Published at 27th of April 2021 12:46:44 PM

Chapter 141: 141

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Zhao Qidong gasped when he saw the information sent by Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, where did you get these evidences? It's too powerful. With these evidences, Sheng Caiyun is dead."

On the same day, a video of the incident reversal appeared on the official account of a big coffee.

The truth of the whole thing was restored.

The melon-eaters who had been used as gunmen were angry when they learned the truth.

There was a lot of scolding online.

Sheng Caiyun was doing beauty treatment in the clubhouse, and suddenly received a call from the lawyer chairman: "Sheng Caiyun, what have you done, please come back to me."

After returning to the law firm, Sheng Caiyun was shocked to see that her entire law firm was filled with graffiti from angry netizens.

"con man!"

"Trash woman!"

"Go to death with your son!"

This time, Sheng Caiyun also realized the horror of cyber violence.

At this moment, several police officers walked in.

"Sheng Caiyun, you were arrested for taking bribes on suspicion of perjury, come with us."

A policewoman put handcuffs on Sheng Caiyun.

At this time, Sheng Caiyun had already lost her arrogance, and she was taken into a police car amidst the discussion of colleagues with a dazed expression.

In the car, Sheng Caiyun's face was pale.

At this time, the figure of Ye Chen appeared in Sheng Caiyun's mind.

It must be him, and I must be like this because of him.

Sheng Caiyun's intestines are all regretful, and she regrets offending Ye Chen very much.

As soon as I arrived at the police station, another police car drove over.

A teenage child was escorted from the police by the police.

"Mom, save me?" The boy looked at Sheng Caiyun and cried.

Seeing that her son was also arrested, Sheng Caiyun seemed to be crazy.

"He is just a child, why are you arresting him."

A policeman said coldly: "Your son drove and killed a little girl. Now he has been detained for dangerous driving without a license."

"What?" Sheng Caiyun plopped and sat on the ground.

At this moment, tears of regret shed in her eyes.

It was all because of my own love that made my son what he is today.

She has always thought that she loves children, and now she understands that her doting not only harms her children, but also harms herself.

Zhao Qidong called Ye Chen and told Ye Chen what happened.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen sighed.

As a mother, Sheng Caiyun loves her children, but she loves the wrong way.

After breakfast the next morning, Ye Chen said to Lin Wanrou: "Come with me to the Pudong sales office. It will open today."

"It's the son, you wait for me to change clothes."

Lin Wanrou usually wears Hanfu at home, so she naturally wears something more formal when going out to do things.

After a while, Lin Wanrou walked out of the room.

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw Lin Wanrou who came out.

OL's black uniform, straight trousers, and that exquisite face, give people the feeling of an iceberg female president.

Seeing Ye Chen staring straight at her, Lin Wanrou blushed pretty: "My son, do I look good in an OL uniform?"

Ye Chen smiled and said: "It looks good, you are like a fairy in the sky in Hanfu, this OL uniform is an iceberg queen."

"Haha, the son just likes it."

Ye Chen and Lin Wanrou drove directly to the Pudong sales office.

In the Pudong sales office, the manager Tang Zhen said with a serious face: "Our 100 school district houses have been bought by a big man named Ye Chen. I have already contacted his secretary. Mr. Ye has decided to buy the house. Let’s rent out. Everyone should be more mindful today, and we must leave the right to rent in our company."

"Yes!" Several employees nodded earnestly.

The right to rent out one hundred semester houses is a profit of nearly one million a year for their company, and it is even related to everyone's bonus.

The Pudong School District housing, because it is close to Pudong No. 1 Middle School, has been paid attention to by many parents before.

So it flooded into the sales office as soon as it opened.

But they heard a sad news that all the buildings were bought by a big man, and they could not buy but rent.

"I'll rub, which big guy is so rich and bought a hundred sets for more than five million."

"It's so proud, it's a big man as expected."

At this time, Ye Chen drove to the sales office.

Ye Chen said: "Wanrou, you and the manager go to sign a contract, I'll go to the sales office to take a look at the building."

"Okay, son." Lin Wanrou said and called Tang Zhen.

Ye Chen went directly to the sales office.

Lin Wanrou was personally greeted by Tang Zhen into the manager's office.

The sales office was full of people.

Since we can't buy a house, everyone is waiting for the news of renting a house.

Children are everything in the eyes of parents now.

Pudong No. 1 Middle School is the best private middle school in the magic city. Parents of children who can go to school here are not short of money.

They all want the best environment for their children, so these school district buildings are very hot.

At this time, a waiter in a sales office was introducing a building to the middle-aged woman.

"Auntie, if you rent it, I think you can rent this one. It has three bedrooms and one living room, the north and the south are transparent, the study is quiet, and the child's learning environment is good.

"Yeah, yes, aunty, I don't need money."

Ye Chen stood aside and listened carefully.

At this time, the middle-aged woman turned around and hit Ye Chen.

"Ouch, what are you doing."

The salesperson also frowned, and looked at Ye Chen coldly and said: "Hey, who made you stand here, if you crash your aunt, can you bear the responsibility? Don't you apologize to the aunt? "

Ye Chen was speechless. He stood here and didn't move. It was the woman who hit him.

"I came to the sales office to see the house, and it was she who hit me. If you want to apologize, she apologizes to me." Ye Chen said dissatisfied.

"You buy a building? Looking at the stall you are wearing, can you afford the house here? Tell you not to buy it. The rent for this house is 30,000 or 40,000 a month, can you afford it?" Middle-aged woman Arrogantly said.

The sales lady also snorted coldly: "The most annoying people like you who can't afford to buy a house and just join in the fun, hurry up and leave the sales office or I will call the security guard."

Ye Chen raised his brows: "Which one of your eyes sees that I can't afford a house, tell you that I bought more than a hundred houses?"

After hearing what Ye Chen said, the sales lady froze for a moment, and then laughed: "You really know how to joke, you know how much it costs for more than a hundred houses? Just you? You have to brag about it."

"I'm so ridiculous. You bought all these hundred houses? You bought it in a dream." The middle-aged woman also sneered.

At this time, many people heard the conversation of several people, and some customers laughed.

Ye Chen is too young, and he wears casual clothes, clothes from Uniqlo's store.

How can such a **** be able to afford a hundred sets of school district houses worth millions of dollars!

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