Published at 16th of March 2022 12:53:03 PM

Chapter 1500: Ye Chen's explanation

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What everyone didn't expect was that Ye Chen treated Tang Qiang like that just now.

Why did Ye Chen only praise Tang Qiang's acting skills and say nothing else?

Tang Qiang knows that in the entertainment industry, after all, those with superb acting skills are respected.

It's no surprise to Ye Chen's praise.

After all, he is a leader in the entertainment industry.

Ye Chen is just a hairy boy, even those famous directors will be deeply impressed by his acting skills.

Not to mention a rookie like Marven Ye.

Just when Tang Qiang was proud, Ye Chen said lightly.

"What I'm saying is that the group acted very well."

Hearing this sentence, laughter broke out on the set.

Ye Chen said that the group acted well, so what about Tang Qiang?

Where did he put the old senior Tang Qiang again?

Hear the laughter of the crowd.

Tang Qiang's face turned ashen.

Ye Chen repeated again.

"I was right."

"The expressions, demeanor, and movements of the group performers are all in place. Isn't that a good performance?"

Ye Chen said lightly.

"The most important thing is that these group performers didn't even have a laugh when they saw your performance was so bad. It's really rare. The professionalism of this group of people is really admirable."

After Tang Qiang heard Ye Chen's words, he was almost mad.

He shouted angrily, "Marven Ye, what do you mean by that?"

"I tell you, it doesn't matter how you treat me or insult me, but you can't question my acting skills."

Tang Qiang was trembling with anger, and he stuttered a little when he spoke.

"You...Although you have a background and strength, but...but I am not a person that you can insult casually."

"I can tell you that your acting skills are unmatched."

The more Tang Qiang said, the more excited he was, and he could only use words to show that he was not hiding from you about Ye Chen.

Because he couldn't beat Ye Chen at all, he didn't dare to beat Ye Chen even more.

Tang Qiang is still very confident in his acting skills. He feels that he is the first brother in the entertainment industry.

He knew even more that he couldn't compare to Ye Chen in terms of force, momentum, or connections.

But even so, when Ye Chen insulted his acting skills, he couldn't let it go.

Ye Chen knew that he had beaten Tang Qiang just now. After all, the other party was relatively old. If he did it again, he would obviously bully the elderly a bit.

He definitely can't do such a wrong thing, and he can't be caught by others.

And Ye Chen also knows that an old actor like Tang Qiang has always advertised his excellent acting skills, and even if he beats him, it is impossible to be convinced.

Now we must speak with strength.

The strength that Ye Chen was referring to was not financial strength and status.

It is the acting that Tang Qiang has always been proud of.

Marven Ye decided to defeat the old guy in this aspect next, and completely destroy his heart.

"What I said is just the truth. If you act well, I will naturally praise you."

"The sense of domineering you give people is not natural, but deliberate. This kind of acting is really too blunt and makes people look very fake."

Ye Chen pointed out what he saw.

But although Ye Chen said this, many people present felt that Tang Qiang's acting skills were really good.

Coupled with Tang Qiang's status as an old drama player and an old artist, he was even more impressed by his acting skills.

Of course Ye Chen is different from them. He is someone with god-level acting skills.

In his eyes, Tang Qiang's acting skills are simply not enough, and he even thinks it is very rubbish.

"Boy, I know you're targeting me. You don't like me playing better than you, and you hate me for saying that you brought money into the group, right? You're totally taking revenge on me." Tang Qiang growled loudly. .

He really couldn't stand Ye Chen insulting him like this.

Tang Qiang was a scholar who could not be humiliated.

He felt that Ye Chen was targeting him, nitpicking.

"Well, since you said that, I'll convince you." Ye Chen said lightly.

Tang Qiang certainly didn't think Ye Chen could say anything professional.

After all, this kid has never acted, at least he has never seen this face in his mind.

It is not as simple as what it says about the acting school. It needs experience, and in every play, it is necessary to sum up experience and continuously improve.

Not the kind that rely on paper alone.

After all, Tang Qiang has acted in a lot of plays, so he is naturally experienced.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhang Mou called all the actors over, and many of them even took out small notebooks to study the scriptures.

Everyone had heard Zhang Mou say something about Ye Chen before, and naturally knew that he had a high understanding of his acting skills.

If you can improve your acting skills after listening to Ye Chen's explanation, that's a very good thing.

You must know that it costs money to listen to this kind of professional class, and you can listen to it here for free, and the expressions of those young actors have become extremely excited.

Ye Chen looked at Tang Qiang indifferently and said, "I will teach you a good lesson today."

After Tang Qiang heard this, a disdainful expression appeared on his face.

He felt that Ye Chen was just talking big, and he had no ability at all.

Ye Chen ignored Tang Qiang and started talking.

"As we all know, Emperor Qin fought countless battles in one go, and Tang Qiang played the Emperor Qin in his middle-aged and old age."

"After Emperor Qin reached this period, how could he still have so much energy? It's impossible to always be so domineering. At that time, he was already in power."

"In addition, during this period of Tang Qiang's performance, Emperor Qin's health was already in bad shape. How could he still have so much energy?"

"Everyone's energy is limited. Emperor Qin is also a human being, not a god, but whenever Tang Qiang shows his domineering power, it's a bit too fake, and it makes people look unreal. affect the artistic effect."

Ye Chen explained patiently, and directly named Tang Qiang's shortcomings.

After everyone heard it, they also felt that it was very reasonable.

"If I were to play this Emperor Qin, he already has everything at the moment, so he doesn't need to show his domineering all the time. His domineering is to scare off others, and it was revealed before he got the world. Now he doesn't need to be so domineering at all. ."

Not only the people present were shocked by Ye Chen, but even Tang Qiang, who had been unconvinced, was surprised.

"In middle-aged and old age, Emperor Qin was no different from an ordinary old man, and his life was no different from that of an ordinary family, except that he ate better, but he didn't need to eat or show it when he slept. With that kind of domineering, do you think he is very tired?"

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