Published at 16th of March 2022 12:53:00 PM

Chapter 1502: King to the world

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Ye Chen's voice fell, and his body instantly burst into a domineering momentum.

Tang Qiang was just an ant in front of him, and killing him was like killing a bedbug.

Of course he couldn't do this in front of everyone, this is in the real world.

In this world, Ye Chen is not allowed to do whatever he wants, unscrupulous.

Tang Qiang should be thankful that he is alive in this world, otherwise he would have been dead in a different place by provoking Ye Chen like this.

Marven Ye decided to completely defeat this old guy in terms of acting skills.

Didn't you say that your acting skills are awesome, then I'll show you what it means to be really awesome.

Both Zhang Mou and Tong Xiaoya have seen Ye Chen's superb acting skills, and they have worked together in dramas before.

But at the moment, their faces were still full of shock.

You must know that when Tang Qiang played the role of Emperor Qin just now, people felt realistic, and no one could even surpass it.

But Ye Chen crushed him in his aura.

Tang Qiang was still self-righteous at this moment.

"I want to see how you act, kid."

"You're still a little too tender if you want to be big in front of me."

When he said these words, he even laughed to himself.

Tang Qiang always felt that Ye Chen was talking big, and he never thought that it was all true.

Thinking of being beaten by Ye Chen just now, he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

He must find this face back.

"Boy, let's see, if you come to the show, I'll call you grandpa. If you can't perform, you'll have to slap yourself, and you can't get involved in this circle again, how about that?"

"Forget it, I don't want unfilial descendants like you."

Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

He has the aura of an emperor who is rewarded by the system, how could he not be able to act.

Don't say it's a performance, it will definitely be thrown out of the street than Tang Qiang's acting skills.

When Ye Chen activated the aura of the emperor, countless golden light groups got into Ye Chen's body.

However, only Ye Chen could see this golden light.

The aura of the emperor was continuously injected into Ye Chen's body.

At this moment, his eyes, temperament and body are changing.

This kind of change is also invisible, so that everyone around can't notice it.

Ye Chen also closed his eyes, feeling the domineering power of Emperor Qin.

When he opened his eyes again, his body was covered with a layer of gold, as if a yellow robe was on his body.

Ye Chen's body exuded incomparable domineering.

Everyone widened and Yaning looked at Ye Chen in front of him, and with his gestures, he exuded the breath of an emperor.

Now Ye Chen is like a real emperor.

Even when some people saw Ye Chen, they were already kneeling on the ground by his imposing manner.

Tong Xiaoya was also shocked by the scene in front of her, and she was also a little scared in her heart.

And those who doubted Ye Chen were also shocked by his acting skills.

Everyone has the same feeling, that is, the person in front of them is Emperor Qin, the emperor who is all-powerful.

Ye Chen didn't need any words at all, and he didn't even need to act deliberately, he was Emperor Qin.

Tang Qiang was also surprised when he saw this scene, not only surprised but shocked.

He looked at Ye Chen in disbelief.


"how did you do it?"

"It's even more like what I did."

Although Tang Qiang was wearing an emperor's costume, Ye Chen didn't feel like an emperor in the slightest.

At this moment, he is like the **** beside Ye Chen, and Ye Chen is the real emperor.

Tang Qiang was shocked by such a scene, and he even froze there.

He still couldn't believe it.

The young man in front of him was able to show such a powerful imperial aura, and that domineering feeling came from within.

Tang Qiang knew that he just acted on purpose just now, which was completely different from Ye Chen's feeling.

Ye Chen is the real one, but he is just a fake.

The people around were also discussing.

"This acting just blows up."

"I think it's not acting at all, it's real."

"For some reason, I have the urge to kneel."

"Now I feel like Tang Qiang is standing there like a eunuch, it's really ridiculous."

"I want to see who dares to question Ye Chen's acting skills now."

Marven Ye doesn't care what others say about him, whether it's good or bad.

On the contrary, Tang Qiang felt that the words of those people were slapped on his face like a slap.

His old face also turned red.

Not only those actors felt like they were about to kneel, but even Zhang Mou, who had been filming countless scenes, felt the same way.

Tang Qiang has always been proud of his temperament for playing the emperor.

Now it's a slap in the face.

"Marven Ye, he's really handsome."

"Now is the kind of regal feeling I want."

"That's the real acting, and the real artist."

Zhang Mou also said excitedly.

Ye Chen looked at the dumbfounded Tang Qiang with a sneer.

Now the arrogant expression on Tang Qiang's face has disappeared, but replaced by shock and surprise.

The whole person also became listless.

Ye Chen said proudly.

"Tang Qiang, now you know what the qi of an emperor is, how do you interpret the arrogance of Emperor Qin?"

Tang Qiang was also taken aback by Ye Chen's voice.

He felt that it was not Ye Chen who was standing in front of him at the moment, but Emperor Qin.

Tang Qiang's expression also became a little dazed.

He even wanted to kneel down to Ye Chen.

Because Tang Qiang didn't completely lose his mind, he suppressed the impulse in his heart.

It would be really embarrassing to kneel down to Ye Chen in public.

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly said.

"Tang Qiang, I remember you just said that if I played better than you, you would kowtow to me and call me grandpa."

"I think it's okay to call him grandpa, you just kneel down and kowtow to me and apologize."

Ye Chen's words also made Tang Qiang's face pale.

How could a senior like him kneel in front of a junior?

And also because the acting is not as good as others.

Of course, Tang Qiang couldn't do this easily. There are so many people present. Isn't this a joke for people to see him.

"Boy, I admit that you played better than me, but let me kneel for you, the door is..."

Tang Qiang didn't finish his words.

Ye Chen burst out with the spirit of an emperor, watching him speak loudly like a bell.

"Kneel down..."

Those two words echoed throughout the set.

Ye Chen stood in the middle with his hands behind his back, feeling like he was ruling the world.

The terracotta warriors and horses behind him seemed to feel the aura of an emperor, as if their expressions had all changed.

At this moment, their eyes seemed to be looking at Ye Chen, their king.

Ye Chen walked forward, and the eyes of the terracotta warriors behind him seemed to follow his footsteps.

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