Published at 11th of June 2022 03:17:28 PM

Chapter 1441: sleepless night

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Originally, Ye Chen thought that the old man Su did not hear the conversation between the two, he hung up the phone and walked to the old man's side and said, "Grandpa, where did we talk just now?"

"It's Wanyi's call, it must be to urge you to go home." Mr. Su said with a smile.

"No, she said to let me accompany you more." Ye Chen lied.

"Xiaochen, you are a good boy, you don't have to lie to grandpa, I have heard it all." Master Su said.

Then he continued: "Okay, grandpa also feels a little tired and wants to go to bed. You should also go home and accompany my precious granddaughter."

After Mr. Su finished speaking, he walked towards the house without waiting for Ye Chen to speak.

Of course he understood the old man's thoughts, nodded and said, "Grandpa, rest early, I'll see you another day."

"Be careful on the road and report safety at home." Old Man Su said with a wave of his hand.

"Grandpa, don't worry." Ye Chen said as he got into the car.

He started the car and drove in the direction of home, where Su Wanyi was still waiting for him.

Ye Chen took the speed to the extreme, and it took him more than an hour to get there for nearly two hours.

"Wife, I'm back?" Ye Chen opened the door and said with a smile.

Su Wanyi sat on the sofa pouting her lips in a puffy manner.

"Wife, what's wrong with you, you turned into a puffer fish." Ye Chen walked to Su Wanyi's side and sat beside her.

"You still know to come back, I thought you didn't remember to go home." Su Wanyi said angrily.

"Wife, what you said, of course I know that I'm going home, and there is still a beautiful wife waiting at home, why can't I come back?" Ye Chen said while holding Su Wanyi's chin in his hand.

"Che, don't come here, if that's the case, why did you come back so late?" Su Wanyi said with a frown.

"Wife, you have wronged me. Didn't you tell me to accompany grandpa." Ye Chen said with a look of grievance.

"Yes, but I know Grandpa's temperament best. How could he let you stay with him for so long? The old man has always been very quiet." Su Wanyi retorted.

"Wife, why don't I feel like that? Grandpa not only wants me to walk with him, but also let me cook for him?" Ye Chen said helplessly, obviously not agreeing with what Su Wanyi said.

"How is it possible, Grandpa has a cook at home, how can he let you cook?" Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and said suspiciously.

"It's strange to say that today the chef of grandpa's house has asked for leave, isn't it a coincidence?" Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi and said with a smile.

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Su Wanyi also felt that this matter was indeed very strange.

Before Su Wanyi could speak, Ye Chen said again, "Wife, Grandpa is actually quite lonely by himself. He just wants us to accompany him."

"But grandpa, he doesn't want to move out and live with us." Su Wanyi said with a frown.

"Wife, think about if it were you, would you have the same thoughts as grandpa? After all, the house has lived in it for so many years, and it is full of memories." Ye Chen expressed his thoughts.

"Husband, what you say is true." Su Wanyi nodded and said.

She also felt that Grandpa's matter was indeed a bit difficult, and looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Husband, what do you think we should do?"

"I don't think I should force my grandpa to do things he doesn't like, but we should spend more time with him. Wouldn't that solve the problem?" Ye Chen said.

"But I'm so busy, where can I find time?" Su Wanyi was indeed stumped by this question.

"Aren't you busy with me anymore? I'll spend more time with grandpa in the future, and treat it as a filial piety for you." Ye Chen comforted with a smile.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi was moved.

"Husband, you are really kind." Su Wanyi threw herself into Ye Chen's arms and said in a choked voice.

"Silly girl, don't worry, as long as your husband is here, you don't have to worry about anything." Ye Chen stroked Su Wanyi's hair and said dotingly.

Su Wanyi nodded lightly and said nothing.

While Ye Chen was eating and chatting with Mr. Su, the entire music industry was boiling.

At the beginning, a blogger who promotes good music accidentally discovered this song "Simple Love".

After he played this song in an infinite loop, the more he listened, the more he felt, as if he saw the scene of their first love.

Because he was moved, he only posted an excited expression on Weibo, followed by a link to the song, and nothing else.

Through this wave of his operations, the following things are beyond his control.

In a short period of time, this article was retweeted wildly, and the number of retweets was also astonishing. Of course, the number of retweets is still increasing.

After that, there were many famous bloggers who all recommended the song "Simple Love". Of course, some of them really felt that the song was really good and touching, and a small number of them were I felt that there was heat to rub, so I also recommended it.

Facts have proved that these people who want to be popular have indeed made the right decision.

Su Wanyi just thought this song was better, and after chatting with Ye Chen for a few words, the two of them didn't say much, but went to sleep.

Ye Chen felt that the song had already been posted on the Internet, and the rest was just given time, and the results would be seen tomorrow, so he didn't go online again to find out.

But what they don't know is that this song has occupied the top ten positions of major music platforms in just a few hours at twelve o'clock in the morning.

In an instant, more people are paying attention to this song, of course there are people who join in the fun, and there are also some professionals.

Because the results of this song are so good, no song has ever been posted on the Internet, and it has occupied the top ten in just a few hours, and the position is still rising. Three's position.

At this moment, people in charge of major music platforms want to know more about this song, and want to find the creator, singer and person who uploaded this song as soon as possible.

With their keen sense of smell, everyone is very clear in their hearts that it is better to start first. As long as they can find the person they are looking for at the first time, they will obtain high profits that cannot be measured by numbers.

You know, this song can be said to be a phenomenal hit.

These responsible people have all given up the time to rest and are frantically searching, but what makes them feel depressed is that the phone number left by the other party turned out to be an empty number.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!