Published at 21st of January 2022 07:38:53 AM

Chapter 1425: I believe in him

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Su Wanyi had no choice but to listen to her mother and stay there obediently.

She was very anxious in her heart, and kept looking out, worried that Ye Chen would be scolded by her father.

After all, taking a melon as a birthday gift is really unreasonable.

"Xiaochen, I know Wanyi likes you, and my uncle and aunt also like you very much, but what you did today is really inappropriate." Father Su said with a frown.

The thing he was referring to was that Ye Chen took the melon as a birthday gift, but he really couldn't say it.

Mainly because when he thought of this matter, Father Su felt a pain in his heart, and felt that this Ye Chen was really a bit of a nonsense.

Ye Chen smiled and looked at Father Su and said, "Uncle, I know you think it's a little inappropriate for me to use melon as a birthday gift, but this melon is not an ordinary melon, what effect does it have."

Seeing Father Su's expression, Ye Chen didn't tell the fact that this thing was a potato. He knew that if he told the truth, Su Wanyi's father would definitely vomit blood in anger.

So Ye Chen could only follow his father's words.

When he heard the magical effect of this melon, Father Su thought to himself, "Isn't this an ordinary melon, what effect can it have?"

Although he didn't say it, Ye Chen also knew what he was thinking, and continued: "Uncle, let's go back now, and I'll show you the miracle."

Father Su felt that it was really a bit confusing for this young man, but he didn't want to lose face. After all, it was really infuriating that this son-in-law took a melon as a birthday gift.

He couldn't stay here forever, and there were still a bunch of guests waiting to greet him, so he had to go back quickly.

After seeing Father Su taking Ye Chen away, the guests all gathered around the table where the birthday gift was placed.

"Forgive my ignorance, how do I think this is a melon."

"It's not a melon, it's round, but it's the first time I've seen a melon of this color."

"It's really amazing that the world is so amazing that some people take melons as birthday gifts."

Hearing the guests' comments, the expressions of Father Su, who was walking towards him, and Mother Su, who was standing there, became even more ugly, and even hated Ye Chen's actions.

In fact, Father Su has a very good impression of Ye Chen and appreciates him very much, but today's Ye Chen's approach is really too much.

Isn't this slapping the Su family's face in front of all the guests?

"Xiaochen, let's end this matter, don't mention that melon again." Father Su warned with a displeased expression on his face.

Ye Chen didn't speak, just followed behind.

Su Wanyi felt very distressed when she saw Ye Chen coming.

"Ye Chen, are you okay, did my dad blame you?" Su Wanyi asked in a low voice.

"My uncle and I chatted very well, don't worry." Ye Chen replied in a low voice.

When he spoke, he still held Su Wanyi's hand tightly, which made Su Wanyi feel a lot more at ease, and a smile appeared on his face.

Zhou Jun knew that now was the best time to mock Ye Chen.

He couldn't help thinking that God was really kind to him, allowing him to vent the anger in his heart.

You must know that Zhou Jun has liked Su Wanyi for a long time, but she didn't even look at him, which made Zhou Jun very angry.

"Brother Ye, your birthday gift is a bit interesting, but it really opened our eyes."

The younger brothers around Zhou Jun are also very cooperative.

"Yeah, it's the first time I've seen someone take vegetables as a birthday gift."

"Brother Ye, I really want to know why you thought of giving this kind of thing."

"Yes, Brother Ye, tell us about it, we also want to know."

Father Su was also very depressed when he saw this. He really didn't want to talk about that melon anymore.

Ye Chen knew that these people were provoking him, how could he bear such a character.

Although Father Su had warned him not to talk about this melon again.

Now that the people headed by Zhou Jun are provoking him in such a large audience, how could Ye Chen ignore them.

What's more, Ye Chen is also very curious about whether this melon is as magical as the system says.

If it is as the system says, it proves that all items placed in the magical space will change and gain magical effects.

"Hello, waiter, I want to borrow the kitchen." Ye Chen looked at the waiter beside him and said.

After Father Su heard Ye Chen's words, he hurriedly said, "Xiao Chen, the dishes are all ready, are you going to cook?"

"Uncle, you're right, this melon looks nothing on the surface, but after making her into a dish, what effect will it have."

"Xiaochen, don't be ridiculous, there are so many guests here, you don't have time to play with you." Father Su said in a reproachful tone.

After hearing Father Su's words, the waiter didn't dare to speak anymore. Originally, he wanted to take Ye Chen to the back kitchen, but he didn't dare to offend the Su family.

"Waiter, please take me to the back kitchen." Ye Chen ignored Father Su's words, but looked at the waiter and said again.

For some unknown reason, Su Wanyi actually believed what Ye Chen said. Although she also felt that Ye Chen was a little silly, she just wanted to support this man.

"Waiter, please take me and Mr. Ye with you." Su Wanyi, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said.

The waiter just saw Old Man Su's attitude towards Su Wanyi. Since Miss Su has spoken out, he has no choice but to obey.

"Miss Su, Mr. Ye, wait a moment." The waiter turned and left after saying that.

For such a noble customer, he must not be able to let the customer go to the back kitchen with him, which seems to be ineffective.

If the hotel manager found out, he would definitely blame him.

After a while, the waiter pushed all the cooking utensils into the banquet hall.

Ye Chen looked at what was in front of him and thought that this was for me to show cooking skills on the spot.

Seeing this, Zhou Jun and Zhao Qing sneered in their hearts, thinking that the boy is dumbfounded, I see what to do.

Originally, they thought that Marven Ye couldn't cook, but this time they would definitely make a fool of themselves, and they were all waiting to see Marven Ye's good show.

Su's father and Su's mother were also nervous. If Ye Chen messed up, it would not just lose Ye Chen's face, but also their Su family's face.

"Wanyi, why don't you persuade Xiaochen to go." Father Su whispered to Su Wanyi.

"Dad, I believe Ye Chen, since he said it, he must have full confidence, so let's just wait." Su Wanyi said.

She did not listen to her father's words to stop Ye Chen, but cheered for Ye Chen on the side.

Su Wanyi knew that as a woman of Ye Chen, what she should do now is not to stop Ye Chen, but to believe in him unconditionally and support him.

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