Published at 21st of January 2022 07:38:54 AM

Chapter 1424: Is this the birthday gift?

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Ye Chen looked at the vegetables he put in before, and he didn't recognize them. Not only did they grow very big, but they were also very beautiful in color.

He was walking inside, looking for birthday gifts. If the giant vegetables in front of him were taken out as birthday gifts, they would definitely scare away all the guests present.

But Ye Chen only had these now, and suddenly he saw something the size of a watermelon.

"Okay, that's it." Ye Chen took off the round thing.

Then he walked out of the magical space with that round thing in his arms, without even having time to see what it was.

Ye Chen walked out of the magical space and appeared in the car again.

He took that thing and looked at it carefully for a long time, and suddenly he seemed to remember something. It turned out that this was the potato he threw into the magical space before.

It's just that now this potato has changed beyond recognition, and it can't be seen at all, except for the wink.

Anyway, I haven't seen such a thing on the market. The reason why Ye Chen chose it was mainly because the size of this thing was acceptable to everyone, so that it would not be frightened.

Ye Chen got out of the car and walked towards the hotel door with the round potato in his arms.

In his mind, the effect of this thing suddenly flashed, refreshing the mind, strengthening the body, and prolonging life.

From the introduction of these effects, Ye Chen also knew that this is definitely a good thing, and to say that this prolongs life without saying anything else, this is equivalent to the elixir that the ancient Qin Shihuang was looking for.

When the waiter saw what was in Ye Chen's hand, he also had a puzzled expression, because at night he couldn't see clearly at all, but he felt that Ye Chen was holding a big ball.

Seeing Ye Chen walking in, Su Wanyi hurriedly said with a smile, "Marven Ye, you're back."

"Wanyi, didn't I let you go in and wait for me, how tired it is to stand here." Ye Chen said with a distressed expression.

"Don't people worry about you." Su Wanyi pretended to be wronged and said.

Of course Ye Chen wanted Su Wanyi's love. He knew how Su Wanyi's character would stand here and wait for someone.

If it wasn't for love, she couldn't have done it.

"Okay, okay, let's go in." Ye Chen said with a smile.

At this time, Su Wanyi noticed what was in Ye Chen's hand.

"Marven Ye, what is this?" Su Wanyi asked with a surprised expression looking at the ball in Ye Chen's hand.

The waiter at the door was also very curious about what was in Ye Chen's hands. Hearing Su Wanyi's question, he hurriedly listened.

"A birthday gift for grandpa." Ye Chen replied with a natural expression.

"This watermelon-like thing is a birthday gift for grandpa. I think Ye Chen should forget it. In fact, I don't think grandpa would care about it at all." Su Wanyi persuaded.

"Then how can it work, Wanyi, don't worry, I guarantee that grandpa will like it." Ye Chen vowed and said.

"Marven Ye, do you want to think about it again? I think it's better to put this thing back in the car." Su Wanyi frowned and persuaded again.

It was really hard for her to imagine what kind of effect Ye Chen would have if he walked into the banquet hall with this thing in his arms.

Su Wanyi knew that the people headed by Zhou Jun would definitely mock Xi Yechen again, and she didn't want to see such a scene.

"No need, wife, this is really a good thing, trust me." Ye Chen said with a firm expression.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the waiter also felt that the world of rich people really doesn't understand. He even used vegetables as a birthday gift. Although he didn't see much of this kind of melon, he also knew that it was only for cooking. There's nothing magical about it.

He also guessed that when Ye Chen walked into the banquet hall with this melon, he would definitely be laughed at.

Seeing that Ye Chen insisted on taking this thing as a birthday gift, Su Wanyi could only agree.

Originally, today was a happy day, and she didn't want to make the two of them unhappy because of this trivial matter.

"Okay, let's go." Su Wanyi nodded and said.

Ye Chen held the melon, Su Wanyi held his arm, and the two walked towards the banquet hall.

Seeing the two people walking in, everyone's eyes were once again attracted to the past.

Not only because of the images of Ye Chen and Su Wanyi's golden boy and girl, but more because Ye Chen was holding that strange thing in his hand.

Father Su and Mother Su also frowned when they saw what was in Ye Chen's hands.

The people around were also talking about it.

"Why is this young man holding a melon in his hand?"

"Yeah, I just saw him go out, and now he comes back holding this thing, I really don't understand."

"Could he use this thing to cook for us?"

Listening to the discussions around, Su's father and Su's mother's expressions became even more puzzled, thinking in their hearts what exactly is this Ye Chen doing?

At this moment, Ye Chen had already walked in front of the two of them. Since Mr. Su was still resting in the room, Ye Chen handed the thing he was holding in front of the couple.

He smiled and said, "Uncle, auntie, this is the birthday gift I prepared for grandpa."

As soon as Ye Chen said the word birthday, the originally quiet banquet hall became noisy.

"What birthday gift, I heard right."

"What a joke, someone used melon as a birthday gift, this thing looks very cheap."

"This time, the Su family is embarrassed. The granddaughter-in-law can't even afford a decent birthday gift."

"I think this man is really bad. I really feel sorry for Miss Su."

Listening to the surrounding discussions, Su's father and Su's mother's faces became a little gloomy.

They felt that Ye Chen was fooling around, and if there were no outsiders, it would be fine.

But there are still so many guests here, doesn't this prevent their Su family from coming to the stage?

"Wanyi, do you know what day it is today? It's just a nonsense." Father Su looked at Su Wanyi in front of him and said reproachfully.

Su Wanyi was also very aggrieved, if she knew that Ye Chen had taken this thing, she would definitely not let him take it.

Now that this is the case, what can she do?

"I don't know either." Su Wanyi shook her head and said.

Seeing the innocent look on his daughter's face, Father Su knew that Su Wanyi didn't know about it in advance.

"Xiaochen, come here, my uncle has something to tell you." Father Su looked at Ye Chen and said.

"Okay, Uncle, I'll put this on the table first." After Ye Chen finished speaking, he put the ball away, then turned around and walked out with Father Su.

Su Wanyi also looked worriedly at the back of Ye Chen and her father leaving, she knew that his father was going to criticize Ye Chen.

Just when she was about to walk out the door, Mother Su stopped her.

"Wanyi, you are not allowed to go anywhere you want, just stay here for me honestly."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!