Published at 7th of February 2022 02:29:51 PM

Chapter 1455: The brush of magic

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Naruto said with a look of dissatisfaction: "Teacher, I have already told you very clearly, brother Ye Chen is here to deliver food, but you can't hear it, and you have to compete with others, this is good. They couldn't beat them again, and they even had them take off their masks."

Hearing this, Kakashi also blushed a little. He didn't expect that Naruto would not save face for him so much.

After all, he is still the teacher of these little guys.

But in front of outsiders, he even said that to himself, and his face turned red for a while.

At this time, Kakashi smelled a fragrant smell, and glanced at it, it turned out to be the ramen that Ye Chen said.

He didn't say a word, just took it and ate it.

I just took a bite, and my mouth was full of admiration: "This ramen is simply delicious in the world. I have grown up so much, but I have never eaten something so delicious."

While eating, he felt something was wrong: "They don't have such delicious ramen at all. What kind of ramen is this?"

At this moment, the expression on his face became even more shocked, and the delicious soup hit the taste buds.

When Naruto heard the words, he also laughed: "Teacher, you are right, this ramen is indeed not what we have here."

"It's from Huaxia, and it's the best ramen there."

Naruto repeated what Ye Chen had just told them to Kakashi.

Kakashi ate on his own while listening to Naruto's introduction.

It didn't take long for Kakashi to eat a bowl of ramen and not even the soup was left.

"Delicious, really delicious." He repeatedly praised.

Then he looked at Ye Chen and said, "Brother Ye, if you want, you can join our village and open a ramen shop here. I guarantee you can earn a lot of money."

Now he already knows that Ye Chen is not a bad person at all, he thought too much before.

And now that he has eaten the ramen brought by Ye Chen, it is simply delicious in the world, but he really wants to be able to eat this delicious ramen every day.

So, Kakashi suggested to Ye Chen.


"Simply delicious."

Kakashi hiccupped after eating the ramen.

Meanwhile, shock was written all over his face.

He had already experienced the deliciousness of ramen just now, but what shocked him even more was that Kakashi felt that his body was changing.

This change is that when he was fighting Ye Chen just now, the chakra consumed was all recovered in a split second after eating the noodles.

He thought this ramen was really amazing.

At this moment, Kakashi's expression towards Ye Chen also changed.

"Brother Ye, I'm sorry, I just misunderstood you and regarded you as a bad person."

He scratched his head and continued: "The main reason is that I haven't seen you before, and I immediately became vigilant when I saw your raw face. You also know that several countries have made moves, but I'm just worried that there will be people from other countries. Mixed in and threatened us."

"You can understand what I said."

"It doesn't matter, you are doing the right thing." Ye Chen looked at Kakashi and waved his hand.

"We call it no fight, no acquaintance, and now we are considered acquaintances."

In fact, the reason why Marven Ye gave Kakashi ramen is because he is also a customer of Wanjie takeout orders.

Kakashi's location and the destination on the system navigation just now are in the same location.

Well now, not only has the task of the takeaway order been completed, but also met the trio in the Naruto world, and made Kakashi a friend.

For this takeaway task, Ye Chen was also very happy, and also helped the three teenagers and gave them advice.

Although I didn't make the words too clear, I believe that with the wisdom of these three children, they will definitely be able to understand Ye Chen's painstaking efforts.

Sasuke looked at Ye Chen and said, "Brother Ye Chen, thank you."

Of course Ye Chen knew the meaning of his thank you. It was Ye Chen who made Sasuke firm up his confidence, saw the real power, and tasted the delicious ramen.

Naruto also looked at Ye Chen gratefully: "Brother Ye, I really thank you."

It was Ye Chen's words that made Naruto full of confidence in the future. He knew that as long as he passed his own efforts, he would definitely be recognized by the people around him to prove his strength.

Xiao Ying also stared blankly at Marven Ye, she really hoped that Marven Ye, a handsome man, could stay in this village as Mr. Kakashi said, and then open a ramen shop.

In this way, she can see Ye Chen every day.

But this is also his own idea. It seems that Ye Chen is impossible to stay here.

Sakura sighed inwardly.

At this time, Ye Chen discovered the book that Kakashi had just thrown on the ground because he was fighting with him, and he bent down and picked it up.

Looking at the contents inside, I couldn't help shaking my head.

Seeing the expression on Ye Chen's face, Kakashi couldn't help but be a little surprised.

You must know that this is Jiraiya's work. Kakashi has always read it carefully like a treasure.

However, he could see the disgust on Ye Chen's face.

"What are these things?"

"The storyline is also messy and illogical."


Ye Chen has already criticized this book completely, you must know that this book is very popular in this world.

"What did I think you just watched, so it's this kind of thing?"

Ye Chen looked at Kakashi and asked.

He knows that although this book is very popular in the Naruto world, if it is placed in the world where he is, no one will be willing to read it even if it is paid for.

Hearing this, Kakashi was taken aback.

It is obviously a very popular book, but Ye Chen makes this evaluation.

He didn't speak, but kept looking at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't continue talking, but took out his mobile phone and opened a reading software, clicked on the bookshelf bar, and he could see that there were many book titles in it.

"You can take a look. I highly recommend this book "The Abandoned House, but it is actually a male **** of the whole network". I strongly recommend it to you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Kakashi took the phone, clicked it, read it for a few minutes, and was deeply attracted by the storyline inside.

The more he looked down, the more surprised the expression on his face became.

"This little book is simply too good-looking, it's really thousands of times better than the one written by Jiraiya."

"Just watching it for a while, I have a feeling that I can't stop, and now I can't wait to continue watching."

"The readers who choose this novel to read are too discerning."

Kakashi's expression was excited, and the hand holding the phone kept shaking.

He felt that the novel was simply a stroke of genius.

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