Published at 30th of May 2022 05:12:23 AM

Chapter 1447: unknown world

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Marven Ye thought to himself that at this time, it was really discordant to come to take out orders.

"System, can we still play well?"

The key is that now that Su Wanyi is still with him, he has to go out again, but luckily it won't take long to deliver this takeaway order, and it shouldn't arouse Su Wanyi's suspicion.

And every time an outside takeout order can get magical rewards, Ye Chen is also very curious about what he can get this time?

"System, I want to accept the order."

Ye Chen said to the system.

He looked at Su Wanyi, who was enjoying himself, and said, "Wife, I went out to buy some drinks. I think this dish is really too spicy."

Su Wanyi also felt the same way as Ye Chen, this Mao Xuewang is indeed very authentic, but there are too many peppers.

She sucked every bite, and fanned her tongue with her little hand to cool down.

"Husband, isn't there a drink here? Why do you have to go out?" Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"Wife, don't you like to drink sugar-free drinks? There's nothing in it at all." Ye Chen said in a flash.

This sentence made Su Wanyi both happy and moved.

If a man remembers everything you like, it proves that he really loves you.

Even the trivial matter of Su Wanyi not drinking sugar-free drinks, Ye Chen can keep in mind, it's all because of love.

"Well, my husband has worked hard." Su Wanyi said with a moved face.

Just as Ye Chen was about to get up, Su Wanyi stopped him: "Husband, why don't you forget it, I'll ask the waiter to pour us some plain water, so don't make this trip."

Since I have accepted an outside take-out order, it must be delivered at the specified time or it will be punished.

"Wife, it's okay, why am I willing to let you drink only plain water." After Ye Chen finished speaking, he turned around and left without waiting for Su Wanyi to say anything.

He knew that if he delayed a little longer, it would be Barbie Q.

Su Wanyi was inexplicably moved when she saw Ye Chen's leaving back.

Almost every time a delivery order is delivered to Wanjie, customers will ask for it.

He had already lost so much time just now. In order to save time, Ye Chen checked the customer's request while walking out of the restaurant.

This time, the customer's request was very straightforward, and it was for ramen.

Sometimes Marven Ye would encounter some prompts, and then buy food and deliver it according to the customer's preferences.

It seems that this time it is easier, and it is clear that it is to ramen.

And there is a note at the back, it takes ten nights of ramen.

It seems that this customer can eat quite a bit. Ye Chen, a small bowl of ramen, will be full after eating one bowl of ramen, but the other party actually wants ten bowls. He seems to be a big eater.

Ye Chen thought to himself.

Forget it, no matter how big or small he is, as long as he can satisfy customers and get system rewards, it's fine.

As for other things, it was not something that Ye Chen considered at all.

But he was also a little curious about who would like to eat ramen, and after thinking about it, he couldn't think of a reason.

Ye Chen used the gourmet app to find out what famous ramen is nearby. Since he wants to deliver it, he must give the best one to the customer.

When customers are happy, Ye Chen can also be happy.

Suddenly, a name called Hefu Ramen came into his eyes, and it seemed that the reputation was very good.

Ye Chen had eaten it once before and thought it was really good. The noodles were strong and the soup was delicious.

He drove towards that place according to the navigation, parked the car at the door, and walked inside.

Ye Chen saw that it was full of people, and it was not the weekend, which showed how popular this store was.

He was even more sure that this one was the right choice, after all, the more people who ate it, the better it tasted.

No matter what kind of world people are, as long as the taste is good, they should be satisfied.

Although Ye Chen didn't know who in the world ordered this order, he did know that if he ate this ramen, he would definitely feel very satisfied.

Ye Chen walked in and smelled the strong ramen smell.

"Sir, what do you need?" the waiter asked with a smile.

"Bring me ten bowls of ramen and take them away." Ye Chen ordered the meal according to the system's requirements.

The waiter looked at Ye Chen in surprise and asked, "Sir, are you sure?"

You must know that the amount of ramen in his house is very large, and the young man in front of him asked for so many bowls, let alone him, even the customers sitting in the store were surprised.

"Oh, I deliver takeout." Ye Chen quickly explained.

Hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone knew, but if it wasn't for Ye Chen himself, the waitress would never have thought that Ye Chen was delivering food.

"Little brother, you are really handsome, do the little brothers who deliver takeaways look good now?" the waitress teased.

"Well, I don't know very well." Ye Chen scratched his head embarrassedly and said.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't speak, the waitress handed the list of ten bowls of ramen ordered by Ye Chen to the ramen brother next to him.

"Ten bowls of the signature."

After the little brother received it, he started to work seriously. He took a ball of noodles and pulled it up. The amazing thing was that no matter how he pulled the noodles, the noodles would not touch the ground or his body.

It seems that this is technology, Ye Chen couldn't help admiring it, thinking that if he did it himself, he would not be as quick as his brother.

Everyone also stopped to eat noodles, watching the movements in the little brother's hands, and couldn't help applauding him.

Hearing the applause, the little brother was even more happy.

He hummed a song, but Ye Chen didn't hear a word clearly.

Not long after, his ten bowls of ramen were ready, and Ye Chen took the packed bag and walked outside.

He was about to get into the car, but found that the tire was flat.

Helpless, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Brother Chen, what's the matter?" The other party answered the phone and asked. ,

"Master Wang, my car is broken, you quickly bring me one." Ye Chen said.

"Okay, send me the location, I'll be there right away." Wang Xiaocong hurriedly trotted out of the house after hanging up the phone.

He chose the most expensive car, got in and started the car, and drove towards the position given by Ye Chen.

As for Ye Chen's words, he has an order. Who is Ye Chen? Even his father wants to be a big man.

When he finally got the chance, he must have complimented him.

After a while, I heard the roar of a motor in the distance.

A cool sports car stopped in front of Ye Chen, and Wang Xiaocong got out of the car.

"Thanks, I'll go first." Ye Chen put the ramen in the car and drove away.

He and Wang Xiaocong don't need to say so many polite words.

Ye Chen drove towards a place where there was no one, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, he knew that there was an unknown world ahead.

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