Published at 11th of June 2022 03:17:31 PM

Chapter 1439: Visit Mr. Su

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"Grandpa, after graduating, I found a job and earned some money, and then I used the money to start a business with my friends. I was lucky and made some money. I also invested in some stocks, so I have what I have now. These wealth." Ye Chen said with a natural expression.

It was obviously impossible for Mr. Su to believe it, but it was still better than Ye Chen saying that his parents had money to come.

The old man has investigated Ye Chen's family background, he is not a rich second generation.

"Oh, so that's how it is. It's true that the stock market was very good in those years. Anyone who invests money can make a profit, and several of my friends have also made a lot of money." Mr. Su is very smart, he knows that Ye Chen is impossible To tell the truth to yourself, it is better to follow Ye Chen than to expose it.

In fact, the old man just thought that Ye Chen had so much wealth at such a young age. He was worried about the source of the money, and he was also afraid of involving his granddaughter.

But after thinking about Ye Chen's actions, he immediately dismissed the idea and no longer doubted Ye Chen.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't speak, Old Man Su stroked his beard and said, "Do you think Grandpa is annoying and even asks you these things?"

"How come, I know that grandpa is concerned about me." Ye Chen shook his head and said.

Judging from the expression on Ye Chen's face, Mr. Su knew that Ye Chen's words were sincere.

"Actually, Grandpa just wants you and Wanyi to be happy forever, but remember that not only money can bring happiness, as the saying goes, a gentleman loves money in a proper way." Mr. Su said what was in his heart.

"Grandpa, don't worry, every penny Wanyi and I earn is clean." Ye Chen said with a firm expression.

Although the old man Su is very nagging, Ye Chen likes to chat with him very much, because the old man is full of positive energy.

"Well, that's good. When are you going to have the wedding?" Mr. Su asked after changing the conversation.

"Well, you still have to listen to Wan Yi." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

"Hey, you young people, don't think the two of you are in a hurry, but if you want a child, you can't be in a hurry." Master Su said with a sigh.

Then he continued: "Xiaochen, don't think I'm long-winded, I'm saying this for your own good, when you're too old to have children, you'll know you're in a hurry, and grandpa knows that men love to play, I was just like you when I was young, but no matter how many women you have around you, you have to choose one to live with you."

Listening to the old man's words, Ye Chen was also aggrieved.

He thought to himself how he could decide such a thing, not his wife Su Wanyi.

Ye Chen didn't want to take the blame from the bottom of his heart, but if he told the truth, it was estimated that Su Wanyi would be annoyed, and he would have to pay for it.

"Grandpa, I understand, I will tell Wanyi what you said." Ye Chen nodded and said.

"Xiaochen, if it's Wanyi's problem, I can tell her directly, my granddaughter listens to me the most." Mr. Su said.

"Grandpa, no, it's better for me to tell Wanyi. After all, this kind of thing needs to be decided by the two of us together. If you say it, I don't think it's good." Ye Chen hurriedly stopped.

He thought that it was the old man who made the call, so he probably wouldn't want to go home again.

Su Wanyi must think that Ye Chen came here to complain to her grandfather, so what good fruit is there for him to eat.

"It's okay, it's okay, after all, this is a matter between the two of you. It would be inappropriate for our elders to intervene too much." Mr. Su nodded in agreement and said.

Hearing the old man say this, Ye Chen's hanging heart finally let go.

Mr. Su looked up at his watch. It was already six o'clock, and it was time to finish dinner.

"Xiaochen, would you like to accompany grandpa to dinner?" Mr. Su said suddenly.

"Of course I do." Ye Chen nodded and said.

Then he was about to take out his mobile phone to call Su Wanyi, but was stopped by the old man.

"Grandpa, I'll call Wanyi and ask her to come and eat with us." Ye Chen looked at the old man with a puzzled expression and said.

"No, I just want to eat with you today. If that girl Wanyi comes, she'll have to take care of everything." Old Master Su waved his hand and said.

Now that the old man has said so, it would be inappropriate for Ye Chen to call again.

So, he could only put the phone down.

"Xiaochen, I'll let the chef cook it for you what you want to eat." Mr. Su looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"You can do whatever you want, eating is not the purpose, it's mainly to accompany grandpa." Ye Chen said what was in his heart.

"Old Zhang, Lao Zhang." Old Man Su called out the housekeeper's name.

After a while, the butler trotted over and said, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Old Zhang, tell the chef to prepare a few side dishes, and I want to keep Ye Chen at home for dinner." Master Su winked at the housekeeper when he said this.

The housekeeper understood and said, "Master, didn't the chef ask you for leave this morning to say that there is something wrong with the family? He hasn't come yet."

"Oh, look, my mind has forgotten about this matter." Mr. Su said with a frown.

Then, he looked at Ye Chen again and said, "Xiaochen, why don't we go out to eat."

"No, grandpa, let me do it." Ye Chen said.

He felt that this was a pit, and there was no such thing as a chef asking for leave at all, but it was just that Mr. Su wanted to test him.

"Alright then, it's hard work Xiaochen." Old Master Su agreed very readily.

Seeing the attitude of the old man, Ye Chen even felt that he had been deceived, and co-authored that the old man asked him to come and cook.

However, Ye Chen is not afraid of cooking. After all, he has god-level cooking skills. How can it be difficult for him to cook.

"Grandpa, did you tell me where the kitchen is?" Ye Chen stood up and said.

"Old Zhang, take Xiaochen to the kitchen." Mr. Su looked at the housekeeper and said.

"Mr. Ye, please come with me." The housekeeper made a gesture of invitation to Ye Chen.

Although he hadn't figured out the origin of the young man in front of him, he knew that Ye Chen's identity was not simple by seeing how the old man and Ye Chen were familiar with each other.

Seeing Ye Chen turn around and leave, Old Man Su showed a smug smile in his eyes. Just as Ye Chen thought, the old man was just to test whether he was a living person this time, and whether his precious granddaughter would be wronged with him in the future.

In fact, this is just the old concept of Mr. Su at work. There are still a few young people who cook at home by themselves.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!