Published at 16th of February 2022 09:42:08 AM

Chapter 1482: Poetry Tasting

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I thought that Xie Yingying had already entered the room to sleep, but found that the girl was still in the living room.

"Yingying, why are you still not sleeping?" Ye Chen asked.

"Brother Ye Chen, who did you call just now? Is it your girlfriend?" Xie Yingying asked instead of answering Ye Chen's words.

"Yes, it's getting late for Yingying, hurry up and go back to your room to sleep." Ye Chen said again.

"Brother Ye Chen, will you accompany me in?" Xie Yingying pleaded.

"I'll be outside, don't worry, I won't leave." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

It's a bedroom after all, and it's obviously not good for a big man to enter a girl's bedroom.

When Ye Chen called just now, Xie Yingying heard it clearly, and she also knew that Ye Chen would not leave.

But she just wanted Ye Chen to come into the house to accompany her, so that she would feel more secure.

"Brother Ye Chen, come in and accompany me." Xie Yingying said, no longer caring about her own image.

I don't know why when Ye Chen took the initiative to admit that she called her girlfriend, she liked Ye Chen even more.

I even wondered if I could take Ye Chen down today.

Helpless, Ye Chen could only follow Xie Yingying into the room.

It's a little awkward to be alone in the same room.

Ye Chen sat at the desk, looked at Xie Yingying and said, "Yingying, is it alright now? Go to sleep, if you don't sleep, I can leave."

After Xie Yingying heard Ye Chen's words, she obediently lay on the bed.

Seeing Xie Yingying lying down, Ye Chen also let out a sigh of relief, thinking in his heart, "This little aunt is finally obedient."

"Yingying, don't worry, I will definitely find out about this matter and find out the behind-the-scenes messenger to vent your anger." Ye Chen comforted.

"Brother Ye Chen, come up too." Xie Yingying pointed at the empty seat next to her with her pretty face flushed.

Ye Chen is not stupid, he knows that if he really lies there, something will definitely happen.

"No, it's fine for me to stay here." Ye Chen refused.

The next day, Ye Chen woke up feeling sore all over, and saw that he was lying on the table and fell asleep.

At this moment, Xie Yingying also opened her eyes.

"Yingying, you're awake, I'm going out to make breakfast for you now, so hurry up and pack up." Ye Chen said.

Xie Yingying blushed and nodded, she felt a little embarrassed for a man to appear in her room.

Ye Chen came to the kitchen to find the ingredients from the refrigerator and started to prepare breakfast.

When Xie Yingying came out, the sandwiches and milk were already on the table.

After the two of them finished eating, and packed up the dishes, Ye Chen decided to send Xie Yingying to school.

After Ye Chen drove Xie Yingying to school, he drove straight to Su Wanyi's company.

Because he felt that some things had to be made clear with Su Wanyi face to face, and I believed that Su Wanyi would not blame him after listening to his explanation.

All morning, Xie Yingying felt absent-minded, her eyes kept looking out.

When the get out of class bell rang, Liu Tingting walked to Xie Yingying's seat and pulled her up.

"Tingting, what are you doing?" Xie Yingying looked at her girlfriend and asked.

"Sister, have you forgotten that we are going to the Poetry Society?" Liu Tingting rolled her eyes at her and said.

In fact, she really forgot, mainly because her mind is full of Ye Chen's figure.

Seeing that her best friend didn't speak, Liu Tingting hurriedly asked, "Sister, don't tell me I haven't written it yet."

Xie Yingying did not speak, but followed Liu Tingting towards the poetry club.

At this time, there were already many classmates in the poetry club, Xie Yingying pulled Liu Tingting and sat in the back, and then carefully took out the piece of paper she had copied on the paper.

"Tingting, I'll show you something good."

"What good things will you have?" Liu Tingting asked in a low voice.

She took the piece of paper on which it was written and looked at it again and again.


"The bright moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time"


In the process of reading, Liu Tingting also fell into it like Xie Yingying before.

This poem, both in terms of words and emotions, is very well written, and it contains the kind of homesickness that surprised Liu Tingting.

Xie Yingying saw the surprised expression on her girlfriend's face, and a smug smile appeared on her face.

One after another, students entered the poetry club.

Zhou Tao and an old man were the last to walk in.

"Look, isn't that Professor Zhang from our college?" a classmate whispered in the audience.

None of the students present thought that Zhou Tao would invite Professor Zhang, who has profound literary attainments.

Zhou Tao stepped onto the stage, looked at the audience with a smug face and said, "Students, today is the day for us to appreciate poetry. I have the honor to invite Professor Zhang to comment on us. Please give us a round of applause and welcome."

Hearing the sound, there was warm applause from the audience.

"clap clap"

After the applause, Professor Zhang smiled and sat beside him.

"Now, please hand in all the poems you have written, and let Professor Zhang comment and guide them one by one."

The students handed over their works to Professor Zhang.

"Student Wang, our theme this time is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the poem you wrote is obviously off topic..."

"Student Yang, your poem is not bad on the whole, but it lacks the confrontation..."

Professor Zhang is very serious in making comments for the students who submitted the manuscripts, pointing out the problems and deficiencies in the poems.

The classmates who were praised were elated, but those who were criticized were dejected.

Xie Yingying and Liu Tingting, who were sitting in the back row, had been talking quietly.

"Yingying, do you think Brother Chen wrote this song?" Liu Tingting asked in a low voice.

"Is it great?"

Xie Yingying thought about it for a long time and could only use the word "powerful" to describe it, but she couldn't think of anything else that was more suitable.

"I think it's not only amazing, but too awesome."

Xie Yingying did not expect that her best friend would say such a thing, and it really fits her characteristics very well.

"Why don't you hand in such a good poem?" Liu Tingting asked with a puzzled expression.

"But I didn't write this after all, I'm very embarrassed." Xie Yingying expressed her doubts in her heart.

"What's the matter? You hand it in first and let the professor review it. You can't say you didn't bring it or write it when you're called later." Liu Tingting persuaded.

At this moment, Professor Zhang's voice came over.

"Two classmates, why haven't you given me your poems yet?"

Just now he saw his classmates get up one by one and hand in their works.

But the only thing I didn't see was the work of the two girls who were chatting below.

Xie Yingying was also startled when she heard it.

At this moment, Liu Tingting stood up with the paper on which the poems were written.

"Professor Zhang, I have a poem here."

When Liu Tingting said this, she was already walking towards Professor Zhang.

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