Published at 16th of February 2022 09:42:10 AM

Chapter 1480: new plan

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Regarding Wang Hao's concert, he can provide a lot of new songs, so there is no need to worry about it.

And every capital can be shocking.

"I wish your concert a complete success. After your concert is over, I would like to discuss other things with you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

He felt that it was obviously not enough to rely on concerts alone. Later, he planned to let Wang Hao enter the film and television industry.

Since Ye Chen didn't continue talking, Wang Hao didn't ask any more.

Now he has devoted all his attention to preparing for the concert.

"Thank you, President Ye." Wang Hao nodded and said.

The two hung up the phone just like that.

At this time, Xie Yingying also came back to her senses, she said with a smile: "Brother Ye Chen, you are really kind, you not only cooked for me but also helped me so much, now I can go without any worries. I went to the concert."

"Yeah, Wang Hao will have a concert tonight." Ye Chen thought to himself.

No wonder I called him just now, he was really busy and confused.

Ye Chen looked at the happy girl in front of him, like a child, and laughed for a while.

"Yingying, I have nothing to do at night anyway, why don't I take you there." Ye Chen said.

The concerts are all at night, Xie Yingying, a girl acting alone so late, must be uneasy, not to mention that Ye Chen is still there.

He felt compelled to drop off the girl.

Xie Yingying was about to agree, but thinking about how troublesome Ye Chen was today, she felt a little embarrassed.

If Marven Ye was her boyfriend, then she would definitely not be polite, but in fact it was not the case.

"No need for Brother Ye Chen, Tingting and I are better, don't worry." Xie Yingying said with a wink.

"That's good, just be careful on the road for a while." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen and Xie Yingying went downstairs together

Ye Chen left on an electric car, and Xie Yingying took a car to find Liu Tingting.

In the Magic Capital Gymnasium, it was already full of people at the moment.

Everyone here is Wang Hao's fans. I have to say that Wang Hao is just a singer who has just debuted, and he has so many fans in a period of time.

The venue can accommodate 100,000 people.

Of course, Wang Hao's fans are more than that. There are many people who can't come to the scene because they can't get tickets.

Xie Yingying and Liu Tingting came to their seats with excited expressions.

"Yingying, you see that our position is so close to the stage, it's really cool." Liu Tingting said excitedly.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that we were so lucky, not only for being able to come to the scene, but also being so close." Xie Yingying echoed with a smile.

While the two were chatting, two men in black came from a distance.

The person in the lead asked very politely, "Excuse me, the two are Xie Yingying and Miss Liu Tingting, right?"

"Yes, who are you?"

Xie Yingying nodded and looked at the two men in front of her with a puzzled expression.

The two men looked familiar, as if they had met before, but couldn't remember for a while.

"That's it, we are Brother Hao's assistants, and the two are special fans. We need to interact with Brother Hao on stage later." Another man in black said with a smile.

After hearing the words of the man in black, Xie Yingying covered her mouth with her hands in surprise.

The two girls looked at each other with the same expressions on their faces, their eyes widened.

They could hardly believe what they had just heard.

I have to say that the two of them are really lucky. They had no chance to come to the scene at all, but they were lucky enough to be selected as lucky fans to get tickets.

Now I have the opportunity to interact with idols again.

It's really like a dream.

At this moment, neither Xie Yingying nor Liu Tingting can describe in words.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of the two girls, the faces of the two men in black showed evil smiles.

Because Xie Yingying and Liu Tingting have been immersed in the joy of happiness, of course they didn't notice anything.

"Two young ladies, I need to prepare in advance, please come to the backstage with us." The man in black said.

Xie Yingying and Liu Tingting were stunned when they heard backstage.

Another man in black hurriedly explained: "Because you will be on stage in a while, you need a makeup artist to do your makeup."

"We already painted it when we came." Xie Yingying said.

As she said, the two of them had already done their makeup at home in advance, just for Meimei to come to the concert.

"Oh that's right, your makeup is a little light, and the stage effect is not particularly good. I need to make it up for you. Don't worry." The man in black added again.

"Let's go, Tingting, let's hurry up, the concert will start soon." Liu Tingting pulled Xie Yingying to stand up.

In fact, she was very excited.

Seeing the two girls get up, the man in black said, "You two, please."

In this way, Xie Yingying and Liu Tingting walked in the middle, and the two men walked one after the other.

When they were out of sight of everyone, a few people suddenly rushed out of the corner.

The two girls were knocked unconscious before they could call, and were thrown into the back seat of a dilapidated van.

The man in black just called a number and said, "Brother, everything has been done, the girls are all in the hotel."

"Okay, well done." The other party said with a smile.

Ye Chen was lying on the bed when suddenly the phone rang.

When I glanced at it, it turned out to be an unfamiliar number, and I guessed that it must be a scam call or a sales call, and I had no plans to answer it at all.

The strange thing is that the phone rang many times in a row.

Ye Chen answered impatiently: "Who are you?"

"You don't care who I am, Xie Yingying and Liu Tingting are in my hands, you hurry up and send me the address. If you are late, you will be at your own risk." The other party said viciously.

Ye Chen felt that the other party was simply insane. He just had a phone call with Wang Hao ten minutes ago, and the two girls were at the concert.

After listening to the other party's words, Ye Chen didn't speak, but hung up the phone directly.

This made the person who called just now very angry, and he didn't expect that he would be ignored.

"Could it be that this kid doesn't care about the comfort of the two girls and dares to hang up my phone." The man said angrily to the phone.

It's not that Ye Chen doesn't care, now he has to confirm one thing first.

After hanging up, Ye Chen called Wang Hao.

He also knew that the concert was about to start, but there was nothing he could do.

"Mr. Ye, what's the matter?" Wang Hao asked on the phone.

He didn't know why the two of them had just finished talking on the phone, why Ye Chen called again at this moment.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!