Published at 16th of March 2022 12:52:59 PM

Chapter 1503: merciless refusal

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These terracotta warriors seemed to be waiting for Ye Chen's order, and as long as he gave an order, they would attack the enemy.

Everyone present was shocked and their mouths grew big.

I even felt that the ground was shaking with the movement of Ye Chen's footsteps.

Tang Qiang was so frightened by this momentum that his legs became weak and knelt directly in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's domineering power is simply too strong, he has a sense of oppression.

Tang Qiang said with a trembling voice.

"This,'s just horrible."

Not only did he kneel down, but he also kowtowed heavily to Ye Chen.

Tang Qiang kept begging Ye Chen for mercy, because he had already felt the breath of death.

"I was wrong, please don't kill me.".

Where does he still have that arrogant aura at the moment, he was frightened in front of Ye Chen.

Tang Qiang even had the illusion that the person in front of him was Emperor Qin.

At this moment, he finally knew how big the gap between him and Ye Chen was.

"It's terrifying, it's really terrifying."

"How do I feel that this is not played by Ye Chen at all, but true."

"It actually feels like the ground is shaking."

Everyone looked at the young man in front of him in shock.

But no one thinks that he is Ye Chen, but thinks that he is Emperor Qin.

Tong Xiaoya has a feeling of heartbeat, the man in front of her is really too handsome.

Everyone knows that acting is impossible at all, it is from the inside out.

Some even suspected that Ye Chen in front of him was the reincarnation of Emperor Qin.

Otherwise, how could it be so realistic, like the deity of Emperor Qin.

Ye Chen also saw everyone's performance and knew that the effect had been achieved.

He put away the emperor's aura.

I have to say that Ye Chen's performance just now really shocked everyone.

Some even had hallucinations.

That's right, those feelings of the resurrection of the Terracotta Warriors and the shaking of the earth were all created by Ye Chen.

Of course, these are all fake. If it is true, it is estimated that Ye Chen would not dare to stay here.

At this moment, Tang Qiang stared at Ye Chen in a stunned manner, a look of despair.

He finally knew that he was a scum in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's performance completely shattered Tang Qiang's pride.

destroy his self-confidence.

Looking at Tang Qiang, who was slumped on the ground, he sneered at him and turned to leave.

For such self-righteous people, Ye Chen has never been pitiful.

Tang Qiang blamed himself for this, and could not blame others.

Several staff members hurriedly subdued Tang Qiang and took him out of the studio.

Zhang Mou also trembled a little.

He feels that this is the real acting skill, and Ye Chen is a veritable acting skill.

The domineering spirit shown by Ye Chen is what the Qin emperor should have.

Zhang Mou looked at Ye Chen with a surprised expression and said.

"Your acting skills are really amazing, you can directly crush those old artists."

Ye Chen in front of him was like a treasure that Zhang Mou had found, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

"I decided to let Ye Chen play Emperor Qin."

Of course, this is not something he can decide alone, and the key depends on Ye Chen's opinion.

"Mr. Ye, I plan to make you the starring role, what do you think?"

Hearing Zhang Mou's words, everyone in the audience widened their eyes in shock.

No one thought that Ye Chen's acting skills just now defeated Tang Qiang and conquered Zhang Mou's heart.

The leader of the entertainment industry was replaced directly because of Ye Chen's appearance.

This move is a bit too crazy.

If this news spreads, it will be like a bomb causing a sensation in the entertainment industry.

"Director, this is inappropriate."

The assistant came over and said to Zhang Mou.

"Marven Ye is not in the cast list, so it's a bit against the rules to make him the protagonist temporarily."

"And if netizens know about this, they will definitely fry the pot."

Zhang Mou knew that his assistant's concern was justified.

If you change roles temporarily, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among netizens.

The most important thing is that the old drama bone Tang Qiang was replaced, and he was replaced by a little fresh meat.

Netizens who don't know why are bound to do things.

Zhang Mou ignored the assistant's words and spoke instead.

"Mr. Ye's acting skills are so superb. If the film has him starring, the box office will definitely be very high. I have confidence in this."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense here, I've made up my mind."

At this moment, Zhang Mou seems to be obsessed, and he wants Ye Chen to be the starring role of this movie.

He also firmly believed in his heart that as long as Ye Chen played this role, he would definitely be the first at the box office.

Maybe even win an Oscar.

I have made a lot of films before, but because of the actors, I missed this award.

This time Zhang Mou decided to win this award, and even pinned his hopes on Ye Chen.

Seeing the determination of the big director Zhang Mou, he must replace the old drama bone Tang Qiang and let Ye Chen play.

Everyone was shocked and speechless.

Tong Xiaoya didn't expect that Zhang Mou would let Ye Chen star in this movie.

"Director Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm going to reject your kindness. This is not the life I want at all, I just want to be a happy deliveryman." Ye Chen smiled indifferently.

Hearing Ye Chen's answer, everyone was stunned.

This is a very rare opportunity, and one that many people yearn for.

Ye Chen even refused directly.

"My God, I heard that right."

"It's really interesting that a big star with a bright future is going to deliver food."

"This person is also a little too arrogant, and he doesn't appreciate it."

"It's too hard to believe."

Everyone present was frightened by Ye Chen's voice.

As we all know, how critical Zhang Mou's eyes are, it is a blessing that he has cultivated in several lifetimes.

Thinking about the future, it can be said that it will be smooth sailing in the entertainment industry, and it will be a big hit.

But the young man in front of him refused mercilessly.

How can this not surprise everyone?

You must know Zhang Mou's opportunity, but how many people can't get it.

But Ye Chen didn't even cherish it.

Ye Chen ignored everyone's discussions. He had his own ideas and would not be influenced by others at all.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he walked out.

Zhang Mou himself was also surprised.

"How is it possible, Ye Chen actually refused my invitation."

Looking at Ye Chen's back, Zhang Mou was still in shock at the moment, unable to extricate himself.

Ye Chen left the set, looked at the sky outside, and took a breath of fresh air.

The atmosphere inside was a little too embarrassing.

After all, what Ye Chen rejected was a famous domestic director, which was not very good for Zhang Mou.

He knew that Zhang Mou invited him because of his acting skills and because he had cooperated before.

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