye Chen didn't see the wrong person as expected.

"Mr. Ye, my girlfriend and I feel that we owe you too much and don’t know what to do. You have already given me this job and I will have income in the future. Then Xiaoying’s medical expenses are not a problem at all. "Wang Hao said what was in his heart.

"If you really feel that you owe me, then you should work hard to make some achievements and make your life with your girlfriend better and better." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Then he continued: "Okay, let's not talk about this matter, so be it, you can spend time with your girlfriend."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he didn't have a chance to speak to Wang Hao, so he hung up the phone.

Wang Hao stood there blankly holding the phone, not knowing what to say.

"Ahao, how is it?" Zhang Ying asked, looking at her boyfriend's expression.

"Mr. Ye doesn't want this bank card." Wang Hao said with a disappointed expression.

"Well, we will have the opportunity to repay Mr. Ye well in the future." Zhang Ying said comfortingly.

After Ye Chen hung up the phone, he continued to think about the question just now.

At this time, there was the sound of high-heeled shoes outside.

You can know without guessing that it is Su Wanyi who is back.

"You will organize a copy of the meeting minutes and send it to the people who have just attended the meeting." Su Wanyi said in a tired voice.

"Okay, President Su, I'll go to sort it out right away. By the way, Mr. Ye is still waiting for you in the office," the secretary added.

"Well, I got it."

After the secretary left, Su Wanyi opened the door of the office and saw Ye Chen sitting there with a pensive expression on her face.

Because Ye Chen wanted to get into his mind, he didn't notice anyone coming in at all.

Su Wanyi saw Ye Chen who was dazed, and she shook her hand in front of him and said, "Husband, you are so fascinated by what you are thinking about."

Seeing that Ye Chen ignored herself, Su Wanyi thought he was waiting for her to get angry, so she hurriedly said, "My husband, I'm sorry, there were too many things just now, and there are many things to say at the meeting."

"Wife, you are here." Ye Chen said suddenly.

At this time, Su Wanyi realized that Ye Chen was not angry, and couldn't help but let go of her heart.

"Husband, you are too bullying." Su Wanyi pouted.

"What do you say?" Ye Chen was a bit confused by the second-year-old monk.

"I just ignored people, I thought you were angry." Su Wanyi said aggrievedly.

"How come, it's justified for my husband to wait for his wife, not to mention my wife, but the goddess of the business world must be busy, she is like me." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Wanyi was very happy when she heard these words, not because of praise, but because Ye Chen understood her.

"By the way, my wife, Wang Hao and I have signed the contract, and he has to return the bank card to me, but I refused." Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi and said.

Su Wanyi thought that there would still be such a thing, that Wang Hao was a liar, how could she take the initiative to return the bank card, thinking about it, she felt impossible.

But she didn't say what she was thinking, mainly because she and Ye Chen didn't agree with Wang Hao.

And I don't want to have a dispute because of such insignificant people, it's not worth it.

As if he could understand Su Wanyi's mind, Ye Chen smiled and said, "My wife, I will prove to you that my vision is all right."

Of course, Su Wanyi knew what Ye Chen meant. One was to prove Wang Hao's character, and the other was to prove Wang Hao's strength.

"Okay." Su Wanyi nodded with a smile.

"Wife, what's the plan for a while?" Ye Chen asked suddenly.

"I still have some work in my hands, so I can't accompany you." Su Wanyi said with regret.

"It doesn't matter, you are busy, I just came to see you, now that people have seen me and completed the task." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

He had already guessed that Su Wanyi was busy, after all, the entire company relied on her.

It just so happens that Ye Chen also has things to do, so today the two of them will be busy with each other.

"Husband, I'm really sorry." Su Wanyi said apologetically.

She knew that because of her work, she owed Ye Chen too much.

"Wife, why are you still saying sorry to me? This is too far-fetched." Ye Chen pretended to be angry and said.

"Okay, I'm leaving, you must remember to eat lunch by yourself." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

Suddenly, Su Wanyi's phone rang, and she glanced at it turned out to be the phone call from grandpa.

After answering the phone, Su Wanyi's heart was a little worried. Grandpa rarely called her unless there was something to do.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" Su Wanyi answered the phone and asked.

"Wanyi, have you forgotten Grandpa's birthday banquet?" Grandpa Su asked.

Hearing this, Su Wanyi's heart sighed. Dad had reminded him before that Grandpa's 80th birthday was coming soon, so she asked her to prepare gifts quickly.

Although the old man doesn't care, it represents filial piety after all.

"Grandpa, how could I forget such a big thing? Don't worry." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"Well, we'll see you tonight, and your dad said that you made a boyfriend. Bring it to me to see in the evening." Father Su hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

Su Wanyi held the phone with a very painful expression.

She thought in her heart: "Damn it, how could I forget this thing so busy."

"Wife, what's the matter with you, why did your face become so ugly?" Ye Chen asked with a worried expression looking at the woman in front of him.

Su Wanyi did not speak, but instead opened the memo on the phone, looking for something.

Fortunately, she has developed this good habit. In order to prevent some important things from being missed, she will write it down in the memo on the phone.

If you call your father to ask about this, you will definitely be scolded again.

But she didn't know if she checked, she was really shocked when she checked, grandpa's birthday banquet is tonight.

Su Wanyi, as grandfather's most beloved granddaughter, didn't even prepare for anything. This was really a terrible thing.

"Ye Chen, you accompany me to a banquet tonight." Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and said.

She knew that attending grandfather's birthday banquet would definitely come with a lot of big-faced people, as well as those rich children.

The reason why Grandpa asked her to bring her boyfriend was to give him a check. By the way, how could Su Wanyi not know the old man's thoughts.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!