Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:07 AM

Chapter 1411: Goodwill

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She was used to the admiring look of men, so she didn't think it was a big deal.

The wretched man's hand moved a little bit closer to the beautiful little hand, and his heart was extremely excited and excited.

Because this method is simply unsatisfactory, it has taken advantage of many girls before.

And those girls won't pursue anything, they think they are very cute, I believe this beauty in front of them won't mind.

"Beauty, I'm coming." The wretched man thought in his heart.

For someone as beautiful and temperamental as a beauty, you will definitely have to take advantage of it when you encounter it.

Just when he was about to succeed, he was delighted in his heart, suddenly a fist struck him.

When the wretched man saw this sudden fist, he was startled with scared eyes.

The Munchchi doll headgear he was wearing flew directly out, and the whole figure rolled down like a ball.

Seeing the scene before them, everyone looked surprised and didn't know what happened.

They all looked down the elevator, and the wretched man was lying on the ground for a long time, unable to relax.

The beauty on the elevator was also taken aback. She didn't know what happened.

When the beauty walked down the elevator, she glanced at the man lying on the ground, with an ugly expression on her face.

"How come it's you?"

Ye Chen heard these words from the girl and knew that the two must have known each other.

But how could a beautiful woman know such a man? He was also a little puzzled.

When the people in the mall saw something happening here, they all gathered around here.

Some people even knew this man lying on the ground.

"How come this man looks so familiar."

"It seems that I want to take advantage of the girls again, so I'll be beaten now."

"Hey, this is called the reward for good and evil."

"Fortunately, there are people uphold justice and punish such wicked people."

When everyone saw this familiar face, they were all talking about it.

This wretched man was walking around in this mall, wearing cute doll clothes in this way to take advantage of the girls visiting the mall.

"Xiaoqi, I like you." The wretched man looked at the beauty and said.

"I told you I don't like you anymore, why are you following me?" The beauty said with an ugly expression, frowning.

"It's because you don't accept my love, that's why I made the best move." The wretched man continued.

Ye Chen didn't wait for the beauty to speak, but Ye Chen said: "People say they don't like you anymore. What are you doing with your face like this."

Looking at the looks of the wretched man and the things he has done, there is no one around to speak for him.

"This beauty, don't listen to him. He often does bad things here."

"You must never be with this kind of man. Being with this kind of person will ruin your life."

"I don't believe that he is sincere. After doing so many nasty things, how can he love that person?"

Originally, the wretched man felt angry in his heart when he heard Ye Chen's words, but now that everyone talks about him like this, the anger in his heart is already burning.

He has directed all the signs to Ye Chen.

"Smelly boy, don't you be nosy for me, believe it or not, I will kill you." The wretched man pointed at Ye Chen with an arrogant expression.

There were people who wanted to accuse this man, but after hearing the cruel words he said, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The beauty was so scared that her expression became ugly when she heard the words, she and Ye Chen just met together.

In order to help him, Ye Chen actually got into such a man.

She knew that this wretched man was just a person who was in the society.

Ye Chen seems to be gentle, how could he have done such a person.

"Sir, thank you, you don't need to worry about it here." The beauty said with a nervous expression.

Everyone thought that Ye Chen knew this beauty, but after hearing what she said, they knew that they were strangers.

This well-dressed man drew his sword to help when he saw injustice.

The wretched man showed a smug expression on his face when the beauty said this.

This is his place, anyone who dares to provoke him is looking for death, and there has never been a person like Ye Chen.

"Boy, get scared, get out of here if you know him." The wretched man pointed to Ye Chen's nose and shouted.

Even though he was punched by Ye Chen, he didn't want to cause trouble. If Ye Chen met well, he would accept it, and he would not be held accountable.

"Remove your dirty hands to me, there is no word fear in my dictionary." Ye Chen pushed away the wretched man's hand and said.

When everyone saw the scene in front of them, they also sweated for Ye Chen.

After all, this wretched man is a social man and can do anything.

Hearing Ye Chen's words like this, the wretched man felt very shameless, and it was even more uncomfortable than beating him.

"It's okay, kid, it's the first time I've seen someone like you, it's kind of interesting, then I'll take a good job of fixing you today." The wretched man said, squeezing his fists.

That posture was just about hitting people, and the expressions of everyone around became nervous.

"Hey, it seems that this kid has to be beaten."

"This man is a ruthless character, that kind person looks miserable."

"It was really kind to help, but it caused trouble for myself."

The beauty hurriedly said after seeing it: "Stop it, let's talk carefully if you have something to say, our business has nothing to do with this gentleman."

When the wretched man heard this, his face was full of smiles.

"It would be nice if you said that earlier, as for me to spend so much effort?"

In fact, he didn't dare to really hit Ye Chen, he knew that this beauty would definitely speak up, after all, she couldn't bear others' suffering for her.

"Go, let's talk in another place." The beauty said, looking at the wretched man.

A satisfied smile appeared on the wretched man's face, and it seemed that his goal had been achieved.

When the audience saw the scene in front of them, they were also relieved for Ye Chen.

"Fortunately, there is no fight."

"Thanks to that beauty, otherwise that handsome man will be violently beaten."

"But I guess that beauty should be miserable."

Among them, there are many people who are very worried about beautiful women. After all, what will happen if you leave with this kind of person, no one can predict.

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, Ye Chen grabbed the hand of that beauty.

"You don't need to go anywhere, I'm here."

The beauty was moved when she saw Ye Chen's behavior, but she also felt that she could no longer trouble Ye Chen.

"Sir, thank you, really no need, I can handle this matter." The beauty said with gratitude.

At this moment, she had already figured out the countermeasures, and it was impossible to let that wretched man come along.

Ye Chen still didn't let go of the beauty's hand, and said again: "I'm here."

Seeing the beautiful woman's hand being held by Ye Chen all the time, the wretched man felt like he was going crazy.

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