Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:09 AM

Chapter 1409: Encountered old classmates

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The shop is full of waitresses and the look in his eyes is full of enthusiasm. Why did Ye Chen stay in the shop for too long?

He glanced at the phone's battery has been charged a little, and hurriedly left the store with the phone and the bag.

Ye Chen's actions also shocked the waitresses, and the eyes of the back who watched him leave were full of dismay.

"Xiaoxin, okay, you are looking for a handsome guy to contact you for your own business, you really have you."

The waitresses all said to the waiter who had just received Ye Chen.

"Keep your voice down, Mr. Ye hasn't gone far yet. How embarrassed it would be to make him hear." Liu Xin said embarrassedly.

"Yo yo yo, seeing our Xiao Xin's faces are all red, she seems to like her." A waitress said with a smile.

"Aren't you, whoever saw it just now made his eyes straight." Liu Xin retorted.

Don't say anything about these waitresses, all of them are interesting to Ye Chen.

"Nevertheless, I know that such a good man is not something we can climb high, Xiaoxin listened to sister's advice, you should die of this heart, the province is stimulated." The waitress kindly persuaded just now. .

"Sister, I don't want it. My destiny is in my own hands. If you are as timid as you, you can't do anything." Liu Xin said with an unhappy expression on his face.

The waitress couldn't persuade Liu Xin, so she didn't say anything.

Seeing that the time is still early, Su Wanyi probably hasn't finished her work yet.

Ye Chen could only wander in the mall. He felt that carrying a bag was obviously a bit cumbersome, so he simply went to the parking lot and put the bag in the car, and then returned.

Originally he wanted to watch a movie to pass the time, but after watching it, the shortest movie took nearly two hours.

Ye Chen didn't have so much time at all, that is to say, he had to leave before the movie was finished. It was so appealing, he had to guess what the ending was.

In this case, he can only go shopping in the mall, waiting for Su Wanyi's call.

Ye Chen walked in the shopping mall, attracting the eyes of the young girls who are just beginning to love each other.

Two girls followed Ye Chen, their eyes were small stars looking at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen felt that someone had slapped him, and quickly turned around, but saw two girls standing behind him, smiling at him.

"Hello little brother, can I be your girlfriend?" The girl with a ponytail looked at Ye Chen and said generously.

Another girl also said: "Handsome guy, if you don't mind, I can also be your girlfriend, not to mention the two of us are very good girlfriends."

Then she pointed at the ponytail girl beside her and smiled.

"Little sister, I'm sorry, I already have a girlfriend." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

"You can break up if you have a girlfriend." The ponytail girl said with a smile.

"Little handsome guy, I don't mind. Maybe your girlfriend and I can be sisters." Another girl said with a smile.

Ye Chen listened to the words of the two girls in front of him, and there were only two words in his heart that were "speechless".

Girls nowadays are so open-minded.

Well, Ye Chen can only make big moves. He smiled and said, "Sorry, I made a mistake just now. I am married and have children."

The two girls can accept the marriage of the handsome guy in front of them, but it is unacceptable to have children.

When the two girls looked at each other, Ye Chen hurriedly left.

When the two girls came back to their senses, Ye Chen had already disappeared.

"Good risk, good risk." Ye Chen thought in his heart.

Probably because of wearing a suit, Ye Chen is so handsome at the moment, attracting the eyes of many girls passing by him.

Ye Chen felt that if he continued to stay here, he would really feel like a sheep in the mouth.

He hurriedly walked towards the entrance of the mall, when suddenly someone called him behind him.

"Ye Chen."

Ye Chen turned his head, standing in front of him was a figure that was almost the same as him, but his appearance was far different from him.

This man is not someone else but Ye Chen's university classmate Liu Qing. The relationship between the two people during school can be said to be good or bad.

"Zhao Qing." Ye Chen replied.

"Ye Chen, we must have not seen each other for a few years," Zhao Qing said.

Since graduating from university, these people have gone out of the campus and rushed to each other, rarely contacting each other.

Even those who are connected are at work and have overlapping interests.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Next to Zhao Qing stood a slightly fat girl.

She looked at Ye Chen with a trace of admiration, which made Zhao Qing look very uncomfortable, and she felt that her head was green with dense prairie.

"Zhao Qing, this is the classmate Ye Chen you often tell me, right?" the girl asked with a smile.

Then she greeted Ye Chen again: "Hello Ye Chen, I am Zhao Qing's friend Liu Xia, I am glad to meet you."

She deliberately didn't say that she was Zhao Qing's girlfriend but just a friend.

Hearing this, Zhao Qing's face became even more ugly, and when he saw the handsome guy, he deliberately disassociated himself from him.

"Hello Liu Xia." Ye Chen greeted politely.

"This little brother is really a talent, like a movie star. If he could be his girlfriend, it would be so enviable." Liu Xia thought at the moment.

After all, the vast majority of people are visual animals. Everyone hopes that the other half they find looks good, even if it’s not good, it’s about the same.

But the respect of Zhao Qing is really intolerable. If Zhao Qing hadn't chased Liu Xia desperately, she would definitely not be with such a person.

When Zhao Qing saw Liu Xia's face smile like a blooming flower, she suddenly stopped getting angry.

He feels that he is really shameless, and his girlfriend should draw a line with him in front of others, which is simply too damaging to a man's dignity.

"Ye Chen, where are you taller?" Zhao Qing said suddenly.

Although his girlfriend Liu Xia looked at Ye Chen's expression so ambiguous, it hurt his self-esteem a little, but seeing Ye Chen's dress and dress, he felt that he must be the boss or something.

Maybe after getting this level of relationship, he will be able to help himself in his career in the future, so Zhao Qing still talked to Ye Chen in a kind tone.

"Nothing is taller than that. I'm just a takeaway. How can you be as capable as you." Ye Chen smiled and patted Zhao Qing on the shoulder and said.

Zhao Qinggang was about to praise Ye Chen for being modest, but when he thought about his old classmate who actually delivered food, of course he was better than him.

Liu Xia also didn't expect that the handsome Ye Chen turned out to be just a takeaway, and she couldn't help but sneer.

The look in Ye Chen's eyes didn't have admiration but was a bit disgusted.

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