Published at 16th of March 2022 12:53:06 PM

Chapter 1497: old artist

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The two drove to the set.

I have to say that Tong Xiaoya really spent a lot of money this time, and the layout of the scene on the set also took a lot of thought.

It's enough to prove how important this movie is in Tong Xiaoya's heart.

Under the leadership of Tong Xiaoya, Ye Chen walked inside.

He saw a familiar figure, this person was none other than the famous director Zhang Mou.

And the actors in the crew, whether male or female, are all popular stars, and of course there are some old actors.

After seeing Ye Chen, everyone was very polite.

"Mr. Ye, you are here." Zhang Mou stepped forward and greeted him.

Before, because of Tong Xiaoya, he had cooperated with Ye Chen, and he admired Ye Chen's acting skills very much.

I didn't expect that this time, it was because Tong Xiaoya and the two could meet again and cooperate and guide.

"Director Zhang, hello." Ye Chen nodded lightly.

"Mr. Ye, as an acting director, you must guide and guide the actors of our crew." Zhang Mou said with a smile.

By chance, he and Ye Chen filmed a TV series called "Kite".

It was because Ye Chen suggested that he should change the script, that he was proud to bring tension to the protagonist's character and make the story more exciting.

At the same time, Ye Chen also vividly interprets Zheng Yaoxian's cunning, witty and ruthless character.

This is also a key reason for the fire of this TV series.

Zhang Mou has directed many TV dramas and movies, and it was like seeing a treasure in his cooperation at that time.

He wanted to cultivate Ye Chen well, but was politely rejected by Ye Chen.

After all, Zhang Mou is a famous director, and not everyone can invite him to move.

But when Tong Xiaoya told him that Ye Chen wanted to be an acting instructor, he readily agreed.

The people in the crew were also a little surprised when they saw Zhang Moudu's attitude of Ye Chen.

"Who is this handsome guy, and why are famous directors so polite to him."

"Look at the relationship between Miss Xiaoya and him."

"Yeah, it's really weird."

"But this little brother is really handsome. It would be great to be able to play with him."

Even a few popular little actresses looked at Ye Chen with a **** look, thinking how nice it would be to be a partner with Ye Chen in the play.

Everyone looked like Ye Chen with envy and jealousy.

Just when everyone was talking about Ye Chen, a very discordant voice suddenly sounded.

It doesn't fit the atmosphere of the set.

"Everyone, hurry up, my time is very precious."

"Do you know how much face I give you by agreeing to come here?"

"I just can't get used to the current group of young actors, it's really disrespectful."

Seeing that no one paid any attention to his words, he continued.

"Some people just can't figure out where they are, because they have some money at home, they really think that the studio is opened by your family."

"In our opinion, this kind of person's acting skills are not good, but they will show prestige."

This harsh voice sounded out of time.

The sound of footsteps came towards Ye Chen, who was holding the moon in the stars.

Ye Chen glanced at the person walking by, and he was also slightly startled.

Because he knew this man.

In Ye Chen's impression, he has seen many TV and movies he acted in.

Because of his imposing manner and the air of an emperor, this speaker usually plays the role of an emperor. He can really be said to be an old artist.

This person is Tang Qiang, in his fifties.

It is definitely an acting school, and every work he has participated in has been well received.

People in the entertainment industry respect him very much.

However, he has a disadvantage, that is, because of his protagonist halo, he often looks down on other actors.

I always feel that he is the only one who can act well, and no one else can.

Moreover, I also have a bad impression of young actors, thinking that they can't bear hardships, can't bear tiredness, and always look for substitutes.

In fact, his idea is also a bit one-sided. Not all young actors can't do it. They are also constantly improving their acting skills through hard work. No matter how dangerous the scenes are, they have to perform them themselves.

Tang Qiang was also a little angry when he saw Ye Chen surrounded by everyone.

He felt that he was the boss of the studio, the representative of the acting school, how could Ye Chen take away the halo.

In fact, Tang Qiang came to the set very early, and the people around him just nodded and said hello to him, and then he had been waiting here.

I originally thought that I could shoot directly when I came here, but I didn't expect that he would be left there.

But seeing Ye Chen shouting and hugging as soon as he came, how could this make him not angry.

This time, Tang Qiang came here also to play the emperor, and of course he was the protagonist of this movie, and he was the male lead.

This film by Tong Xiaoya is related to Emperor Qin, and of course there will be middle-aged and youthful periods.

It is very suitable to play the middle-aged Qin Huang with Tang Qiang's temperament.

However, after he came, it was a little depressing to see that he was so unpopular.

No one handed him a bottle of water and no one spoke to him.

He originally wanted to meet Tong Xiaoya, but he heard that Tong Xiaoya hadn't come yet, she should be on the way.

When he saw Tong Xiaoya and Ye Chen getting out of the car, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He, an old actor, waited here for so long, but Tong Xiaoya came here with this young actor.

When Tang Qiang came, Zhang Mou was there, but he ignored him.

But when Ye Chen came, he was so enthusiastic, and he took the initiative to say hello.

This made Tang Qiang feel that there was a big difference in the treatment.

He thought that Ye Chen was the kind of fresh meat who brought money into the group.

This is also the first time that Tang Qiang has encountered such a thing. He is covering half of his eyes and looking down on such young actors. Relying on the wealth of his parents, he has no respect for his superiors, and he completely ignores these old artists. .

He went straight to Ye Chen and said with a sneer, "Young actors today really don't know how high the sky is and don't have a bit of professionalism."

Then Tang Qiang continued to ask: "Little guy, I think you should know me. I was acting before you were born."

"You really thought that the set was run by your family, and you made everyone wait for you for so long, are you embarrassed?"

When Tang Qiang came to Ye Chen, he scolded him like this, and he didn't even think about saving Ye Chen any face.

Ye Chen looked at the man who looked like a madman in front of him, and was speechless in his heart.

He wondered if Tang Qiang had forgotten to take his medicine in the morning, so he kept barking like this.

Of course Ye Chen couldn't ignore such a sick person, he didn't even look at Tang Qiang directly.

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