Published at 16th of March 2022 12:52:56 PM

Chapter 1505: S.O.S

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Ye Chen knew that the other party had changed the house number.

He knocked on the door of room 601, and there was an impatient voice behind the door.

"You put the door of the room, and I will throw the money out for you."

Ye Chen hurriedly refused and said, "That won't work. What if I take things away and default on the debt?"

He knew he had to let the man open the door before he could see what was inside.

"Then what do you think?" the man asked in a displeased voice.

"You open the door, let's hand over the money and the goods." Ye Chen said lightly.

The man frowned after hearing this and ignored Ye Chen.

He didn't expect to meet such a difficult deliveryman.

Ye Chen didn't give up, and continued to knock on the door.

Hearing the constant knocking on the door, the man's expression was a little irritable.

He knew that if Ye Chen continued to knock on the door like this, it would definitely attract other people, which would be very unfavorable to him.

The man opened the door angrily and said angrily.

"Knock and knock, I told you to put things at the door, and you still..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Chen had already blocked the door with his feet.

Even if this man wants to close the door now, it is impossible.

The man didn't expect Ye Chen to do this, and he also regretted it a little.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Seeing the tall man standing in front of him with cold eyes, the man was also a little scared.

Ye Chen ignored the man, pushed him aside, and walked in.

He said with laundry detergent and takeaway in his hand.

"I'm going to give this to your wife."

When Ye Chen said this, he looked inside the house and looked around.

He found that the house was in a mess, as if it had been turned over.

And the man in front of him was wearing leather shoes and didn't change his shoes at all.

There was also a puppy jumping up and down in the room, apparently frightened.

The man kept covering his nose and sneezing constantly, looking very uncomfortable.

Marven Ye knew that he should be allergic to dog hair.

Through observation, Ye Chen frowned, and sure enough, it was the same as what he thought, this is not the man's home at all.

It seems that this Miss Liu is indeed in danger.

At this time, a woman with disheveled hair walked out of the room. Although she was wearing home clothes, it could be seen that her appearance was quite high.

"Hello, is it my takeaway?" the woman asked in a panic.

While speaking, she walked towards Ye Chen very urgently.

Seeing this, the man hurriedly glared at the woman and said, "What are you doing out here, go back quickly."

Seeing this, the woman shrank her neck in fright, and hurriedly took a few steps back.

"Hello, Miss Liu, this is your takeaway and the laundry detergent you asked me to buy." Ye Chen said.

Seeing this, the woman looked a little puzzled, and walked towards Ye Chen again.

How could a man let a woman approach Ye Chen, he hurriedly blocked the woman's way, and said with a smile.

"Darling, didn't I just tease you and say I wouldn't cook for you? As for takeout? How unsanitary is this thing?"

From the man's expression, Ye Chen could see that all this was faked.

On the surface, it looks intimate, but it is actually a threatening question.

The woman was too scared to speak, and looked at Ye Chen pitifully.

Ye Chen glanced at the man in front of him, and although he had a smile on his face, the hand holding the woman was obviously working hard.

It even hurts women.

From this, it can be seen that the intimacy is fake, and the intimidation is real.

The woman looked at the laundry detergent in Ye Chen's hands with a puzzled expression, she didn't let Ye Chen bring any laundry detergent at all.

At this time, she seemed to understand Ye Chen's intentions.

In fact, Ye Chen just used this thing to test the woman's reaction.

If she was safe, she would deny it, and let herself take it away.

But if the situation is dangerous, the woman will make other reactions, or give him some information.

Sure enough, as Ye Chen expected, the woman was nervous and uneasy and said, "Brother courier, I don't want this brand of laundry detergent, are you mistaken? My order number is 9349426, please check again. Thank you."

The man's expression became a little gloomy when he heard the conversation between the two.

After Ye Chen heard the number said by the woman, he quickly realized that it was a distress signal.

Because he clicked what the woman said on the Jiugongge mobile phone keyboard, and it actually showed "danger"

The woman had to pass on the message to him that she was in danger.

Ye Chen understood and glanced at the man.

When the man and Ye Chen looked at each other, their expressions were obviously disturbed.

With a fierce look in his eyes, he was ready.

I even thought of doing one thing or another, and I solved Ye Chen.

Ye Chen knew that the woman was still in the hands of this man, and her life was being threatened.

He couldn't act rashly.

"I'm sorry, I checked it, and it was indeed my mistake, so I'll go buy you a bottle now."

Ye Chen glanced at the man and woman, then wrinkled out.

When the man saw Ye Chen turn and leave, the fierce light in his eyes subsided a lot, and his heart was no longer so nervous.

"I'm really sorry, I'll be back in ten minutes, it won't take too much time."

The moment he walked out, he saw the pleading eyes of the woman.

Ye Chen closed the door, then took out his phone.

He knew that within these ten minutes, the woman in the house was definitely safe, and it was impossible for a man to run away in such a short period of time.

Through Ye Chen's observation just now, he felt that this man was only for robbing money and would not harm a woman's life.

Like this kind of person, then if you don't stimulate him, he will not kill.

Usually they take the money and leave.

People like them don't want to carry their lives on their backs. Robbery and murder are different in nature after being caught by the police.

Although Ye Chen believed that he had stabilized the man, he still needed to call the police.

Instead of calling 110 directly, he dialed a phone number.

Ye Chen felt that this was relatively safer and faster.

The longer the time, the greater the danger to that woman.

Ye Chen dialed the phone number, and after the other party connected, he asked in the first sentence.

"Why do you have time to think of me today and call me?"

Zhou Susu was also surprised when she received Ye Chen's call.

You must know that Ye Chen has not contacted her for a long time, and now she suddenly called, which made Zhou Susu feel a little puzzled.

If it were normal, Ye Chen would joke with Zhou Susu.

But today the situation is different, after all, this is a big matter of human life.

He opened his mouth and said, "I went to the community to deliver food and found that a family had entered the gangster, and the woman's life was in danger."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!