Published at 7th of February 2022 02:29:36 PM

Chapter 1465: Hard to get a vote

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"Brother Ye Chen, what are you laughing at?" Xie Yingying asked.

"Yes, brother Ye Chen, what are you laughing at?" Liu Tingting also asked with a smile.

"Nothing to laugh at." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

"I heard that Wang Hao is going to hold a concert in the Bird's Nest, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of people going to his concert."

"I think so too. Although Wang Hao is a new singer, he has a lot of fans who want to come."

The two girls are talking with each other.

Then they sighed together: "Hey, I really want to go to the scene to see it."

When they said this, they were also helpless.

Ye Chen could see the urgency of Xie Yingying and Liu Tingting wanting to watch the concert.

Girls of this age are very fond of chasing stars.

What's more, Wang Hao belongs to the kind who just walked out of the campus and exudes youth.

Ye Chen decided to make Wang Hao a popular target, and he also took a fancy to this.

Wang Hao is an artist in his company. For Ye Chen, this matter is too simple for him.

Ye Chen looked at the two girls in front of him and said, "You two little girls just want to go to the concert?"

"Of course, there are many girls in our class who want to see it." Liu Tingting nodded and said.

"It's not easy to see, I'll give you the money, you can buy tickets." Ye Chen said with a smile.

He thinks that Wang Hao is a new singer, and his concert should not be hard to get a ticket.

I thought the two girls would be happy.

Xie Yingying pouted and said, "Brother Ye Chen, you said it lightly, the concert tickets are already sold out, it's really hard to get a ticket."

Liu Tingting also echoed: "I heard other classmates discuss the matter of buying tickets this morning."

"I even checked on the Internet today, and even that kind of standing ticket has been sold out."

Hearing the words of the two girls, Ye Chen was also surprised.

He never dreamed that the ticket for Wang Hao's concert would be so popular.

Since Ye Chen held a meeting and determined Wang Hao's future development route, he has not paid attention to this matter anymore.

The company has a professional team, so there is no need for him to worry about it.

What's more, the boss of the company is Su Wanyi, and he only occasionally comes out to help.

Ye Chen's main task now is to write songs for Wang Hao.

With creative skills and Alan's copyright, Ye Chen is very familiar with this kind of thing.

But after hearing that concert tickets were so popular, Ye Chen couldn't help but be surprised.

"It is estimated that there must be other ways." Ye Chen smiled and comforted.

"Hey, I don't think so." Xie Yingying sighed again and said.

"Yingying, I think although we can't watch it on site, we can still watch the video online, right? It saves money." Liu Tingting comforted herself.

"Well, I originally wanted to use it to buy concert tickets. Now I can save money to buy beautiful clothes." Xie Yingying agreed.

Ye Chen knew that although the two girls said so, they didn't think so in their hearts.

Although he also belongs to the boss of Xingchen Media, this matter must be discussed with Su Wanyi.

In order to make the two girls happy, Ye Chen changed the subject and talked about something else.

The atmosphere just eased up a bit.

After eating, Xie Yingying and Liu Tingting returned to school under the **** of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen rode his electric car and drove towards Xingchen Media.

Just as the three of Ye Chen left the restaurant, the door of a box behind them opened.

It turned out that Liu Jun and several of his subordinates were sitting inside.

The conversation between Ye Chen and the two girls was clearly heard by Liu Jun and others.

He lost face with Ye Chen today, and he vowed to get it back.

At this time, Ye Chen had already arrived at the door of Xingchen Media.

He parked the electric car and swaggered towards it.

After seeing Ye Chen, the security guard at the door greeted him respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Ye."

When passers-by saw the scene in front of them, they thought the security guard was ill, and they would be so respectful to a deliveryman.

Ye Chen nodded at the security guards and went straight to the elevator.

On the way here, Ye Chen had already informed Wang Hao.

At this moment, he was waiting in the conference room.

Of course, there are also Su Wanyi and other staff here.

They are discussing matters related to the concert.

"Mr. Ye, are you here?" Wang Hao quickly stood up and greeted after seeing Ye Chen.

He knew that without Ye Chen, there would be no him now.

"Ye Chen, why didn't you tell me when you came?" Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"I'm not afraid to disturb your work." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

In fact, he didn't expect Su Wanyi to be in the company.

Could it be that everything over there has been settled, Ye Chen thought to himself.

"How are the preparations for the concert?" Ye Chen asked.

"The details have already been arranged, so I'm just about to get acquainted with the scene." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"Well, that's good, I can rest assured with you here." Ye Chen praised.

Su Wanyi's pretty face blushed, after all, there was someone next to her.

Seeing the girl's pretty face that was red with shyness, Ye Chen felt a burst of laughter.

He patted Wang Hao on the shoulder and said, "This is your first concert, don't be nervous, I'm very optimistic about you."

"By the way, I heard people say that the tickets for the concert have been sold out."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that, I thought no one would come to see it." Wang Hao scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

In fact, he didn't expect this ticket to be so popular, after all, he is a new singer.

How can it be compared with those old singers.

"You kid, how can you be so unconfident in yourself?" Ye Chen blamed with a smile.

Hearing this, Wang Hao didn't speak for a long time.

He scratched his head and said, "By the way, Mr. Ye, I have received a lot of calls in the past few days, telling me about business performances."

"There are people who want to ask you for help through me."

Of course Ye Chen knew what those people were looking for him for.

"Wang Hao, like this kind of phone call, you can just push it off for me. I don't help everyone."

Hearing Ye Chen say this, Wang Hao felt a warm current in his heart.

He felt that Ye Chen was really good, and gave him medical expenses for his girlfriend.

He also wrote songs for him to make him known.

And now for the concert, all of this was given to him by Ye Chen.

If there was no Ye Chen, there would be no Wang Hao today. It was the young man in front of him who helped him achieve him.

Wang Hao didn't have a trace of pride in his heart, but wanted to work hard to repay Ye Chen's kindness to him.

"Mr. Ye, I want to tell you..." Wang Hao said hesitantly.

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