Published at 21st of January 2022 07:39:02 AM

Chapter 1416: Today is a good day

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In Ye Chen's heart, 10,000 horses and mud horses were running, and his heart collapsed.

"What kind of evil did I commit to encounter this kind of thing."

Give a good takeaway, the clothes got wet, can I still play happily.

Now he still held the caterpillar in his hand. Originally, Ye Chen wanted to release the caterpillar and threw the caterpillar outside.

This time is good, because of Zhang Yuan's sake, not only Ye Chen is soaked, but the caterpillar is also dead.

Unable to release, Ye Chen could only throw the caterpillar's body into the toilet and flushed it away with water.

He couldn't help sighing in his heart, a cute little life just disappeared into the world, it was really a sin.

Seeing Ye Chen didn't speak, Zhang Yuan quickly closed her mouth and stopped speaking. Her heart was very guilty, and she didn't expect things to become like this.

Right now there is something that bothers Ye Chen and also makes him very headache, and that is how he is going to leave here now that he is soaked all over.

I'm going to pick up Su Wanyi in a while. If that girl sees him like this, maybe he will think about it, but he really can't say it clearly.

Ye Chen glanced at the watch on his wrist, knowing that time is running out, and there is no time to worry anymore, so he can only think of a way quickly.

Seeing the handsome man frowning in front of her, Zhang Yuan felt very guilty in her heart.

Ye Chen took out his cell phone to search for it, and dialed a phone number.

"Hello, is this Brioni counter?" Ye Chen asked very politely.

"Yes, sir, what can I do for you?" The waitress on the other side said with a smile.

"I want a suit, the style is..., the size is..." Ye Chen said to the phone.

"Sir, the style and size you mentioned are available in our store. I don't know when you will come to the store. I will reserve it for you." The waitress said with a smile.

"I want you to send it to me, my address is..." Ye Chen told the waitress the address of Zhang Yuan's villa.

"Sir, I'm sorry, there is no such situation in our store to give clothes to customers. They are all reserved in advance and customers come to the store to pick them up." The waitress said very politely.

She felt that Ye Chen's request was a bit too weird, that is to say, the customer is a **** and cannot make such an unreasonable request.

The waitress also knows that the people who can buy clothes of this brand are also rich, and she dare not offend it.

"I pay ten times the price, please send me a trip." Ye Chen said very aggressively.

"Well, wait a minute, I need to ask the store manager." The waitress did not hang up the phone, but instead called the store manager with her mobile phone.

After all, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of thing. The other party is willing to pay ten times the price. It is estimated that the store manager will definitely agree. Who would have hatred with Qian?

The waitress came to the side and dialed the shop manager’s phone and said, “Shop manager, there is a customer who wants to pay ten times the price for a suit, but he has a request...”

Hearing this, the store manager lying on the bed quickly said: "It's great, as long as we don't ask too much, we all agree. We are in the service industry. Customers are God. We want customers to enjoy VIP-level service. "

Before the waitress could finish her words, the shop manager kept talking like a cannon.

"The customer's request is for us to send him the clothes home." The waitress continued.

"No problem, so let's give it to you. I will give you a 1% commission." The store manager said.

"Okay, no problem, thank you, the manager." The waitress said with a smile.

Then she hung up the phone, picked up the phone that had just been answered, and said, "Sir, I have already asked the store manager. There is no problem. I will deliver it in about half an hour."

"Okay, it's hard work." Ye Chen hung up after finishing talking.

At first Zhang Yuan didn't know why Ye Chen wanted to make this call, but when she heard the content of the conversation, she became clear, and she was even more surprised at Ye Chen's wealth.

If according to Ye Chen's words, a suit of this brand costs at least 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands, and the price is ten times that of millions.

How can someone who can buy a suit for millions of people be just a takeaway?

After the waitress hung up the phone, she was also excited. She sold a suit for a commission of tens of thousands of yuan, which was so exciting.

When she saw the caller ID, she felt familiar.

She checked it carefully, and her expression became even more excited, because the other party was Ye Chen, the customer she had received before.

Although I don't know why Ye Chen bought another suit that was exactly the same, but thinking about the tens of thousands of commissions and being able to meet her beloved man, he laughed happily.

When the other waitresses heard this, they also looked envy and hate.

Ye Chen had finished the phone call and ordered the clothes, and the time was almost the same after all.

"Lend your bathroom to use it." Ye Chen said, looking at Zhang Yuan with a surprised expression.

He took off his suit jacket while talking. Zhang Yuan hurriedly covered her eyes with her hands and said, "What are you going to do?"

Hearing this question, Ye Chen was very speechless.

"Of course I want to take a shower, what else can I do? Do you think..."

Ye Chen asked with a smirk.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yuan hurried out, her heart pounding, and she could even hear the sound of her heartbeat.

"It scared me to death, it scared me to death." Zhang Yuan said to herself.

The atmosphere in the bathroom was a bit ambiguous, Ye Chen was like that, Zhang Yuan was really afraid of what would happen to the two of them.

Although Zhang Yuan likes Ye Chen, she is also a conservative woman. If two people have not developed to a certain level, it is impossible for such intimate things to happen.

Seeing Zhang Yuan leaving in a hurry, Ye Chen smiled.

He thinks that Zhang Yuan is really cute. If there is no Su Wanyi, maybe some stories will happen between him and Zhang Yuan.

Ye Chen took off all his suits, then turned on the shower and took a comfortable shower, the feeling made his mind rippled.

Zhang Yuan stood at the door with a shy expression. She had never let a man use her bathroom. What made him even more shy was that she still had some of her little underwear hanging in it.

How embarrassed it would be if Ye Chen saw this.

In fact, Ye Chen saw it as soon as she came in, she was already worried that it was too late.

The waitress took out the suit from the storeroom and took care of it, and walked out in the enviable eyes of other shop assistants.

She hummed a song as she walked, and for her, today is really a very happy day.

Out of the mall, she took a taxi and asked the driver to follow that address.

As she got closer and closer to the destination, the waitress became more excited, because she was about to see the man who moved her heart.

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