Published at 16th of March 2022 12:53:05 PM

Chapter 1498: make you remember

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Ye Chen ignored Tang Qiang at all, and even regarded him as air.

It's not that I'm afraid of this old guy, it's mainly because of Tong Xiaoya's face.

If he gets into an argument with this old guy, it will make Tong Xiaoya embarrassed a bit.

Ye Chen originally wanted to calm down.

But Tang Qiang was unrelenting and continued to beep.

He had never been ignored by a young man like this.

Originally, Tang Qiang felt angry when he saw that everyone was shouting at Ye Chen and feeling that Ye Chen stole his limelight.

Now Ye Chen actually regarded him as air again, how could he not be angry in his heart.

"Little guy, I told you, did you hear it, don't think you'll be fine if you don't speak."

Ye Chen is not a vegetarian either. Seeing Tang Qiang being so aggressive, he also felt that he should do something.

People in the province thought he was a **** and bullied him arbitrarily.

Ye Chen felt that Tang Qiang was really ridiculous, and he really couldn't put himself in the right position.

Even if he is an old actor, even if he is an actor, he is not enough to watch in front of Ye Chen.

He doesn't even have the qualifications to be a dog licker.

Ye Chen felt that Tang Qiang was so self-righteous and should teach him a lesson.

Immediately, his body exuded the aura of an emperor, which shocked everyone present.

Tang Qiang also felt a sense of oppression, and even trembled in his heart.

But it was only for a moment, after all, he is an old showman, old senior, it would be a bit embarrassing to be like this in front of a young man.

How could Tang Qiang let others see his jokes?

Seeing Ye Chen's terrifying eyes, he pretended to be calm and said, "Young man, what are you staring at when you have something to say?"

"Besides, do you know that standing in front of you is an old artist who has dedicated his life to performing arts. Are you disrespectful to the old?"

"You are really uneducated, and you don't know how your parents taught you."

Tang Qiang said these words with courage.

There is a problem with old actors like him, that is, they think they are old, they think they are old and have experience, they look down on those young people, and they even like to teach others.

When Tang Qiang spoke, he also stared at Ye Chen with his eyes.

He knew that he could never lose in terms of momentum, so he had to use this to suppress Ye Chen.

Tang Qiang thought very well. He felt that for saying this, Ye Chen, as a young actor, should apologize to him.

After all, the showbiz is based on acting skills. He has acted in countless plays over the years, and he must be superior to Ye Chen's acting skills.

There are so many people on the set, and these people will definitely come out to round up the scene. After all, it is not good to hear a fight here.

It also has an impact on the entire movie, and there will be people who will come out to be the old man.

In this way, it was time for him to teach Marven Ye a lesson too, his position in the crew was more stable, and it also had the effect of killing chickens and warning monkeys.

See if those young people dare to ignore his existence.

Just when Tang Qiang looked at Ye Chen with pride.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Go away."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Qiang was stunned.

Ye Chen's performance was completely different from what he expected. He watched Ye Chen pass by him without saying a word for a long time.

Ye Chen, who was walking towards the front, was also a little depressed, thinking that he didn't read the calendar today, how could he meet such a fool.

Tang Qiang, who was relieved, was about to vomit out a mouthful of old blood.

He had never been treated like this before, and Ye Chen's performance was undoubtedly slapping him in the face in front of everyone.

Tang Qiang only felt that the old face was hot.

"Little guy, look you are courting death."

"If I find such a son, I will kill him, then I will educate you for your parents today."

He said that he was going to grab Ye Chen's collar.

"You take yourself too seriously."

"I'm still thinking of educating me for my parents, you're not qualified at all."

When Ye Chen said this, murderous aura surged.

Tang Qiang was so frightened that he also straightened his legs back, and he felt a dangerous aura.

Ye Chen didn't touch him, but Tang Qiang felt that someone strangled his neck, and his breathing became a little uncomfortable.

Tang Qiang is also a person who cherishes his life. He has not lived enough, and he does not want to die here.

Everyone present was surprised when they saw this scene.

Zhang Mou could see the anger on Ye Chen's face, he felt that this was different from Ye Chen just now, and he looked extremely terrifying.

Even more ruthless than the light shining in the eyes of the killers in the movie.

Seeing that Tang Qiang's face was pale, everyone had no sympathy for him, and felt that he deserved it and took it upon himself.

Tong Xiaoya was also stunned for a moment, Tang Qiang was indeed invited by him with a lot of money, the purpose was to make this movie well.

After all, the choice of actors is very important for a movie.

Tang Qiang's temperament is very suitable for acting as Emperor Qin.

But what Tong Xiaoya didn't expect was that this old guy dared to stab Ye Chen, and he really didn't know what to do.

Something that everyone didn't expect happened, and Ye Chen waved his palm and swiped at Tang Qian's face.

Tang Qiang was also stunned by the sudden slap.

"Old guy, you really think that you are an onion or a garlic."

"This slap is to put you in the right position."

Another "pop" sounded, and this slap blinded Tang Qiang.

"Old guy, this slap is for your parents to educate you, be low-key."

Then there was applause from the set.

"This is to tell you not to look down on young actors, they are more dedicated and dedicated than you."

Ye Chen did this to teach Tang Qiang a lesson, so that he would stop being so self-righteous.

At this moment, Tang Qiang's face has been turned into a pig's head by Ye Chen.

No one stopped Ye Chen on the set, but there was a round of applause.

Especially those young actors, their eyes were even a little wet.

From the moment he entered the crew, Tang Qiang criticized their faults in every possible way, saying that their acting skills were not good and they lacked professionalism.

Because of Tang Qiang's status and status in the entertainment industry and showbiz, all these people dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

I can only let this old guy bully like this.

It's not that no one has refuted it, but the final result is that Tang Qiang's arrogant arrogance is suppressed.

Later, no one dared to say a word to Tang Qiang.

What Ye Chen did today can be regarded as a complete slap in the face of Tang Qiang, and he spoke for these people, how could this make them dare not move.

Ye Chen has never been the kind of person who swallows his voice. He doesn't offend me and I don't offend anyone, but if he really provokes him, he will definitely not give up.

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