Published at 7th of February 2022 02:29:46 PM

Chapter 1458: in danger

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Seeing that her best friend said she would do it, Xie Yingying really admired it from the bottom of her heart.

In fact, she also met Ye Chen, but she was embarrassed to call, and she would not think of other methods.

This behavior of her best friend really helped her.

Because there were no classes in the morning, the two girls were strolling around the campus waiting for Ye Chen to deliver the food.

Xie Yingying and Liu Tingting were walking and chatting, and unknowingly came to the gate of the gymnasium.

Hearing that it was very lively inside, Liu Tingting took Xie Yingying and ran inside.

I have to say, this girl really likes to join in the fun too much.

At the moment, there is a table tennis match going on inside.

Table tennis can be called a national game. It is the bridge of friendship between China and other countries in the world.

Therefore, many universities will hold table tennis competitions.

"Brother Jun, come on."

People kept cheering for the boy at the table tennis table.

I saw the tall and thin boy looking at the other party with a smug look on his face, waving the racket with his backhand and hitting the ball in the past.

Because his angle was too tricky, the opponent didn't react at all, and the ping pong ball fell to the ground.

As the ping pong ball hit the ground, the round ended.

"Brother Jun, you are really amazing."

"That is, the opponent you played didn't score a single point."

The crowd crowded around the proud boy and kept praising him.

Brother Jun also showed a proud smile on his face, you must know that he is known as the little prince of table tennis.

The school recommends him to participate in the city-level college student competition. If he plays well, he can also participate in the national competition and the world competition in the future.

He seemed to have seen himself standing on the stage of the world, and his mouth could not close.

At this moment, Brother Jun saw Xie Yingying and Liu Tingting standing among the girls.

At this moment, his smile became even brighter, and he walked in the direction of the two girls.

"Tingting, the game is over, let's go."

Xie Yingying was about to drag the ghost to the outside, but was stopped by several boys.

Seeing this, the faces of the two girls became a little ugly. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing just after watching a game.

Liu Tingting also regretted that she should not join in the fun.

"Yingying, we are really destined to meet here. Did you come to see my game?" Brother Jun looked at Xie Yingying maliciously and said.

"You misunderstood, we were just passing by." Liu Tingting's voice was cold, pulling Xie Yingying to go out.

Liu Jun had met Xie Yingying at a performance before, and he fell in love with her deeply just by looking at this girl.

No matter what method he used, he couldn't catch up with this girl, and even attracted disgusting glances, just now the girl he liked took the initiative to send to the door.

Because Liu Jun is good at playing table tennis, and he is the focus of training in the school, no one dares to provoke him, and he is domineering in the school.

Every time Liu Jun appeared in the school, he also brought a group of younger brothers, very much like a big brother.

And the boy who stopped Xie Yingying and Liu Tingting just now was his little brother.

"Beauty, since everyone is here, then you can play with the elder brother for a while." One of the younger brothers said with a smile while looking at the two girls in front of him.

Although Liu Tingting is more outgoing than Xie Yingying, she was a little nervous when she encountered such a thing for the first time, not to mention that the other party was the dreaded Liu Jun.

Seeing that those people blocked the door, it was impossible for the two of them to leave. Liu Tingting said nervously, "This is a school, not a place for you to do things."

Xie Yingying also had a frightened expression on her face, holding her best friend's hand tightly.

Liu Tingting knew that at this time, she must be courageous and not let the other party see that they were afraid.

"Liu Jun, if you mess up like this again, I'll have to find the school leader."

When Liu Jun heard Liu Tingting's words, he laughed out loud. Even the principal had to respect him by three points. No matter who Liu Tingting was looking for, it was useless.

"Tingting, why are you doing this? I won't eat you all, but I just want to make friends and get to know Yingying. As we all know, Yingying is our school's beauty and is the object of boys' pursuit. "Liu Jun said very politely.

But Liu Tingting knew that this man was just pretending, and she didn't think that way at all, so she wouldn't be fooled.

Before waiting for the two girls to speak, Liu Jun said again: "I know Yingying likes to play table tennis, so I can teach her. You must know that I am the best table tennis player in our school. If Yingying wants to learn, It's definitely the best for me to teach."

"Beauty, you are so lucky. I don't know how many people want to learn from Brother Jun, but they are all rejected by him, but they agreed to teach you. Thank you, Brother Jun." Liu Jun's younger brother helped explained.

"Yingying, look I didn't lie to you." Liu Jun smiled and kept approaching Xie Yingying.

Xie Yingying could only keep stepping back, she really didn't want to look at the man in front of her, she thought he was really disgusting.

Seeing Xie Yingying's actions, the younger brother beside him hurriedly threatened: "Beauty, you don't know what to do, we have already said what we should say, but you are still like this."

"I told you before that you must be gentle with girls. You will scare people by yelling like this." Liu Jun returned his hand and slapped the younger brother just now.

Although the beaten younger brother felt wronged in his heart, he didn't dare to say anything. He knew that Liu Jun was very powerful, and he was the king and hegemon in this school.

It is because of this that he will follow Liu Jun with all his heart.

"Brother Jun, don't be angry, it's all my fault." The younger brother hurriedly knelt on the ground and apologized.

"Yingying, did you just scare you? These little brothers of mine don't know the rules. Don't be afraid. I don't want to treat you like this. Brother Jun will teach you to play table tennis." Liu Jun smiled and said to Xie Yingying. .

"I...I don't want to learn." Xie Yingying said nervously.

Seeing that her best friend was already scared to cry, Liu Tingting didn't know where the courage came from. She pointed to Liu Jun's nose and said, "Liu Jun, if this matter reaches the ears of the school leaders, aren't you afraid of being punished?"

She just hoped that Liu Jun would be frightened by this sentence and be afraid, and don't do anything excessive.

After all, they are just two powerless, it is really not easy to leave in the face of so many boys.

But seeing Liu Jun's excessive treatment of Xie Tingting, she couldn't bear it any longer. She didn't want to see anything dangerous happen to her best friend.

This matter started because of her again. If she didn't bring Xie Yingying to join in the fun, she wouldn't be in this situation.

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