Published at 7th of February 2022 02:29:48 PM

Chapter 1457: naughty girlfriend

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Ye Chen increased the speed to the extreme and came to the front of the wormhole.

He glanced at the remaining time, and according to the system's prompt, there was only less than a minute left.

Knowing this situation, Ye Chen hurriedly rushed inside.

When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the real world.

Ye Chen drove to a nearby supermarket, parked the car in the parking lot, and walked down.

He walked straight into the supermarket and came to the drinks section.

Because the sugar-free drinks that Su Wanyi likes to drink are only sold in supermarkets, so he can only come here to buy them.

After picking out the drink, Ye Chen paid and drove towards the restaurant just now.

in the restaurant.

At this moment, Su Wanyi was waiting there anxiously.

She didn't know where Ye Chen went, and when she left, she told her to buy drinks.

Just when Su Wanyi was thinking about it, Ye Chen had already walked towards her with a drink.

"Husband, where have you been?" Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"Wife, I went to a few small shops nearby and couldn't find it, so I remembered that we bought this drink in the supermarket before." Ye Chen explained.

"I know you don't like other drinks, only this one." Ye Chen added again.

When Su Wanyi heard the words, she was also moved in her heart, and took the drink he had screwed on.

In fact, Marven Ye can buy any kind of drink at will, there is no need to make this trip at all, knowing that the dishes are a little cold now.

"Husband, the dishes are cold, or let the waiter warm them up for us." Su Wanyi said apologetically.

"It's okay, I think it's pretty good." Ye Chen said while putting Mao Xuewang in his mouth.

Seeing Ye Chen eating the food that was already cold, Su Wanyi felt apologetic for a while.

Because she was moved by Ye Chen, she didn't ask any further questions.

After the two finished their meal, they left the restaurant.

"Sir, Miss, welcome next time." The waitress said with a smile.

Ye Chen drove Su Wanyi to the door of the company.

"Husband, pay attention to safety on the road." Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and said when she got off the bus.

"Well, don't worry, I'll call you when I get home." Ye Chen nodded and said.

Seeing Su Wanyi walk into the building, Ye Chen also drove away.

Thinking about how happy it was today, he drove away the male star that he had always hated, and also sent a delivery order to the world, and got to know the trio and Kakashi in the Naruto world.

But the only thing that makes Ye Chen a little unhappy is that the system has not rewarded him yet.

The recent system is a bit skinny, and it's often the case.

Because Su Wanyi had to work overtime again today, Ye Chen had another boring night.

The next day, the sun shot into the window lattice, and the sun shone on Ye Chen's face.

After he finished his breakfast, he left the house.

Now anyone passing by on the street can hear the song "Simple Love".

It has been a few days since it was uploaded to the network.

The song has firmly occupied the top position of the new song charts of major music platforms.

You know, Wang Hao was unknown before, and this song is really popular.

Let the world know him, and he is also famous.

Because of this young man who suddenly appeared, there are now posts about him all over the Internet.

It can be said that because of Ye Chen's help, Wang Hao has changed from a nobody to a crazy object.

Magic University of Technology.

At this moment, this song is also playing in the school, and all the men and women on the campus are humming in their mouths.

In a pavilion on the campus, two girls are sitting.

"Yingying, I've fallen in love with this song. The melody is always reverberating in my mind, and I often hum it. Do you think I'm a little obsessed?" Liu Tingting shook Xie Yingying's arm and said.

"Actually, I also like this song very much, mainly because it's really good." Xie Yingying also agreed.

"Yingying, why didn't I know the singer Wang Hao before?" Liu Tingting said with a puzzled expression.

"This person hasn't sung any songs before, of course you don't know him anymore." Xie Yingying gave the girl beside her a white look.

"Yeah, it's really amazing that a newcomer can become popular just by singing such a song, but I think it should all be attributed to the creator of that song." Liu Tingting thought thoughtfully.

"I think the lyrics are really well written. By the way, did you see that the composer and composer are the same person, and they are both named Ye Chen. Are you saying that this is the senior you told me before?"

Xie Yingying looked at her girlfriend helplessly and said, "Tingting, what are you thinking? Through my understanding of him, I can't write songs at all, so don't think about it."

"By the way, Yingying, you promised to take me to see that handsome senior before. It was really depressing. I asked for leave that day, otherwise I would be able to see him." Liu Tingting said with a pity expression. .

"Okay, I promise you will take you to see him. The senior is not only handsome but also very capable." Xie Yingying said with an expression of admiration on her face.

Hearing what her best friend said, Liu Tingting couldn't wait to see Ye Chen.

"Yingying, I think it's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, or it's today. Didn't you say that the senior is delivering food, why don't we borrow some food and let the senior come over." Liu Tingting said with a wicked smile.

Xie Yingying was a little speechless when she heard what her best friend said. This girl can really think of any tricks to see the handsome guy.

"Tingting, I think let's forget it. If the senior knows that we use this method of ordering takeout and let him come out to meet, he will definitely be angry." Xie Yingying said with an expression.

"What are you afraid of? What can you do if you know it? You can tell the truth if I want to see him." Liu Tingting said indifferently.

"Unless you want to monopolize the senior alone and don't want others to contact him."

Hearing what her best friend said, Xie Yingying couldn't say anything more.

If she shirks again, she will really be misunderstood by her good girlfriends.

Xie Yingying really did not want her best friend to see Senior Ye Chen, because this man exudes a charm, whoever sees him will fall in love with him deeply.

She didn't want to fall out with her best friend because of a man.

Seeing that Xie Yingying did not move, Liu Tingting took out her mobile phone and opened the takeout software, and then started to operate it skillfully.

She ordered two cups of coffee, and then wrote on the note: "The delivery man must be the handsome brother Ye Chen, otherwise he will not accept it."

Seeing her best friend's actions, Xie Yingying shook her head helplessly, she really had nothing to do with the girl beside her.

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